Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1156: Great Lake (3)

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In fact, it seems a bit inappropriate to use the word handsome to describe a woman, but as far as Zhang Yang ’s feeling is concerned, it seems that there is no more appropriate word to describe the eccentric 'mermaid' girl in front of her.

Speaking of this, although the mermaid girl with obvious elven clan characteristics looks young, but because the elf clan has a much longer lifespan than humans, Zhang Yang actually can't tell how old this handsome mermaid woman is. Just from the face of it, Zhang Yang thinks she should look a little younger than Jason, right?

"It turns out that this dark thing outside you is a kind of armor, I thought ..."

"Why? I thought I would be some kind of aquatic warcraft?"

"At least you never thought you would be an elf."

Zhang Yang was telling the truth, as far as the black armor she was wearing outside, let alone be mistaken for Warcraft, if you change a smaller burden, it seems that it is possible to treat it as a demon !

"This is a special armor used by fishhermen. After all, if you want to deal with those blue feather thunderbirds. Without these special armor that can protect against lightning damage, it is almost equivalent to death. And ... we are no longer elves, now. We can only be regarded as a monthly mermaid, a monster between the elves and the water snake ... "

Hearing this, Zhang Yang understood it all at once, and said that this set of black paint seems to be a layer of mud-like armor, should it be something equivalent to protective clothing? And it's the kind of protective clothing that protects against lightning damage.

(However, it can isolate the damage of thunder and lightning in the water. This set of armor that ugly emerged from the new realm does not seem to be as unbearable as its appearance. And listening to her tone, it seems that she is quite disgusted with her appearance.)

Although he couldn't help feeling, Zhang Yang would not say this. In contrast, there are far more secrets in the opponent's body than this armor.

"Hearing that you mentioned yourself as a 'fishherder' a few times, is it your job to raise these fish? In fact, in terms of the environment in this vast water area, it seems that you don't need you to raise them at all?"

"No, our fish herders are not fish farmers, but people who drove some fish to the water on time. In fact, it doesn't matter if you tell you, we had the Blue Rain Thunderbirds a long time ago. With the covenant, we will provide them with a certain number of fish every day, and they living on the shore of Moon Shadow Lake will not attack us and help us guard here. "

Hearing Zhang Yang's heart in the word "guard" slightly moved, he learned from the book that part of the high elves entered the sea when the great changes occurred on the mainland, and became a kind of life under the influence of the Sunwell. The humanoid Naga in the sea.

However, the legendary Naga family is not brutal, and it has an extremely strong hostility to all other intelligent creatures, and they themselves have changed from the noble and beautiful elves to a water snake and lizard complex. Horror creature.

Therefore, Zhang Yang felt that the guy who appeared in front of him at the moment should not be the legendary Naga, but some kind of creature that people had not heard of.

"Originally, then it seems that your monthly family seems to have lived in this great lake for a long time?"

Hearing Zhang Yang's words, Benz suddenly showed a touch of sadness in her eyes, but she might have never been in contact with outsiders, so she didn't seem to be very wary of Zhang Yang.

"It has been too long, too long. When our family came here, the Elven Empire was still there. How long did you say it was?"

(Isn't it at least 4,000 years old for this calculation?)

"I'm taking the liberty to ask, why are you here, what are you guarding? And as far as I know, some of the high elves turned into Naga were affected by the explosion of the Sunwell, and if you have not experienced How could that ... "

Zhang Yang said that he didn't continue here, but he just put his eyes on the other half of the other party's water snake.

"Sorry for humanity, I can't answer your first question about you because of the existence of family rules, but I want to warn you, turn around and leave Moon Shadow Lake while the Blue Feather Thunderbird has just left, and never come back!"

The sudden change in the attitude of the other party made Zhang Yang somewhat surprised, but at this moment he still could not feel the slightest hostility from the other party, so Zhang Yang simply continued:

"I'm actually just passing by here and wanting to go back to the human kingdom to the north. I really don't have the slightest thought of peeping at what you are guarding, so you don't have to be so nervous."

"No, you don't understand at all, we ... just leave in a hurry. Although I don't know what kind of strength you have, but if you want to live, leave quickly. If you can't, just detour. This is what My advice to you. "


"Yes, from here to bypass the Great Lakes and head northwest, you can reach the human kingdom."

"How far is it?"

"No more than three hundred miles."

"... Okay, let's put this question down for a while, and then you said that you can't answer my first question, so what about the second one? How could you become ... this way?"

Feeling that Zhang Yang didn't seem to take her words seriously, Benz shook his head helplessly, but then said:

"Like those Naga tribes, our month-by-month tribe is also because of the power of the Sun Well. It ’s just that the Naga became ugly and cruel because they passively received the Sun Well. Influence. And our ancestors took the initiative to become like this after using special methods and rituals, in order to be able to become the guardians here. "

(Guardian? Not a guardian?)

At this moment, Zhang Yang has heard the word "Guardian" from the other party's words for the third time. In fact, although there is only one word difference between "Guardian" and "Guardian", the meaning is completely different. !

But I didn't wait for Zhang Yang to think about why. At this moment, this handsome mermaid woman named Benz had her hands folded like Zhang Yang's strange etiquette, and said with expectation:

"This strong man, can I know your name? Can I ask you to do me a favor?"

In fact, this is actually a bit abrupt for Zhang Yang. After all, the two of them talked up to five points from the moment they met. Except for barely being able to know each other, they can't talk about any friendship at all. Therefore, in this case, the other party suddenly made a request, which is a bit outrageous.

However, thinking that he only asked the other party so many questions, the other party also mostly answered himself. Therefore, while Zhang Yang said his name, he also wanted to hear what the other party was asking for.

"You can call me Wright, I don't know what you want me to do for you?"

"Actually, I don't know if there is a chance, but if possible, can you help me send a message to the current Elven Kingdom?"

"It's difficult. After all, there is a sea of ​​storms between the elven continent and today's Orlando continent, and there is little chance to pass the message on."


After hearing this news, the eyes of this mermaid girl named Benz suddenly became a little dim, but looking at her such a loss of soul, Zhang Yang felt a little unbearable, so he sighed and added:

"But I will try my best to help you find a way. After all, I have a friend of the elven clan. According to him, after he has enough strength, he seems to find a way to return to the elven continent. At that time, I think he should be willing to help."


"Well, he's not going to quit this little favor."

"Great! Our family has been stuck in this Moon Shadow Lake for too long for the original promise, and since the Elven Empire no longer exists, why should we stay here again? So I want to ask you to help Our month-to-month tribe gives the elven kingdom a little bit today, to tell them about the existence of the month-to-month tribe, and ask them if there is any way they can help me recover my former body, that's all. "

"Okay, I will try to help you pass it on, but I can't give you any guarantee for the rest."

Hearing Zhang Yang's words, Benz finally showed a soft smile belonging to the woman, and then she nodded to Zhang Yang, and then put on the ugly black helmet again, twisting the water snake like His lower body turned and disappeared into the deep black water in the distance.

(It's ... an admirable and poor group of guys ...)

In fact, Zhang Yang is not to blame. If you know that everything that this mermaid woman Benz said is true, then their elf clan may have guarded their duties in this great lake for thousands of years!

Even in terms of the relatively long life of the elves, this is enough to call it a long time. Coupled with the fact that they now have the appearance that the upper body is the elf and the lower body is the water snake, so even the people of the month-to-month clan want to give up their duties and leave.

So it can be said that since the month-by-month clan became the guard of this great lake, their entire family has become prisoners of this great lake!

In this case, these people can still maintain a relatively peaceful and kind attitude, which Zhang Yang really feels very admired.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang glanced again in the direction where the mermaid girl left, and then continued to put away some fish that had not floated away, and finally carried a long list of large and small fish to the shore, and then After putting these fish in the ring of space in turn, he took out the venomous sword blade gun again, looking for a slightly raised rock on the nearly vertical rock wall, jumped a few times and pierced the rock with the sword blade gun for help. Back to the cave he dug.

(Then leave tomorrow, and if you just want to ride a raft without going into the water, should there be no problem?)

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