Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1282: Flange split

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July 13, 2182, a day destined to be remembered by countless people.

It should be known that since mankind obtained the most beautiful area of ​​the Orlando continent from the hands of the elves, the bimonthly calendar has been replaced by the magic calendar. It can be said that even if mankind has not completely occupied Orlando, the world's dominance has basically fallen into the hands of mankind.

Since the establishment of the four great kingdoms of mankind, there have been 2,182 years. This is the transition of a race from the lowest slave to the master of the world, and it is also the trajectory of an era.

However, on the day of July 13, 2182 in the magic calendar, the four largest human populations in the region have the largest population. The French Empire, which is called the pillar of the human kingdom, has finally erupted after more than two thousand years of stable inheritance. The field is likely to drag all humans into the splitting civil war of the abyss!

And it was the seven princes of the French Empire that triggered all this!

The oldest, but not very talented, great prince Adam Franks.

With the strongest force among the seven princes, he has always commanded the second prince Abel Franks of the Second Army of the French Empire.

The handsome, deep-minded, but somewhat arrogant third prince Aden Franks.

The fourth prince, Adonis-Franks, who was most loved by the old emperor and the most straightforward compared to other brothers.

The silent, yet self-disciplined fifth prince Jarvis Franks.

The six princes Amos-Franks who are greedy for money, arrogant, and arrogant.

And the seven princes are the youngest, only 13 years old, and currently the only seven prince Alexander-Franks staying in the capital of Franks.

They are the sons of the old emperor Aldridge-Franks, but unfortunately because the old emperor was so arrogant and suspicious that he did not appoint his heir until he suddenly died.

Of course, it was naturally impossible for the former emperor of the French Empire to have sons, but no matter whether it was the old emperor himself or the noble ministers underneath, he instinctively removed the twenty-two princesses of the French Empire from the heirs. Ruled out.

So after nearly a year of stalemate, several senior princes sitting on large tracts of land, many followers, and a large number of armies finally abandoned the emotional bond that the brothers had maintained on the surface, and decided to use their own strength and The most real iron and blood to seize the unresolved supreme throne.

So the original unified Frankish Empire fell apart instantly, but what some princes did not expect was when they successively declared themselves to be the orthodox emperors of the Frankish Empire and prepared to launch a civil war based on their fiefdoms. Some of the big nobles who were still on the sidelines were holding the banner of the royal blood, and learned the prince's independence one by one.

Only because of identity reasons, these original nobles did not claim to be emperors, but instead claimed to be kings. So almost overnight, on top of the ruins of the French empire that collapsed suddenly, counted a few princes suddenly appeared fifteen big and small kingdoms!

And just on the third day after the establishment of these kingdoms, **** and brutal war broke out between several neighboring kingdoms!

So finally, the human kingdom that has maintained a calm state for more than two thousand years is finally completely messed up by internal disputes. In contrast, it is just a short period of time. Although the village is not easy to live in, it is still a stable village. Nearly half of them were affected by the war or directly destroyed, not to mention the countless ordinary people who were displaced by the family.

So the war has never changed, even if it has changed countless worlds, its essence is still like endless competition and killing. However, correspondingly, although most ordinary people suffer because of the war, there are always a few who benefit from it.

Therefore, there is a group of people whose path and meaning of existence are more suitable for the chaotic situation at hand. They are mercenaries, a group of swords and weapons in their hands, as well as their own strength and life. Professionals who can't stop the battle to gain fame and wealth!

In the past peacetime, besides occasionally receiving mercenaries to kill robbers, the mercenaries were mostly doing **** caravans, protecting towns, and resisting or hunting Warcraft.

However, although this kind of work is relatively stable, it seems not only uninteresting to many mercenaries, but the most important thing is that after so much hard work, it won't make much money, and if something goes wrong, it will also kill you.

Therefore, many mercenaries will choose to go to the front of the **** battle and choose to prove their worth by fighting the orcs. However, the orcs are not lambs to be slaughtered, so the mercenaries who can earn glory and wealth from the front line of the **** battle and eventually come alive are actually very rare.

Now, however, it is different. The chaotic situation formed after the split within the French created countless opportunities for mercenaries. Whether it is employed in a kingdom to join the battle, or wandering around the battlefield to be a free headhunter, and even occasionally guest robbers when no one knows, this is the stage for mercenaries.

After all, no matter from which point of view, almost every race is the best at dealing with its own race, which is also a kind of deep sorrow. This is true for humans, and so are Orcish people, even between Warcraft ...

So not to mention the fact that these dozens of kingdoms, big and small, are fighting against each other in history, and each kingdom alone strives to get as much external help as possible, and at the same time tries to prevent the opponent from increasing its strength, Let those unorganized mercenaries taste the great sweetness at once, and then in a few days the commission has turned up several times!

However, not all mercenaries are happily involved in this unprecedented human race. Except for some large mercenary groups that were originally secretly formed by the princes, the remaining large and medium-sized mercenary groups have a little history and strength. At this moment, he didn't join in, but chose to work hard to gather his own combat power and wait and see.

The reason why this is so is that in addition to not wanting to stand as a consumable prematurely, it is more because the attitude of the mercenary country Ladovia is also confusing. It stands to reason that the current situation of separatism among the princes in the French territory should be a great opportunity for mercenaries to show their fists.

But somehow, Ladovia, which was founded by mercenaries, did not respond at all this time, but began to vigorously strengthen the fortifications facing the Warcraft Forest in the north and the Orc Kingdom in the Campas in the south. It seems that it is a bit unprepared to join it. meaning.

Many people ca n’t figure out why. To understand the power of Ladovia, the mercenary country, even if the four mercenary regiments ca n’t fight against other human kingdoms due to their previous vows, the other Once those large and medium mercenary regiments intervene, they will even play a repressive role on the local battlefield in a short time!

Fortunately, this world has never been smart, so soon someone guessed the key to the matter, whether it is Ladvia, the mercenary country, or Pompeii, the magic kingdom, they seem to think that the outbreak of the **** The impact of the war of separatism is more than that. After losing the support of the French Empire, the front lines of the **** battle and the defense lines around the Forest of Warcraft are the real places to pay attention to!

It's a pity that even though many smart people see this clearly, whether it is the Princes of France who are blinded by the desire for power, or the big nobles who are equally ambitious to choose independence, they all subconsciously ignore it.

After all, the beast tide from the East Forest of Warcraft has not erupted on a large scale for many years. As for every small and small incident of Warcraft, it is basically equivalent to sending money for the Border Corps, so people have not taken that Be serious.

As for the **** front in the south ... this is a problem that I have to face. But since the French empire has been divided, the great prince Adam, who is in charge of the southern Moorke province, also called the emperor, and another big noble also called the king, then for other princes, the frontline of the **** war is naturally far away. The recent 'Big Brother' has a headache.

At that time, if it is best to keep the defense line unbroken, and it is really not defeated, then the prince Adam who was hit by this will almost lose the ability to compete for the throne of the French Empire! This is not a bad thing for several other princes.

In their view, even if they missed the front line of the **** battle, as long as they could defeat the other brothers as soon as possible and then regain the power of the Lan Empire, then it seems that it is not what it is to want to recover the lost land and rush the Orcs back into the wilderness of the South. problem.

But they didn't seem to think about it. If those Orcs are really so good to deal with, why can't human beings struggle with them for thousands of years without a victory or defeat? Moreover, it must be understood that the desire to do so was originally the result of the elite collective cooperation of the four countries of mankind, and not just the French Empire alone.

Therefore, once the Orcs were attacked into the rich French Empire by chaos, it would be even more difficult to expel them again ...

However, the princes who are now making eye contact for the throne have been blinded by power and selfish desires, so that they can't see this at all. Besides, the elite of the four human elites can work together to keep a large number of orcs from the front line of the **** battle.

But now? The extremely northern Slavic snow country has been occupied by undead spirits, so that the Slavs who survived and withdrew to the north of France were less than 20% of the original. Now these people are even a problem for their own survival, not to mention soldiers to help defend against the orcs. .

In contrast, the military forces of Ladovia and Pompeii were not affected much, but since the beginning of the civil turmoil in the French Empire, the forces that originally belonged to the parties of the French stationed on the front line of the **** battle have almost withdrawn most of them! Now, except for the majority of the Silver Pegasus Legion, and two other French Empire Legions that also have an ancient history, everyone has put down this line of defense, which is related to human destiny, and ran back to fight civil war!

How could this not chill Ladovia and Pompeii? Therefore, it is enough for them not to withdraw their troops from the front line of the **** battle for the sake of humanity. What jokes are they wanting to send troops to help those princes who are desperate for their rights and do not care about the destiny of mankind?

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