Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1284: Learn and talk

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(This feeling ... It ’s only been a while that I have n’t seen it. Has Neil Jielin reached such a level that it almost threatens me? She has just advanced to Tier 4 silver junior? , But how can I say that I ’m one level higher than her strength! It ’s unbelievable ...)

In fact, at the moment, Ophelia and Neil Jielina are discussing in the small performance martial field in the backyard of the Thunderbolt mercenary headquarters, and this kind of thing is normal for professionals. Not only can you use this to deepen your mutual understanding, but also promote the progress of each other's strength and combat skills.

It's just that Ophelia's strength has been much higher than that of Neil Jelena, so most of the time the battle between the two is basically one-sided suppression. Even if Ophelia does not use all his strength, he can easily cope with the attack of Neil Jielina.

Speaking of this kind of battle, for Neil Jielina, it is almost a hundred benefits without harm. After all, fighting with high-level strongmen is of great significance to the professional strength. It's just that under normal circumstances, high-level professionals rarely waste their time sparring with those who are less powerful, so from this point, Ophelia really takes care of Neil Jielina.

And because the strength of Neil Jielina has not reached the fourth level before, it is really easy for Ophelia, who has reached the fifth-level gold intermediate level, to deal with it.

It ’s just that Ophelia did n’t expect it, but it ’s just not been seen in just over a month. Neil Jielina not only unexpectedly broke through the level 4 silver level, but also in terms of the current battle situation, its The increase in strength can be described as shocking!

After all, as far as Ophelia knows, although the junior combatants of Tier 4 silver have theoretically possessed the power to threaten the Tier 5 gold level strongmen, they are rarely able to do this in real combat. of.

And any person who can cross the big rank with the power of the fourth-order silver level to fight against the strongman of the fifth-level gold level, and can threaten the other party, once grown up, it is almost a powerful player!

Therefore, even now Ophelia has not used all her strengths because of the relationship of learning. Most of the time, she only uses ordinary attacks to attack and defend, but in order to achieve a practical training effect, she has never deliberately converged herself as a fifth-order gold. The coercion of the intermediate strong.

This kind of situation will produce huge pressure for professionals who are generally less powerful than the other party in a large order, and that is not just psychological and momentum pressure, this pressure that combines the spirit of the strong and the degree of vindictiveness. , Can even affect the grudge operation of the lower-level strength!

In addition, Ophelia used [Armor of Dou Qi] to strengthen defense in order to allow Neil Jielina to let her hands and feet attack. Therefore, under such double suppression, Nier Jielina was able to seize the moment when Ophelia was distracted and posed a strong threat to it, which had to surprise Ophelia.

Fortunately, the strength of Ophelia's fifth-level gold intermediate level is not to be ridiculous. At the moment when it is found to be bad, the stunt of the high-level combatants of the wind system is used [flashing] instantly out of the opponent's attack range.

Of course, this was Ophilia's instinctive reaction as a strong man. In fact, even if she stood intact, she believed that Neil Jelina would never really give her a heavy hand. And compared to this, what Ophelia is really interested in at the moment is how Neil Jelina does all this?

"It ’s amazing, Nana! Although I admit that I ’ve just lost my mind in battle, it ’s only a moment! But I did n’t expect such a small mistake to be caught by you. It seems that no matter you are in a fighter, It ’s about grasping or using skills, it ’s almost time to catch up with your 'monster' master! "

In the face of Ophelia who was shocked by himself at this moment, Neil Jie Lina knew that in a short time she could not find any chance to use the trick just now. So when Ophelia said these words in surprise, Neil Jielina reluctantly canceled her plan to continue the pursuit, and instead silently withdrew the grudge that was condensed on the dagger in her hand, before smiling. Opening:

"Adult Ophelia is talking bad things about adults again, but it is a pity that my current strength is still far worse than that of adults. If you think about it, if you are the one who seized the opportunity just now, I believe at least 60% will arrive. For a 70% chance, you ca n’t even use that trick [a flash] too late. "

Seeing that at this moment Neil Jie Lina had completely recovered his vindictiveness, which surprised Ophelia again.

It is important to know that most combatants have almost no control over the grudge released outside the body. This is especially obvious when the level is slightly lower. For example, even when Ophelia herself was similar in strength to Neil Jelina, she was quite proud of successfully recovering the seven achievements when she was released from the body for protection or condensed on the weapon. It seems to be a genius even in the eyes of others.

Even if her strength has now reached the fifth level of gold intermediate level, it seems that she can't completely recover the grudge released outside the body like Niel Jielin in front of her, so she was really surprised to see this.

"That ... Nana, didn't I tell you many times to call me Fiya or Sister Fiya? It's not okay, even if you just call me Ophelia's name! , Almost confusing me, but compared to this ... if I am not wrong, did you completely withdraw the grudge attached to the weapon? "

"I'm so sorry, Master Ophelia. It's a pity that I haven't been able to fully achieve this. Now I can only recover about 90%, and another 10% will be dissipated and consumed during the recovery process ... really let you I laughed. "

"Jiucheng ?! Is this still a laugh? I do n’t hide from you. Even now I can only take back my grievances out of the body and succeed in recovering more than 80%. I do n’t even reach Jiucheng! I really do n’t know how you made it like this Yes, it ’s already a little monster, okay! "

Hearing Ophelia ’s saying that Neil Jelina seemed a little surprised, and because she was not old, and her appearance was relatively small, so that when she showed this slightly blank expression, even Ophelia, who is also a beauty, also has an impulse to want to embrace it in her arms.

"But Master Ophelia, my cultivation methods are all told by adults, and I clearly remember that the adults once said that the combatants who cultivated their tempers should be able to put their energy back and collect it. Freedom is considered a pass, so I still have to work hard to reach the pass standard that adults say. "

If it were n’t for Ophelia ’s constant attention to her appearance, she almost rolled her eyes when she heard Neil Jielina ’s words. But even so, Ophelia still shook her head and smiled bitterly:

"Do you believe what the adult in your family really says! Don't you know that most of the combatants only have to practice to the sixth-order purple gold level, and they can't stop their mental strength, so that they can be further transformed into souls Is it possible to fully relax the energy of one's own qi when he is strong? Speaking of that, your lord is now different from ordinary people and can't even cultivate qi. It's not a joke to let him guide you to practice. "

Ophelia's remarks are true, but some people simply can't look at them with common sense, not to mention Neil Jielina's worship and trust in the "adult", as long as the other party says to the east, she is absolutely It ’s not going west. not to mention……

"But Master Ophelia, I have always practiced according to the method adults taught me. Whether it is to practice fighting spirit underwater, or trying to recover the released fighting spirit, I think the effect is very good. And more than half a year ago, when everyone had just arrived in Moxim and he had n’t been transported away, he personally showed me how to get the grudge back into the body, and then how to release it all at once Skills, so I think if the adult had changed his physique for some reason, I am afraid that at the speed of his cultivation of fighting spirit, he should now easily reach the sixth-order Zijin level? "

"What ?! Wright's guy can show you how to use grudge ?! But I clearly remembered that he personally said that he encountered something that caused his physique to become so special that he couldn't practice grudge! This ... is impossible. ? Does he ... "

Originally Ophelia wanted to say, ‘Is he lying to me? "But before this sentence was spoken, she suffocated it back. No matter how the outside world is rumored, Wright is quite clear about how Ophelia herself is. Even though she didn't know what position she occupied in the heart of the dumb guy, Ophelia was certain that Wright would never lie to her.

At this moment, Neil Jielina's next remarks made Ophelia have the urge to roll her eyes again.

"Adults really can't practice grudge, but he seems to have a bracelet that can inspire grudge or magic by inlaying magic nuclei. At that time, he used that magic item to excite grudge-like energy, and then show me It is also said that compared with magic power, grudge is still relatively easy to control. With his strength at the time, there is no way to restore the simulated magic to magic power, let alone completely withdraw it. "

"... Is it a bracelet of vindictiveness? I know that thing, just listening to you mean that Wright's guy can even control such arrogance inspired by magic weapons completely? And he didn't know that it was released since ancient times. The magic that comes out can only be dispelled or cancelled, can't it be reverted to magic power or regained at all? This is the most common sense as a professional! "

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