Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1307: Against Grein

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The participation of the King of Grein seems to mean that the battle has completely entered the white-hot stage, so that not only all the Grein warriors around them are instantly mad, but even some of the Grein Shaman priests have begun to release a new evil magic- Flesh puppet!

I saw three thin, dark red breaths of smoke billowing through the pair of eye sockets and nostrils of the skull at the top of the scepter in their hands after the few thin Grerin shamans cast their spells like a wind come out!

And when these dozens of unburnt charcoal-like smoke entered the mouths of more than ten Gririn warriors standing in front of the Gririn Shaman, these dozen Grirring warriors looked up to the trombone in pain at the same time. ! Suddenly, the skin on their whole bodies cracked after flashing a red awn, so that the muscles on the body swelled as if they were inflated!

But in a blink of an eye, these dozen ordinary Grerin warriors, originally less than 1.2 meters tall, swelled into a huge monster with a height of 3 meters and no skin at all, covering only dark red with bloodshot muscles!

And perhaps because of this evil magic, the dozen or so "great warriors" after the "change" have not seen any original appearance. The position of the head and face is now only two protruding beyond the eye sockets and covered with blood. Eyeballs and a large mouth that can obviously grind from front to back.

In addition, these monsters that are very similar to Zhang Yang ’s impression of the flesh puppets all have sharp and huge claws, and after seeing their changes, they seem to scratch on the ground like pain, leaving the claws on the rocks. Judging from the power of the scratches, its strength and sharpness are no less than ordinary weapons or even beyond.

Perhaps it was a long time ago to understand the horror of this flesh-and-blood monster changed from ordinary Grein. When these twelve flesh-and-blood monsters, who were nearly three meters tall and squatted there as if they were gorillas, appeared, the ordinary Greelin around them suddenly dispersed. In a short time, a few direct passages to the front were given to these similarly blessed ones!

At the same time, it may be that this flesh and blood monster can still be controlled by the Grerin Shaman, or it may be that they still retain the last trace of the relationship that belonged to the last will of Grerin. This makes when the twelve flesh and blood monsters are changed and moved, they do not start with the same kind in the close vicinity, but instead like four feet on the ground like a gorilla, they rushed to the human mercenaries dozens of meters away. Rushed past!

"Be careful of those flesh and blood avengers! Don't let them rush into the line of defense! Assault in groups of three, be sure to kill them halfway!"

Even if Locke is fighting the king of Grein at the moment, his attention is still partly on the battlefield. A good leader should not only be a warrior, but also a person who can grasp the dynamics of the battlefield and command the overall situation.

It ’s just that it ’s really not easy to do this, so the leaders of some legions are not necessarily the strongest in the legion, but they must be the most dominant and the most capable of coordinating the battlefield. .

So overall speaking, although Locke's ability can only be regarded as mediocre, but with No Luzi's own exploration to this level, he can already be regarded as a talent. The most important thing is that his group of "deer hunter" mercenaries are not only veteran but also mostly benefited by Locke, so that his orders can not only be executed smoothly, but also cooperate with each other more than ordinary mercenaries. The soldiers and even the Imperial Legion forced a few points.

So when the twelve flesh-and-blood monsters changed from the Grein fighters rushed into the air, twelve small teams composed of three people were suddenly separated from the defense of the human mercenary fighters, and then in Soon after rushing into the brigade of Grein warriors, they confronted the twelve flesh and blood monsters.

In fact, each trio is assigned in advance and has cooperated more than once. As a combination that specializes in dealing with difficult enemies, not only will each of them have a third-tier black iron level warrior to lead, but also in the profession There are also obvious traces of matching with each other on the classification.

With this combination, they can almost guarantee a victory when facing the third-tier enemies. Even when facing the strong enemies of the third-tier seniors and close to the fourth-tier enemies, such a three-person team can drag them by their own cooperation. And this is a major feature of the deer hunter mercenaries, the mode of group cooperation.

However, when the deer hunter mercenaries used their own strength to block the twelve flesh and blood monsters from the defense line and began to eliminate them as much as possible, the defense line with less than 30 of them suddenly became precarious.

Fortunately, at this time, Moganna came back in time and immediately took the guards recruited by the caravan to the top, which relieved the pressure on the defense to a certain extent. After all, there are too many Grerins in the end, even if the kill has been reduced by nearly a quarter, it still has ten times the number of humans.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the battle situation to turn around, and what broke all this was the deer hunter mercenary leader Locke who seemed to have been crushed and beaten by the fat King of Grein.

As a fourth-order silver junior warrior with both offensive and defensive skills, and strength, Locke only found out the basic strength range of the opposite King of Grein in just two minutes. Whether it is attack power, attack speed or movement speed, or even anti-strike ability, Locke did know after a few simple attempts.

Therefore, in this case, his winning attack appeared very suddenly, even after the angered King of Grein was defeated, Locke, who seized the opportunity and suddenly burst, stepped on the other side of the other body. He slammed on his shoulder, and with a stab and a turn, the sword in his hand was pierced from the big mouth of the king of Grein, and then as the body continued to move, he directly removed his upper half of his head in one fell swoop!

Speaking of the king, the real combat power of the king of Grein is around the third level, only because it is covered with thick, hard rubber-like fat and a lot of magic lines, so that no matter in physical defense ability or They are quite excellent in magical defense ability, not even inferior to Tier 4 Warcraft.

However, humanoids always have several fixed weaknesses, so even if the vitality of the king of Grein is extremely tenacious, after half of the head is cut off, the body can still frantically smash in the place for half a day, but death is still inevitable. .

At this time, Locke, who was finally able to free his hands, has quietly joined the battle to clear the surrounding Grein, and although he uses only ordinary heavy swords and metal shields, but with simple and effective attacks, The speed of the killing was still so fast that a moment later, a piece of Grein around him was all killed.

At the same time, the deer hunter mercenaries fighting in groups of three have basically completed their missions. After all, although these flesh and blood monsters they face are very powerful, the movement between the swings is also agile. However, because their bodies are only ordinary Grerin warriors, even though the body becomes bigger and stronger after being cast magical aberrations, the consciousness of combat and their coordination ability is greatly reduced.

This makes the twelve flesh and monsters have a power, but they ca n’t be effectively rationalized at all. They can deal with the general low-level warcraft to the point. When facing experienced human warriors, they reveal their abilities. Not enough.

So it did n’t take long for Lok Tuk ’s hot hands to kill the fat Queen of Grein, the twelve trio nearby nearby completed their tasks one after another, and the result was surprisingly and uniformly chopped off the head of the **** monster Down.

This sudden change seems to overwhelm the remaining six Gririn Shamans in the distance. After all, in their impression, most of the time, as long as they raid this small human team at night, it seems that they will easily succeed. Even if it is impossible to wipe out the opponent all the time, it is impossible to run away with a lot of good things.

But what is the situation now? Not to mention the loss of a large number of warriors, even the **** puppets spawned by the mighty King of Grein and the secret technique were killed!

Plus, it was only because the king of Grerin rushed forward to fight, that two of the Grerin shamans who lost their cover were shot by humans. This is a failure for the attacker.

It is a pity that three of the remaining six Gririn shamans have lost their ability to continue to release other magic in a short time because of the use of [evil spirit puppet] magic to create flesh and monsters. Therefore, the attack ability and the human mercenaries As far as the pressure is concerned, at this moment the picture has been much easier.

Even if it continues to develop as it is now, it seems that it will not take long to completely wipe out the remaining more than a thousand 'bone-painted Grein'.

But Grein is timid by nature, but that is also compared to other humanoids. In addition, under normal circumstances, as long as there is a Grein Shaman priest in the group, these evil and brutal little things will not easily lose their fighting spirit. Moreover, they now not only have a king of Grerin, but also three Grerin shamans who can cast evil magic.

So while the human mercenaries went all out to seize the time to kill the enemies and have the power, they saw the three Gririn Shamans who could cast spells suddenly waved the skeleton scepter in their hands, and they read an obscurity almost at the same time. After the cursing spell, nine dark red lights wrapped in black smoke suddenly floated out of the eye sockets and nostrils of the skull inlaid above the cane, and they rolled to the side of the only king of Grein. Swish down its nostrils a few times!

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