Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1318: Fear and coping

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Because Zhang Yang talked about letting them leave before, so that the deer hunter mercenaries around at this moment did not dare to have other ideas, only you can look at me and I will quietly give the three heads of tigers after seeing you. A road was opened.

Speaking of most of the deer hunter mercenaries, including Locke, actually do n’t want to let them go. After all, the adult female ground-grain tiger has injured more than a dozen mercenary soldiers. Not to mention, it seems that they were killed at the beginning. Two sentinel members.

It is a pity that they are also extremely helpless. On the one hand, they can't beat the adult female ground-grained tiger, on the other hand, they seem to instruct the strong Zhang Yang.

I will not mention other aspects for the time being. The horror killing that suddenly broke out from that guy alone made almost all the professionals present were terrified, and he was afraid to even look at him with a positive eye, let alone mention something to prevent or make him Changed the original intention.

The veteran mercenaries who gathered up and fought for a long time all understood that strong men like Zhang Yang generally said the same role. Since he has spent a lot of time on the adult female ground pattern tiger, he let it go, naturally Will not change their original intention for these strangers.

At this point, Locke had already asked Morgana with his eyes, and through the other party's reaction without shaking his head, Locke knew that there was no drama at all.

Moreover, although he could not guess why the strong man who had been hiding his identity for a long time suddenly chose to shoot, but seeing Moganna's unnatural face, Locke could guess a seven or eight.

At this time, Zhang Yang, who had stood on the spot and watched the three ground-grained tigers disappearing behind the hills in the distance, seemed to have nothing happened. Not only did he not have a word, but Shi Shiran dragged the heavy hand in his hand. The three-headed meteor hammer walked back to the reinforced carriage originally assigned to the flagpole kid, as if he just came out to eat a meal and slobber, and did some trivial things.

It's just that Zhang Yang didn't take these seriously, but it doesn't mean that other people are like him!

Whether it was at first some inexplicable encounter with more than 1,500 Grayling attacks on the caravan, or the flesh and blood monsters and Grayling monsters that appeared later, or the three landforms that many mercenaries may not have encountered in their lifetime Tiger, this one after another incident has caused almost all members of the Tasa Caravan to feel dizzy.

It seems that all the accidents that can be encountered in this year are met on this day, which is a bit too exciting.

However, this is still relatively light compared to what happened afterwards. Who would have thought that such a person randomly picked up in the death desert would be a strong man with at least a fifth-level gold intermediate level or above?

For the time being, let alone say that the terror killing that was suddenly released by him alone now still makes many people feel weak. But this proves that the horrific murderousness just now was not an illusion but actually existed.

Now after experiencing many things in this series, the Tasa Caravan no longer has any extra thoughts to reap the little money contained in the bodies of Grein. Originally, the advanced healing potion that was exchanged for such a large price just saved the lives of the six deer hunter mercenaries seriously injured by the Grein monster. Now it is not long before there are more than a dozen ground-grained tigers. The wounded mercenary is almost out of luck to grandma's house.

Fortunately, because of the full protection of Locke in the previous battle, even though the injured mercenaries are not injured, but there is no life threatening for a while. Even when Locke and others ran to the direction of the three ground-striped tigers to find the two attacked outposts, although one of them died on the spot due to injury in the throat, the other chest and abdomen were injured. It looks very miserable, but it survived miraculously.

Therefore, even for these wounded to be treated early, the Tasa Caravan had to set off overnight, striving to rush to the emerald city ahead of time under normal circumstances and a day and a half.

However, it is speechless that after seeing Zhang Yang Fawei, the flagpole kid dared not go back to his specially reinforced carriage that has been used as a mobile alchemy laboratory. Does this make Moganna, Locke and others really do not know what to say about him, timid? Thinking of the sudden outbreak of terror, no one dared to say that he was not afraid.

In desperation, the flagpole kid had to suspend his studies and experiments on alchemy, and was temporarily placed on the carriage carrying the wounded as a therapist.

In fact, not only did the flagpole kid's attitude towards Zhang Yang change, at this time almost all the members of the Tasa Caravan and the soldiers of the deer hunter mercenary corps looked at the vehicle where Zhang Yang was also completely different.

Strength wins respect, and mystery creates distance. So what everyone thinks now is not what the guy picked up halfway can get for the caravan, but the guy who obviously has strong strength but has to pretend to be an ordinary person. Into the caravan.

There are some worries about this, and there are also many people who have an indifferent attitude, but compared to the random speculation in the private among the bottom mercenaries, the caravan management team, mainly Mobati, Locke and Morgana, This is the real worry for this.

"Master Mobati, I think you should not report this matter to Pompeii officials. On the one hand, the one who showed no obvious hostility to our caravan from the beginning, so it is likely that he just borrowed us The caravan used to disguise to avoid any enemies, or to take the opportunity to mix into Pompeii. On the other hand ... To tell the truth, you have seen the combat effectiveness of that man before, but I also want to emphasize that if you We accidentally made him angry, then our entire caravan of more than a hundred people added up, I am afraid that it will not be enough for others to kill alone! So we still let this matter happen, when he wants to go away naturally Will leave. "

At the moment under the guise of negotiating the way forward, Locke called the caravan captain Mobatti's father and daughter 200 meters away in front of the caravan, and only then did he dare to speak out.

He was still a little uneasy about this, so he obviously looked like a thief, but he looked like a thief. He couldn't help looking at the caravan.

The reason for this conversation is that Mobati, who was a little scared before he was a little leaked, secretly told Locke that he wanted to tell the defenders of the Emerald City about the existence of this person! Suddenly frightened Locke, who was always steady.

Whether it ’s the experience of experiencing a similar event or the intuition of a war fighter, Locke knows better than Mobatti that he can use no grudge, only with a huge weird chain meteor hammer. What kind of strength do adult ground pattern tigers need to fight?

Therefore, in Locke's view, this ‘bandage man’ whose identity is now more mysterious and unpredictable is fully qualified to affix a ‘danger without danger’ label. Therefore, as a mercenary leader employed by the Tasa Caravan and intending to continue to deepen cooperation with each other, Locke felt that he must remind Mobati that some ordinary people cannot afford to exist.

Moba can understand this, but the problem he thinks is obviously in two aspects with Locke.

"I don't know if you have said this! It's just that you have thought about it, if this person really has a problem with their identity, they deliberately try to mix them into our caravan. Once he enters the Emerald City, he will make wind and rain. In case the caravan is involved, it ’s impossible to tell the whole thing! By then, not only will we not be able to survive, but even our family members will be implicated! Have you ever thought about it? "

"But this is just your wishful thinking! Judging from the way he showed up this time, I think he should not be the irrational madman. Furthermore, the Emerald City is the magical city of Pompeii in the south. Among them, there are no less than three of the sixth-tier Zijin level powerhouses that I know. If you want to use this strength, even if you are really crazy in the Emerald City, I am afraid that you will be subdued soon? "

"But I always feel that something extremely dangerous is going to happen. After all, the skin color hidden under the bandage on my body feels so evil that I can't even sleep when I think of him now. ... "

When Mobati said this, Locke sighed helplessly. In fact, it was not only Mobatti who could not sleep last night? Not to mention that Locke couldn't sleep either, and most of the entire caravan was probably open to dawn.

However, at this point, Locke suddenly felt that something was wrong. In general, Morgana, like this kind of ‘high-level meeting’, would express his views directly, and put forward many very constructive opinions and suggestions. Therefore, Moganna, who has been silent today, seems to be a bit abnormal. Not only does she look pale, but even that look seems to be caught in a tangled thought.

So Locke asked cautiously at this time:

"Miss, what do you think about this? What do you think you look like? If it's also about" that ", let's say it and analyze it together."

I don't know why Locke shook his body inexplicably after these words, as if it seemed shocked. Locke thought she hadn't stepped out of the horrific and murderous images, so she comforted softly:

"Miss does n’t have to be so scared. After all, you also know that fear ca n’t solve any problems, but it will hinder your judgment. On the other hand, I passed the action of the guy who saved the flagpole before. As long as he does n’t provoke him, there should be no danger. ”

(Really? But if I have provoked the person and made an agreement to pay for myself, now that it is time to repay the debt, is this situation considered dangerous?)

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