Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 132: Library Saves Beauty

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Anna and Lily were worrying about the old man at this time, but suddenly the second woman was shocked to see that as the old man stretched out the three fingers of his right hand, three extremely thin electric lights rushed out from the tips of his three fingers, Then in a flash, the three-finger center merged into one place! An instant thin and bright lightning shot from his hands!

I saw that the lightning struck the bodies of the six youths on the right side of the old man in a row! The bursts of white current suddenly began to wreak havoc on these six unlucky eggs! But after an instant, with the disappearance of the electric chain, these six people twitched and fell to the ground at the same time! I saw that all of their hair started up, and they were twitching on the ground with foaming mouth!

"Electric shock !? Grass! This guy is a senior magician! Come on everyone!"

Kiel was shocked at this time! This suddenly appearing sweeping old man turned out to be a master of hidden knowledge! At this time, he no longer paid attention to the two girls, and the pressure this old man put on him made his hair stand upright!

The power of thunder and lightning that Zhang Yang used at this time was researched after he obtained the half-lich memory. Since that time, in order to break the last soul shield of the half-lich, the demon Zhang Yang has used crazy things that have never been tested Lightning power! He attached the power of thunder and lightning to the weapon, but broke the incomparable soul shield in one blow. Although his arms were also seriously damaged that time, at the same time, with the sudden evolution of the demon's bloodline, his body became able to withstand a small part of the thunderbolt.

This lightning chain is one of several methods of using lightning power that he has only recently studied.

At this time, Zhang Yang's left hand leaned on a long rod broom, a long gray hooded cape, and a face that had grown old due to a curse. It looked like an old magician!

Looking at the few young soldiers who pulled out their weapons and rushed up, Zhang Yang Yiran was not afraid. After a right hand turn, another fine electric chain blasted away! But this time, because the opponent had defense, he only knocked down four people. When Thunder was about to link to the fifth person, the guy responded quickly, and instantly intercepted the light with his long sword wrapped in grudges!

Snapped! After the sound, although the fighting spirit on the long sword was dissipated, the man escaped. When he secretly rejoiced, Zhang Yang's hand shape changed, and the moment he saw his five fingers spread out, after a burst of thunder, a slightly thicker line of electric light directly hit the man's chest with a thunderbolt! After a while, this guy also walked in the footsteps of the previous ten people, trembling and fell to the ground, spitting foam and twitching ...

This move is the fastest, but Zhang Yang named it as "Thunderbolt Arrow". Although the power and effect of these tricks are very close to magic, they are basically the use of lightning energy in their own depths. However, lightning is too much load on the body, so Zhang Yang cannot use it unlimitedly. Based on the quality of his old body at this time, one arm can only emit lightning of about three orders of magic strength in one day, or Two lightning attacks resembling fourth-order magic power.

Under the electric flint, but three or five breaths, Zhang Yang knocked down ten people! However, he had a very decent move. Although these people who fell to the ground were injured and comatose, they were not life-threatening.

At this moment, Kiel, who rushed through the cover of his companion, launched a surprise attack! He jumped high at the moment and then slashed to Zhang Yang from top to bottom! At first glance, the long sword turned out to be nothing ordinary, and with Kiel's fiery red fighting spirit, the sword revealed a golden light!

Kiel was frightened and angry! This strange old man not only destroyed his good deeds, but also knocked down his ten men in a flash! But even if you are a powerful big magician, even if you have a high-level shield, you have already caught the gap after you cast three times in a row, and you still have weapons with devil-like attributes! You are dead this time!

Things in the world are always unsatisfactory, and Kiel thinks well, but the development in reality has not been implemented according to the script designed by Kiel.

When the golden long sword wrapped in fiery red fighting head was cut head to head, Zhang Yang's expression was calm and incomparably dodge sideways, evading Kiel's full blow, and then a fast uppercut hit the unbelievable. Kiel Chin!

What is the power of Zhang Yang? Even if he is a curse-ridden person, his strength is enough to compete with the fourth-order intermediate strong fighters who are fighting with grief! So Kiel only felt that his chin hurt and his eyes were black, and he knew nothing ...

At this time, there were only two Kiel's men left in the library. They were already scared. When they saw Zhang Yang looking at them, they ran away! But even if Zhang Yang wants to let them go, Anna and Lily don't do it, so when the two just turned around and walked towards the door, Anna's magic had already arrived!

"[Ring of Resistance]!"

With Anna's sipping, a lilac shock wave suddenly emanated from Anna's body! The impact range of this shock wave was only about two meters, but the two who ran beside her were suddenly pushed out. One of them flew straight to Lily, who was standing not far from Anna!

Anna and Lily have always been very good friends, and they have cooperated very well with each other. So when the unlucky egg was rushed over by the ring of resistance, Lily stunned him with his fisted fist. As for the man who was rushed to the gate by the ring of resistance, he was secretly prepared to rush out of the door. At this moment, a fast purple fist shadow caught up from behind him, and hit his back! The man suddenly rolled his eyes and softened ...

Until then, Anna shouted angrily:

"[Mage's Fist]!"

Who said that a quiet girl has no temper? This method of making first move and then calling out the move's name is naughty enough.

At this time, with the exception of Zhang Yang and the second daughter, there were no more people standing in the library. Zhang Yang didn't seem to see Anna and Lily at the moment, but continued to clean the trash on his own. This made Anna and Lily look dumbfounded ...

After a long time, Zhang Yang had gradually swept farther and farther away from the second woman's line of sight, Anna suddenly recovered, and gratefully greeted Zhang Yang deeply in the direction of her:

"Thank you Mr. Old for your help! Thank you! My name is Anna ..."

But while Anna was talking, Zhang Yang had turned a row of bookshelves and walked away. When Anna and Lily were embarrassed, Zhang Yangcang's old voice came from behind the bookshelves in the distance.

"Come on, trouble is coming."

This sentence immediately reminded the second woman, stunned Kiel and so many of his men, it will definitely cause a storm, and if you don't leave, you will be punished? ! Thinking of here, Lily hurried to La Anna to leave Mac and Anna but held Lily's hand and said:

"We can't go! Isn't the old gentleman without witnesses as soon as we go? What if Kiel's group framed him? By the way, this matter was originally caused by the two of us, how can we go away at this time? It! "

Lily looked at her friend Anna with surprise, as if she had known her for the first time. At this time, Anna's eyes were firm and persistent, and she did not have the usual gentle and quiet appearance. It has become different Anna, but she is even more lovely like this.

"You are right, Anna! I was so anxious that I didn't even think about this. We are not going away, to expose the crimes of the Kiel group! Testify to the old gentleman!"

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