Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1335: Identify the right body

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To be honest, even Zhang Yang didn't expect that Claudia's guards would suddenly shoot him, but as an experienced and extremely sensitive warrior, Zhang Yang's response speed was also beyond the expectations of these 'beauties' present.

In fact, when the four female fighters around Claudia had just moved, Zhang Yang turned his attention back, and when the four of them tried their best to throw at Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang not only did Well prepared for various attacks, and even had a spare time to look at Claudia.

And just this faint glance made Claudia's heart inexplicable!

What kind of look is that? It's blandly surprising that I can't feel the slightest surprise, not to mention, the kind of self-confidence that reveals from the bones, even makes Claudia feel that it is just such a lip, and has already made those dark eyes instantly shine with nothingness!

So almost subconsciously, Claudia felt that she seemed a little bit superfluous. A person with such a look can never be a general. And Claudia has to admit that even though she has boasted of countless people and almost all kinds of people, but like the one in front of her, she can leave an unimpressive impression with just one casual look. Guy, she really saw her for the first time!

(Fortunately, I specifically told them not to use weapons to avoid unnecessary mistakes or misunderstandings. Otherwise, if the person in front of him is really the legendary "Wright", I am afraid that it may be they who were accidentally injured ...)

But how long can you pass a look? I ’m afraid it ’s at most instant. So when Claudia suddenly thought of these, the four female guards in front of her had already dealt with Zhang Yang.


It seems that the term "hands-on" is not very accurate. After all, since the four of them rushed to the present, although only a short time has passed, Claudia was surprised to find that the four of his teammates are extremely tacit and combative. The extraordinary female warrior didn't even touch a corner of the other's clothes, not to mention the fact that the fist and foot intersect.

This is simply an incredible thing. If it is said that a strong man can avoid all attacks of the other party by dodge completely in one-on-one battle, it is possible. After all, if the difference between the two is too great, then Regardless of reaction speed or movement speed, lower-level professionals are suppressed by higher-level professionals to no avail and it is not calculated.

However, as the fighting time continued to prolong, let alone Claudia, who was watching from the side, was more and more surprised. The two female magicians who stayed beside her and did not take care of the safety of Claudia couldn't help but look at each other. !

Whether it's punching or punching, even if two or three people are together, the guy in black clothes can find a way to avoid the past by a few cents before the attack arrives.

If this is just an accidental phenomenon, Claudia and others even found that, in addition to the amazing speed of the other party in the first few attacks, when the four people attacked behind him, this person ’s The movement started to become slower and slower, and now it seems that only the four female warriors are a little faster, but there are ways to prevent them from hitting!

Although Claudia felt wrong, but she was not a professional, she could not explain why, but the situation in the eyes of the two female magicians under her was enough to make them feel terrified!

Only when the perception ability, reaction speed, experience, judgment, etc. all form an absolute suppression, and can also predict the number of attacks of the four female fighters next, is it possible to achieve the level of the person in front of you !

But this kind of situation is generally only based on assumptions. Even when they were in Beidou College, nobody seemed to be able to do this step, including those known strong teachers including college teachers!

However, all this happening in front of you will naturally not be an illusion. Whether it is a fourth-order light pastor or a fourth-order shadow magician, it can be easily judged.

So the presence of earthy yellow, fiery red, light cyan and aquamarine radiant four rays of light reflected each other. When the four female warriors had already used their full strength to reach out and draw their weapons to fight, the one standing on the left side of Claudia had The beautiful blonde priest of the light system suddenly shouted:

"Stop it! Stop it! We admit defeat!"

In fact, as is the case with most mercenary regiments or adventurer teams, the magician's status in the team is relatively high, and it can provide a lot of buffs and auxiliary magic to his teammates, and can also heal the injured light-saving magician. Its status is the highest.

Coupled with this open-mouthed priest who seems to be the oldest of the six of them, so as long as she speaks, Claudia may not be able to say anything.

So as her voice just fell, the four female warriors who had urged themselves to the extreme in the front suddenly gave up the offensive at hand, one after another, flashing back breathlessly.

"Elder Wright please forgive your sins. We are also worried that someone will come to your name and come to swindle and deceive, so we only tried it. If there is any offense, please invite Elder Wright Haihan!"

At this time, it was the dark magician standing on the right side of Claudia, but unlike most dark magicians who were lonely, this one looked rather glamorous and specially painted The beautiful magician with dark purple lip gloss turned out to be very decent, and with her slightly nodded salute at the moment, it was really difficult for ordinary people to refuse her proposal.

However, Zhang Yang obviously does not belong to the "ordinary people" of various meanings. Therefore, in the face of the apology of the two beautiful women, he suddenly did n’t even look at it, but retreated to Crow. The four female soldiers who lined up in front of Dia but still couldn't breathe said:

"I haven't met a professional from Beidou College in a long time. I don't know who was your original mentor? Is it Dean Dumbledore?"

"Hoo! How do you know that we are ... Oh! Those are all true !? God! No wonder you seem to be very clear about our combined attack routines, it turns out that you actually know the dean of the Dean! That said you were really Won a team battle championship at the Beidou Academy Martial Arts Conference? "

All in all, the reason why these four female soldiers are still breathing violently at this moment is entirely due to excessive tension. Otherwise, in terms of their strength and endurance, it is not necessary to breathe so hard when fighting for a leak. After all, the feeling of not being able to touch your opponent even after a full effort is really bad! Therefore, if you can choose, the four female fighters would rather be defeated or injured by the other party than wanting to feel the helpless feeling.

Of course, although Zhang Yang's performance at this moment is a bit outrageously strong, he has not yet reached the point where they have completely lost their confidence. After all, what they really excel at is the cooperation of six people rather than the brutality of four fighters.

To know that the cooperation of two more magicians is not as simple as two more people. In addition to the ability to heal your own members and weaken the enemy, the two magicians can control the enemy or restrict the enemy ’s movements. For the entire combination, it is equivalent to more opportunities to defeat the enemy.

Even if it is the worst, they can use a variety of magic to attack each other. Compared with the perfect dodge warrior's attack, it is not easy to completely dodge the magic, it is not just speed and experience. To the thing. Unless you have special talents and skills, it's hard to say that it's hard to destroy those magics. It's hard to avoid them.

However, none of these seem to be important after Zhang Yang ’s opening. The reason why Claudia and others did it is to verify the identity of this mysterious man in black. Although it seems that even now it seems to be clear how powerful the other party is. Can't do it, but the initial goal is to be able to achieve.

Many people know that it is precisely because the legendary Wright went to the Big Dipper in Ladovia, the country of the mercenaries, and inadvertently disseminated the news that he was there through the mercenary union, which made Neil Jielina not. Yuan Qianli led a mercenary squad out of the so-called 'pass road'.

However, what most people don't know is that Wright himself was not only lingering in Beidou City. He even entered Beidou Academy and participated in a fighting conference hosted by Beidou Academy there!

And the woman warrior shone with a fiery red blaze, which made people feel very frank and straightforward. When asked Zhang Yang, there was a very humble trap! And as long as Zhang Yang answers wrong, then his identity is ...

"Why haven't you graduated yet?"

"Of course not! Otherwise, it is naturally impossible to recognize you with our minds!"

"That's not necessarily. Many times a person's appearance will change depending on his age, mentality, and circumstances ... Forget it, you won't understand some things, but have you seen something wrong in the first place? I remember when Sean only won the third place in the team battle? Or was it the fourth place? It was n’t the first anyway. Besides, I did n’t participate in the team battle. "

"Hoo ~! This is finally right!"

"Oh, it's so anxious!"

"Yes! But Elder Wright is really amazing! It's such a long time to avoid our attack, I am afraid that Dean Dumbledore may not be able to do it?"

"Humph! If you have a chance, you will have to try it with weapons! People are weapons masters! If you don't let people use only fists for their weapons, they are not fighting!"

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