Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1348: Harold's pain

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There is no doubt about whether or not Warcraft has wisdom, and generally, as the level of Warcraft increases, their wisdom level will become stronger and stronger, until after reaching the seventh level pass level, with the soul With some mysterious changes, Warcraft will not only become smarter in the past, but even the temperament will change greatly. .

This change is not obvious for the very clever feline and canine Warcraft, but for other Warcraft that was not so clever in its original wisdom, the change is quite earth-shattering!

So when Harold, the alchemist, brought his sixth-order giant black iron puppet specially made for hunting golden eagles and nearly a hundred mercenaries of all levels back to the hill again, a giant with a primary strength of seventh-order pass The golden eagle almost wiped out this hunting team!

To know that even if it is a professional and a World of Warcraft with the same level, Warcraft needs to be much higher in humans in terms of physique, elemental affinity and total magic power.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that, in addition to individual talents with extraordinary talents and super combat powers, they can compete with the same level of Warcraft. Most of the time human professionals want to deal with the same level of Warcraft, they need to join at least two equal strengths. Only the strong can fight one.

Therefore, although the black iron puppet made by the alchemist master Harold has the destructive power equivalent to the six-level professional and the anti-strike ability of the human strong man, but without the help of other strong men of the same level, this The huge metal killing weapon with a height of more than five meters and six arthropods in the lower body, under the wild offensive of the seventh-order golden eagle, still could not avoid the fate of being completely destroyed.

It can even be said that this sixth-order magic puppet specially designed and manufactured by the alchemist master Harold to deal with the golden eagle can only exert less than half of the combat power when facing the seventh-order enemy!

But if there was still such a powerful magical puppet at that time, before being completely destroyed, took the opportunity to hurt the left wing of the golden eagle. I am afraid that those professionals and servants who participated in the second clearance of the golden eagle Warcraft that year Soldiers are not as simple as surviving thirteen people.

However, if it is just such a failure, it may not be much for Harold, the alchemist who is revenge. But when the fifth-tier gold junior female warrior who admired him on weekdays and clearly showed his deep admiration to him, fought his life and brought Harold back to the Emerald City alive at the expense of his own life. , She herself was on the verge of death.

She was hurt so badly, not only her physical function was to be completely cut off, but also because she used a secret technique that required a lot of vitality many times in order to resist the attack of the horrible golden eagle, so even the original With blood on her body, Harold begged the light priests of the Emerald City to save her life, but she was too injured and consumed a lot of life force. She had no extra life force to consume at the time, so she could not accept it. Light magic treatment.

There was no desperation for Harold the alchemist once. The pain of watching the loved one passed away even if he suffered it once in his life. He really didn't know if he could survive this blow.

And this also made Harold, the alchemist who felt that he would never love someone again, finally understand the truth, that is, the deceased is still born but still has to continue to live, and he still has to do his best Then hurt and sad those who love themselves.

So suddenly, the alchemist Harold, who remembered the method he had seen in an ancient alchemy note, was crazy and generally exhausted all his wealth and owed a large amount of debt. Only in a short time did he collect a batch of the best materials he could find at the time, so that he could use his own power to save the life of the woman who loved him and was willing to die for him.

Maybe this time the hard work of Alchemist Harold really touched the sky, or maybe his luck was really good. In the last page of the mysterious magical note that found the recipe for the method of making soul puppets, the alchemist Harold actually found a leaf of the god, and this is how he could recreate the soul puppet thousands of years later. The real secret!

And this one who has lost his body but was lucky to continue to survive with the body of a high-level magic puppet is not someone else, it is the Strix that has been with the alchemist master Harold until now!

However, things in the world are not perfect. Sometimes when you get something, it means that you have lost something ...

At that time, the alchemist master Harold never thought that his daughter, who was obediently obedient and always dependent on him, could not accept that she loved other women again, nor could her stepmother appear in her life as a magical puppet. This fact.

So when Leona was sixteen, she chose to leave home to study at Yaoyang City School of Magic, and also since then, the relationship between Leona and the alchemist Harold began to become more tense Later, she even developed to the point that she would not go home at all.

This is no less frustrating to the alchemist master Harold than the feeling of losing his lover twice, but he has extraordinary talent in alchemy, but he has learned how to communicate with his own daughter anyway, So ten years have passed in such a flash.

It is said that daughters are like fathers, and sons are more and more like their mothers.

As the daughter of the alchemist Harold, Leona was born with a good magic talent, but whether she was in Yaoyang College or after joining the adventurer for a short time, she behaved like an alchemist. In general, Harold does not have much talent for cultivation and combat.

However, as opposed to it, Leona, the Arcanist, has a talent far beyond ordinary people's depiction and enchantment! So much so that for the sake of his daughter's safety or her future, Alchemist Harold hoped she would stay away from battle and adventure, so three years ago, he bought a small building for Leona in the Emerald City , And spent money to open an enchantment store for it.

It's a pity that even if alchemist Harold did this for Leona, Leona, who has become more radical in recent years, still because of the thought of the dead mother, and the 'love of a magical puppet' to alchemist Harold. Did not understand and continued to be angry with him.

In fact, this is all right. After all, for the alchemist Harold, as long as his daughter can live well, he can already rest assured. However, because of her extreme personality and some lonely reasons, Leona, who does not like contact with outsiders, has had a very bleak business since she opened the store.

Even if she has good strength in the depiction of the magic circle, the enchantment of the weapon and armor, and the enchantment of the rest of the accessories, except for a few merchants who are willing to endure her eccentric temperament for the benefit, most of the time even if there are guests in her shop I'm optimistic about something in the end, but in the end there is still a great possibility of bargaining because of bargaining or simply because of mood problems.

The reason why Leona and her shop can persist until now is naturally the reason that the alchemist master Harold will give her some gold coins for spending. In this way, Leona, who is almost entirely supported by her father, has never stopped her production and research, so that her small building has hoarded many types of goods and has not been sold.

Hearing that Zhang Yang is actually a little speechless, the experience of alchemist Harold is also rough, but whether it is for Harold himself or his extreme daughter Leona, Zhang Yang does not really agree.

Indulging in blindness sometimes has the opposite effect, and for Leona who complains about her father while still having to rely on the other's funding and relief, Zhang Yang also looks down on him.

But after all, it was someone else's housework, so although Zhang Yang felt a little panicked after listening to it, he just nodded blandly, and then asked directly:

"I probably understand this, so what do you want me to do for you, Master?"

"This one……"

Seeing Zhang Yang nodded and agreed to help, the alchemist master Harold was obviously quite happy, but maybe he also understood that what he was about to say was not easy to speak, so he hesitated for a while before continuing to say:

"It's a bit helpless to say, now that Leona should have no money at hand, otherwise in terms of her prejudice to me, she will never take the initiative to come to me. So I hope Mr. Wright can do it for me Send some money to Leona. After all, on the one hand, I can't stand the kind of face-to-face stimulation that I am now. On the other hand, if I personally send her over, on the other hand, her stubborn temper is not necessarily acceptable. . "

Hearing this, Zhang Yang sighed again, even if he still couldn't get her daughter's understanding, but as the father's alchemy master Harold, he still can't really devote himself to disregarding his daughter. This may be parental helplessness. Thinking of this, Zhang Yang agreed:

"It's no problem to help, but how can I send money for you? Although I haven't been in contact with your daughter, from the previous situation, it seems that as long as I speak to you, she will be in conflict. ? "

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