Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1352: Enchanted Dawn Shop

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"Welcome to the" Enchanted Dawn "Enchanting Store! Are you going to buy ready-made products directly, or do you need an enchanting service?"

The sudden question almost caused Zhang Yang to nearly slip and fall. At this moment, he even instinctively took out the **** double-edged battle axe from the Bear Orc Boyle, which was almost instant. After rushing, the two puppets that made him feel quite threatening were unloaded.

Now it's better to hear the other party asking Zhang Yang's foot for a while, and then he completely understood the meaning of the other party for two instants. If he didn't have auditory hallucinations, is he greeting the guests? !

I am afraid that the timid will be scared to death!

Seeing this, Zhang Yang suddenly understood why the business of this shop has been quite bleak. How can someone like to come here to buy something with this over-used ‘security’ measure! When I first came in, I was scared away by these four four-armed fighting puppets with obvious fifth-order combat strength, okay? !

And in case someone reacts a little too much and directly moves, then with Zhang Yang ’s understanding of the fighting puppet, I am afraid that these two ordinary people who are half above the height will never be polite to each other, and will not directly kill each other ’s life. , But it is quite possible to beat it to a complete loss of combat power!

In this way, I am afraid that if the business is not completed, I will have to pay a lot of treatment costs. Therefore, such a store can really make money to see the undead!

(If you remember correctly, Harold's daughter should be an enchanter rather than an alchemist? So it seems that these two battle puppets should be given to her by the alchemist master Harold in order to ensure the safety of her daughter? )

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang had to sigh a long way and put away the **** double-edged battle axe before speaking:

"I want to buy something, is the store owner here?"

However, after saying this, Zhang Yang suddenly found that the two in front of him did not mean to close at all. Instead, they still opened the posture as if they would rush at any time. This made Zhang Yang frown slightly and had to repeat again:

"I want to buy something, is the owner there?"

"Welcome to the" Enchanted Dawn "Enchanting Store! Are you going to buy ready-made products directly, or do you need an enchanting service?"


When Zhang Yang heard this sentence from the two fighting puppets again, even if he thought he had a good temper, he still had the urge to smash the two fighting puppets into cakes!

Do these two things come upside down and say these two sentences? Put this kind of thing in front of the store, are you looking for something sincerely?

Fortunately, the movement on the side of the door finally disturbed the owner of the shop, so Zhang Yang thought about whether to dismantle these two four-armed fighting puppets. Has passed from the corner of the stairs leading to the second floor.

"Sorry! You were not injured ?!"

Perhaps because there was no customer door for too long, Leona, who hurriedly ran down from the second floor at this time, appeared a little nervous, so that when she had not seen her, the voice had already passed.

Zhang Yangzhen didn't know what to say about this. He only heard a lot of questions from the other party's question. It seems that his guess was correct. Many people should be beaten by these two puppets as soon as they entered the door. Seriously injured?

Just thinking, Leona, still wearing the dark blue magic robe that Zhang Yang had seen at the alchemist master Harold's house, had quickly ran to Zhang Yang. At the moment, she saw Zhang Yang suddenly stupefied, and then quickly said ‘Do n’t move, I will first lift them off the alert! ’Then he directly volleyed his hands and began to draw a magic circle with two similar frames but slightly different details.

This move suddenly made Zhang Yang feel a little moved. After all, even for the "sword dancer" and "assassin" who are well-known to the warfighters, they can only perform more complex and different actions with two hands at the same time. section. How can it not be surprising to see this situation in a young female magician now?

It ’s important to know that if Leona ’s ability is used in combat, it can easily release two different magics at the same time, and if he learns the skill of “second casting”, then other magicians can only do so in the same time. Release magic once, then Leona can release two or even four magic!

This ability is almost the same as a nightmare for any enemy at the same level. Although doing so will have the drawback of consuming too much magic power and spiritual power, but the powerful 'fire power' that gushes out in an instant only needs one time. Can solve enemies at the same level.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang suddenly looked at Leona a little bit. Although according to Harold, his daughter has no fighting talent like him, he was so timid that he would be too afraid to fight himself when fighting with others. If she can overcome her psychological problems, her future achievements in combat should easily surpass her achievements in the industry of enchanting.

In fact, Leona not only can release different magic on the left and right hands, but even in Zhang Yang's opinion, both the accuracy and the speed of release are remarkable.

So after about five instants, as the two rounds of purple magic circles with large slaps fully appeared from the air and disappeared in a blink of an eye, the two four-arm metal puppets who had maintained an attacking attitude since Zhang Yang entered the door, finally closed their hand knives, The four weapons of sword, hammer and sickle, and two steps back to stand again on both sides of the door remained silent.

Seeing this, Zhang Yang sighed unconsciously but reacted suddenly. He seemed to have made a very low-level mistake before. That was because not long ago he saw the name 'S After the "female" puppets of Ficks, Zhang Yang forgot the fact that ordinary puppets do not have the personality and independent thinking ability!

To put it bluntly, the ordinary magic puppets are completely controlled by the magician when they are used, and when no one controls them, they will only operate in the simple set mode of the "dead"!

So suddenly Zhang Yang felt lucky that Leoona was not present when he talked to the two four-armed fighting puppets, otherwise he would be really embarrassed this time ...

(They blame Harold! Why do you have to set language features for these two four-armed fighting puppets who do n’t have personality and intelligence! If they were not misled by the fact that they had spoken before, they would n’t Answered dumbly twice ...)

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang suddenly stopped fighting, so that even though the black robe and mask were blocking it, as a magician and enchanter, Leona, who was quite sensitive, could still feel the emanation from his body. Anger.

Therefore, waiting for Zhang Yang to open his mouth, Leona's face, which was a little nervous, suddenly showed a trace of apology, so that at this time, she bowed repeatedly:

"I'm so sorry! Actually, I don't want this, but it's a pity that I have no ability to modify the core control magic circle of these two advanced combat puppets. Unless I bring them around at all times of the day, such a thing It ca n’t be avoided. So I ’m really sorry, that ’s all. I ’ll give you a 20% discount on everything you buy in the store today. It ’s my heart. ”

Hearing what the other person said, Zhang Yang's little anger immediately disappeared, and he almost couldn't help laughing out loud!

The fact is that Zhang Yang doesn't care how much Leona has cheapened for him. After all, his main purpose here is to send her money for the alchemist master Harold, saying it's not too much to spend on public funds.

The question is how long is this? Zhang Yang actually encountered two good things that the buyer didn't need to say in a day, but the seller took the initiative to lower the price! The way to do business is really ... It ’s strange not to lose money!

Thinking of being able to hold back a smile here, Zhang Yang raised his hand slightly to stop Leona ’s apology, and said in his calm tone as always:

"Forget about the previous things, after all, there is no real fight. I am here to see if there are any more practical magic weapons or equipment, don't know where?"

Zhang Yang opened his mouth, and Leona, who did not hear any emotion from his tone, finally put a dangling heart back into her stomach. In fact, as Harold, the alchemist, had guessed before, whether it is for practicing magic or contacting enchanting and the manufacture of magic items, Leona now has less than one hundred gold coins left!

This money may not be too small for ordinary people, even ordinary low-level professionals. If you save a little, you may be able to live for several years. But for Leona, who was accustomed to Harrods' habit and never thought of breaking enchanting and magic item manufacturing learning, it is difficult to say whether a hundred gold coins can last for a week.

So at the moment, Leona, who is looking forward to a customer, never thought about the fact that she had just found her father at the front foot and the mysterious man in black at the back foot to buy things. At this moment, she only hopes that this time the customers can still buy thousands of gold coins just like those who used to buy things!

So nervous, Leona, who didn't know what to say, tried her best to squeeze out a smile to Zhang Yang, and then gestured to the other party to wait, she quickly walked to the crystal ball in the center of the room and pressed her right hand directly. Gone.

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