Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1371: Liupai and epic armor parts

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"The heritage scrolls and space bracelets left by the legendary strong men of the earth system are counted as one piece. The starting price is 2 million gold coins. Each bid is 200,000 gold coins. Now the auction is on."

The so-called living long-term, probably means that the living time is long, and it means that we can encounter strange things in our life. The situation of desperation, the inheritance, wealth, and even hope of being completely condensed in a scroll, is the first time even for Zhang Yang, who has a long memory of the half-lich, Lanthan.

It is undeniable that this heritage scroll and the ring of space are definitely a gem with great potential. After all, as long as it can pass the test set by the legendary strongman, then the user has a great chance of getting easily advanced to the seventh-level legendary level!

Not only that, in view of the test set by the legendary seventh-rank strongman named Bob, who is known as the 'splitter,' as long as he can successfully pass a certain test to unblock this inheritance scroll, then it is quite Yu admits that users have the potential to go beyond legends.

Of course, having potential does not necessarily mean that you will succeed. After all, it will not be smooth sailing along the way. It is important to know that life is only once, so no matter how great the potential of this person is, as long as there is a mistake in cultivation or adventure, then the result must be devastating.

What potential and future will become empty because of a mistake and death!

So it can be said that unless it is a person who is inherently talented, has great potential, and has a huge experience, and dares to gamble with his own life, even if this scroll is tempting, I am afraid that it may not be dare after it is obtained. Use it yourself.

So even if people know that as long as they get this scroll, no matter whether they are themselves or the forces they belong to, it is possible to get a 7th-level legendary superpower with complete weapons and equipment in the future.

But people who really dare to take a genius' life and at least two million gold coins to gamble don't seem to appear!

So an extremely embarrassing scene appeared at the moment, obviously a treasure with unlimited potential, but after nearly two points had passed, there was not even a single bidder in an auction at Nuo Da!

And if this situation continues until the three-point miss, this piece carries the inheritance scroll of all the hopes of a seventh-level legendary super power, and it will be very helpless.

According to the rules, the auction house has the right to buy it directly at the reserve price, or the buyer can only get the item again after paying 3% of the auction fee.

In this sense, no matter what the final result is, the auction house will never lose money. After all, in addition to the upfront payment such as venue, labor, and prestige, the auction house needs almost no expenditure when auctioning items, and it can easily get the equivalent of 3% of the final value of the auction item in just a few minutes. To 5 percent.

So Zhang Yang suddenly felt that after the development of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps, should he also get an auction house like this? After all, no matter from what aspect, this is a profitable business ...

Time has always passed inadvertently without a trace, so just a short three-pointer is almost instantaneously passed.

It is a pity that this piece of "Inheritance Scroll Kit", which is the penultimate item in the auction according to the degree of cherishment, was finally sold because of the restriction of "together".

In fact, people are still quite calm, after all, betting on a ‘probably brilliant future’ with the cost of two million gold coins and their own destruction. Under normal circumstances, normal people will never try.

Fortunately, the auctioneer Flono specifically stated that before the product was taken away, although this piece of "inheritance reel kit" was auctioned in this auction, it will continue to participate in the next two auctions at the Emerald City Auction House according to the owner's instructions. . From this point of view, the owner who can easily pay nearly 200,000 auction fees seems to be a good person ...

Although the madness of the ‘inheritance reel kit’ caused a slight drop in popularity before the auction, the atmosphere in the entire auction hall became crazy again with the appearance of the last auction item!

I'm afraid no one thought that as the final product of this Emerald City auction, it would be sold as a part of an eighth-order epic magic armor!

Although from the turquoise armor parts displayed, this should be just a small part of a set of eighth-level epic magic armor, except for the complete position of the armor skirt, there are only half armguards and one Leg armor.

Such a lack of East and West, or even a combination of ups and downs, in Zhang Yang's view, the practicality is really quite limited. After all, unless there is a male warrior who is particularly afraid of being attacked by his "critical point", otherwise it would rather be the same. Spending such a sum of money to buy a set of 7th-level legendary magic armor, or a 7th-level legendary magic weapon, will not buy such a bunch of things to go back to 'mix and match'.

However, when Zhang Yang looked at himself secretly, his auctioneer Flono ignored the buzzing of the audience and directly introduced:

"As you can see, these parts of group fighting belong to a set of eighth-level epic magic armor. According to the information obtained by our auction house, this armor should be the legendary" free guardian "that was very famous at the beginning of the bimonthly calendar. Armor. "

Speaking here, Flono stopped slowly, until the atmosphere in the field changed from chaos to a little dignified and depressed, he continued to introduce:

"In the legend, anyone who wears a full set of" own guardian "armor will be immune to all movement-restricted magic, and will be able to obtain the ability to fly freely in advance before reaching the level 7 legendary level. After a joint test by our professional enchanter and appraiser at the auction house, we came to almost the same conclusion. Although we ca n’t see any traces of magic inscriptions on the surface of the armor, but even now there are only such a part of the armor parts , It can still make the wearer immune to all the restricted magic below the third order, and can greatly speed up the convergence of the wind element. The most important thing is that this magic armor is expected to be extremely special, regardless of the warrior or the spell. There is no problem with wearing them. That is to say, this is a set of armor that will not affect the affinity of the magician element, and can completely replace the existence of the magic robe! In addition, it can completely defend the sixth-order warrior or the magician. As long as you can get one set of protection, you will definitely become the strongest set of magic on the mainland in an instant One of armor! "

Speaking of which, even the always calm auctioneer Flono seems a little excited. After all, just imagine the 7th-level legendary or 8th-level epic magician who is already very powerful. You can freely wear such a set. After flying and ignoring all the armor-like magic and effects, defensive ability and super high armor, their combat power and survivability will instantly rise to what extent!

It even said that even if this set of armor was worn on a combatant, then no matter what profession this person was, it would instantly become a ‘monster’ that could not be caught at all and could hardly be killed!

By that time, if the person who made up this set of eighth-level magic armor is itself an eighth-level epic superpower, then perhaps there is no one among the strongmen of the same level except the nineth-level saint-level superpowers. Can people beat him in a one-on-one battle?

(Sure enough, it's an eighth-order epic magic armor, and it's really strong enough for both protection and special effects! It's a pity that from armor like this with only a few parts left, it's definitely a super difficult if you want to get a complete set , And a task that takes a long time, and is even impossible! Otherwise, if such a good thing is there, who is stupid and does n’t need to sell it?)

Thinking of it here, Zhang Yang really feels sorry and lamented, how can such a good thing only have a half of the parts left? Where did the rest of it go? What happened to the owner before it, so that even such a precious magic armor was lost?

Even to say ... assuming that the original owner of this eighth-order epic magic armor was due to his own death, it will make this armor divided into several parts, then it can break through the super high protection ability of this armor and will use How strong is the existence of the killer?

And is the missing part of this armor lost or destroyed? After all, if you can't put all the armor together, then you can't inspire its true ability, and if you can't let the wearer fly freely, its value will drop by almost half!

However, at a time when these doubts are unpleasant in people's minds, the auctioneer Flono, who has regained the calmness in the past, gave the answer first.

"Although this is not my first auction of an eighth-order epic item, I also saw it for the first time for some magical abilities of this kind of magical armor cast in ancient times and suspected of being a work of higher elves. Presumably At this moment, everyone is worried that this set of "own guardian" armor cannot find itself, but I can clearly tell you here that after testing and wearing these armor parts for meditation, you can vaguely perceive the remaining parts. Direction! Therefore it can almost be asserted that as long as there is enough strength, it is definitely a matter of time to get the entire set of armor! Therefore, these parts belonging to the eighth-order epic magic armor 'Free Guardian', the starting price at the moment is five million Gold coins! Each bid increases by 500,000 gold coins, and now the auction starts! "

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