Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1386: Accidentally found

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"Sir, are you?"

It wasn't anyone else who stopped Perris at the moment. It was Zhang Yang who had analyzed all of this. It was precisely because of this that Perris felt even more surprised. After all, it was you who told all of this, and it was you who stopped him from discovering the truth, so what do you mean? Do you tease me?

In this regard, Zhang Yang could naturally guess what Perris was thinking, so at this moment he only heard him say:

"Are you really ready to uncover all this? Don't forget that people with such financial resources and strength to do this kind of thing, definitely not a businessman like you can provoke. So if the other party finds that the goods they transported are opened by someone Have you ever thought about the consequences? "

Zhang Yang, who asked this at the moment, looked serious. He needed to remind Perris of the seriousness of this matter. To know that once he really opened the ‘bed board’, he would have to bear the consequences that might offend the employer after he found the answer. After all, for those who need to transport the goods privately, once they are found to be stupid, then it is really possible to do everything, and even choose to kill the insider for the sake of keeping secrets.

However, the indignant Peris had clearly made up his mind that at the moment, after hearing Zhang Yang's words, he nodded heavily and said:

"Thank you for your care, I know that as a small businessman, you should not fight against those big people, but for a businessman, honesty and credibility are more important. If all this is true as you guessed, then only pay for shipping The price of a carriage, but let us bear a risk far beyond this, which is unfair and deceptive to us! So if I have been kept in the dark, I do n’t even know. Now that I know it, I ca n’t do it anymore. I was deceived. After all, someone had to be responsible for the death of those scattered businessmen, and if I told this news to the business federation, they would not be able to walk around. "

Zhang Yang didn't expect Perris to be so determined, but since he knew what he was doing and clearly knew the seriousness of the matter, he naturally didn't need to block it any more.

"Okay, now that you know what you have, look at what's hidden underneath."

Zhang Yang gave it aside, and Peris did n’t just foolishly lift it directly, but first checked it around the bed. After confirming that there were no suspicious organs and traps, he carefully pulled the carriage. The bed board of the big bed in the middle lifted up.

However, at this moment, only a squeal was heard, and a piece of paper that was only wide in the finger and was placed in the bed box was torn into two segments at the moment the bed board was lifted!

Seeing here, whether it was Zhang Yang or Peris, I instantly understood that they still triggered a small organ hidden inside, and since no abnormalities have occurred at this moment, the role of this fragile note is obvious.

"It doesn't matter, this is just for the convenience of the receiving party to confirm that the goods are complete and not passive. Many merchants will do this, but these goods ..."

Although Perris said so, when he really saw the things in the bed box that were separated by a soft cloth, he was surprised for a while and didn't know what to say.

It contained more than a dozen eggs that didn't know any creature!

Looking at each one that was almost two circles larger than the ostrich eggs, almost the size of a human head, with pale green and brown spots on the off-white eggs, Zhang Yang finally knew why the other party would rather take the carriage to hide and transport it. It's the reason for the space bag.

You must know that there is no living thing in the space bag! Even if Zhang Yang's keen perception is set aside, he can only know that these eggs must not be a boring character in order to satisfy his appetite.

If Zhang Yang guessed right, this should be some kind of Warcraft egg that can be domesticated by the magician as a magic pet. It should be the relatively rare kind of Warcraft that can provide some kind of precious materials to the magician after hatching.

It's a pity that Zhang Yang doesn't have much knowledge in this area after all, let alone judging what kind of World of Warcraft these eggs belong to just by appearance. However, what is surprising is that after a careful observation to distinguish for a while, Perris's face suddenly turned pale, and after a while, he said hoarsely:

"This, is it all the eggs of lions and scorpions? Oh my god! If so, the value of these twelve lion and scorpion eggs alone will not be less than one million gold coins, but the question is how can this thing be done at once So much? After all, I have n’t heard of Pompeii where there are a lot of lion scorpion warcrafts? Is n’t it from ... "

Although Perris didn't finish the sentence, Zhang Yang guessed what he wanted to say in the second half of the sentence. After all, lions and scorpions are different from other two-legged dragons or golden eagles. Most of them live in underground caves and the like.

Even if occasionally on the ground, you can see the traces of these sixth-order World of Warcraft in some deep and huge caves, but if you want to get twelve lion scorpion eggs at one time, it is only possible in the deep underground world. !

Therefore, it is not difficult to infer from this point that it is likely that an entrance to the underground world was found somewhere around the Emerald City! Such a place may be a very dangerous death place for low- and medium-level mercenaries and adventurers, but for large organizations with countless strong men, it is definitely a treasure containing countless resources and opportunities!

After all, let alone say, as far as lion scorpion warcraft is concerned, they have an average sixth-order strength in adulthood, which is itself a powerful dual-line warcraft that can both fight on the ground and have low-altitude flight capabilities. Not only can they use some natural magic of wind and dark, their tails are like tails of poisonous scorpions, but they are also extremely toxic!

In addition, the lion scorpion itself is not weak in melee combat, so to speak, in the dark and deep underground world, they are close to the top of the food chain! Although there are still many more powerful than them, people like lions and scorpions like to live in groups are relatively rare.

Therefore, if you can capture them in large quantities, or obtain a large number of lion scorpion warcraft by looting lion scorpion eggs and hatching them, and then use contract or domestication to collect them as mounts, then I am afraid that it will not be used for ten years A new and powerful air knight force!

Of course, because lion scorpions generally do not like light and their eyes cannot withstand the stimulation of strong light, they are destined to be used only at night. But even so, this is shocking enough. After all, what a powerful air knight formed on the mainland represents is almost clear to an adult.

Moreover, if this is the development of a new military force in the magic kingdom, after all, looking at the current situation on the mainland, even if the human being has a little more power, it is precious. Whether it's going south to fight off the orcs' attacks, or going north to fight against the undead, it can play a vital role.

The problem is that in view of this sneaky transportation situation, it seems that it is not like the handwriting from the highest magic council of the magic kingdom Pompeii and the magic queen, but more like a private action of a large magic family!

The gaps and problems during this period will be bigger!

The strength of the organization that can get the lion scorpion egg is undoubtedly undoubtedly, while the organization with such a strong strength still secretly develops the empty knight, their purpose is somewhat unconvincing. If you just want to strengthen the family power in order to fight for a higher position in Pompeii, it's fine, but what if they want more?

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang suddenly realized that he seemed to be involved in another terrible trouble. Even if he thought a little before, the owners of these lion and scorpion eggs are only preparing to sell them through some channels to make a fortune. However, when it comes to goods worth more than one million gold coins, this is always a bit difficult.

So after being silent for a long time, Zhang Yang finally said to the perspiring Peris:

"Since you know what these eggs are, then you should know how much trouble it is. Until now, unless you enter the city, go straight to the local magic council to seek refuge, or simply show that the horse and car will join the entire caravan. It ’s difficult to get into that force and become a member of the other party, otherwise you want to get rid of the relationship. Do n’t expect that the so-called business federation can help you. In the face of absolute strength, the strength of the merchants is still too weak. . So you have to think about it now, after all, you can arrive at Duckweed Port in two days? "

Hearing Zhang Yang's opening, Perris gradually recovered. In fact, he also knew that this time was a big event, even because he was originally a child of the magic kingdom of Pompeii, so he thought more than Zhang Yang.

At the moment, in Peris ’s view, he commissioned him to deliver a luxury carriage to customers every one or two months in the last six months or so. I ’m afraid it ’s just the tip of the iceberg where his forces are exposed on the water. After all, where millions of gold coins are placed A huge sum of money, waiting for a small organization to have no such strength!

So even if he wanted to save his life and lead the Chihong Caravan into the whole merger, would they accept it or not? If it were not for the purpose of confusing the audience and not wanting to draw attention, how could the other party's strength deliver the goods worth millions of gold coins to their small caravans?

So from this point of view, there is only one way left for Perris now, that is, as Zhang Yang said, as soon as possible to find the magic council to hand over the lion scorpion eggs and seek asylum, and he can not go to Duckweed Port Otherwise, with the power of the other party, I am afraid that you will be discovered as soon as you enter the city.

Therefore, the safest way is to use the fastest speed to divert to the southeast, about a hundred miles from here, on the mountain and the water, at the other level between the magic kingdom of Pompeii and the dead desert, Aragá City, found in the other side It was more appropriate to go there to seek asylum from the Magic Council.

As for the idea of ​​taking these lions and scorpion eggs directly and swallowing them after swallowing them ... Perris didn't even think about it!

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