Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1389: Grievance practice and point dial

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In fact, Zhang Yang's position is actually a combination of a warrior and a mentor. Even before rebirth, he still has a title that terrified countless soldiers: the instructor!

So when Anjiruka found him, and pleaded with the other party to give him some pointers, so that he could improve his strength as quickly as possible and break through the fifth-level gold level mark in one fell swoop. Seeing that he was respectful and pious, Zhang Yang thought that it seemed to be nothing in the next two days and agreed.

This was what made Anki Luka's heart burst into an instant, and he even kowtowed to the teacher.

After all, for a person who is dedicated to the pursuit of strength and has not received the guidance of a famous teacher, there is a strong forerunner who can guide him. This is what he has always dreamed of.

It is important to know that there are very few people on the mainland who have the opportunity to enter the Mowu Academy system to learn and practice. In contrast, most professionals either learn the basic training methods from the military, and the kind of endless troubles. If you want to fight for strength, you must join the mercenary group with a good body, try to find a way to do it as soon as possible, and then use your life to fight for the future in battles that are born and died.

Therefore, for those large and medium-sized mercenary regiments, although various types of grudges are not everything, the six major lines are not lacking.

Therefore, as long as the qualifications are not too bad, then it will take a few months to a year, and slow will take two or three years to fight and practice, then break through the first level and advance to the second level bronze level, officially become a grudge The war fighters basically have no major problems.

Of course, since the grudge is also divided into high school, low school, its effect is naturally very different.

In addition to the different speed of cultivation under normal circumstances, the power that can be exerted is also very different. However, there is also one thing that cannot be ignored, that is, not everyone can practice high-level grudges!

That requires not only enough talent, but even some luck! In fact, some high-level grudges have found that although people can enter the country extremely quickly, people who sing forward in the early days and usually practice low-level grudges usually take ten years to reach the level. Those who practice high-level grudges only need two or three. It can be achieved in years.

However, as much as you get, you will lose as much. Compared with the low-level cultivator, although it is slow to enter the country, there is little danger. Some high-level tactics are likely to happen under the carelessness of the cultivator. Great danger!

This is also easy to understand. After all, the more advanced the more sophisticated, it can be said that the more complex or the fault tolerance rate is lower. So unless it is really talented, mental, and attention, all of which are far superior to ordinary people, I am afraid that it really cannot withstand the dangers associated with high-end grudges.

Therefore, even those ancient families with a long history in the current human kingdom, they let their descendants choose the fifth-level gold-level grudge.

It's not that they don't have a higher and stronger vindictive decision, but because after thousands of years of unstoppable experimentation, they have come to the conclusion that the fifth-level gold-level vindictive decision is the safest and most practical. Not only can it ensure a higher adult length, but basically no danger will occur.

Even when some warfighters reach the limit of a certain level and need to face the "bottleneck" or "level", those who practice the fifth-level gold-level grudge will be more likely than those who practice the lower-level grudge. People are simpler and easier.

As for the bottleneck problem of high-end grudges? Naturally, the higher the order, the more unlikely it is to encounter. Even the legendary sacred order of vindictiveness, it is said that there is no bottleneck in the promotion. As long as it reaches a certain level, it will naturally advance to the next stage.

From this point of view, Zhang Yang's current way of cultivating and advancing through the collection of the three ‘sources’ may be somewhat similar to that of the Holy Order of Qi. It's just that Zhang Yang himself named the "Evil Evil Decision" and it didn't have the holy order of vindictiveness that was so low as perverted fault tolerance.

So what Ankiluka faces at the moment is how to break through the existing bottlenecks. After all, in terms of the third-order grudge tactics called "Qinglin Douqi Jue" he practiced, basically there will not be any bottleneck problems before entering the third tier. Naturally.

But the problem is that for Anji Luka, who is practicing the Tier 3 Tier of Victory, how to make progress after reaching Tier 3 Black Iron level is a big problem!

It's not good to say that from the age of sixteen he practiced 'Qing Lin Dou Qi Jue' to now he is thirty-nine years old, aside from the initial four-year time to enter the third tier, there are nineteen It took years of cultivation and battle to reach the level of the fourth-order silver advanced level, and it has not even reached the peak of the fourth-order silver advanced level, let alone how to advance to the fifth-level gold level.

So when Anjiruka saw Zhang Yang, a strong man who used water fighting and magic to fight, he could not wait to put down his body and ask for advice. After all, even if the two people's temperament methods are different, but the experience and methods of breaking through the bottleneck can be used for reference!

Otherwise, why is it that the mercenary corps, adventure corps, or the regular corps with strong men are easy to recruit? In addition to having more and better resources and fighting, the help and guidance of the strong men are also A very important part.

It's a pity that Anji Luka didn't expect that Zhang Yang's strength is not false, but the reason why he can have the combat effectiveness of today is not because of the cultivation of fighting spirit!

Although he also cultivated the "deep water fighting spirit" of the fruit for a few months at the beginning, a series of accidents and coincidences later made him embark on a road that was almost unprecedented on the mainland of Orlando!

Fortunately, the combatant's skill is basically the same as the skill of the grudge. As long as his quality and foundation are solid, how to use it is not a matter of his own decision?

Therefore, when the caravan camped and rested that night, Zhang Yang, who was bored in the carriage for several days, called Anjiluka, who was full of "study", left the camp and found a secluded place cheaper for this. The students started the routine bottoming out activity before the "teaching".

As for the method, it is actually a little simple and rude, that is, Zhang Yang let Anji Luka attack at his full strength, and he can stop when he is satisfied with the stop.

This situation naturally made Anjiluka a little confused. After all, according to the news he heard before, did not all the tutors in the Mowu Academy like to explain a bunch of cultivation theories to students? This kind of situation where you can do it without saying a word seems a bit wrong? Is it a way of teaching a teacher?

Fortunately, Zhang Yang's strength has long been recognized by Anjiluka, so even if the method he proposed at this moment is somewhat inconsistent with Anjiluka's previous cognition, he still carried out his vigorous efforts after a ceremony. Attacked the opponent!

So in a flash, I saw the water magic sword with no more than three ranks in Anjiluka's hands. While encased in the light of grudge, it made the whole sword seem a bit illusory. Perhaps this is one of the characteristics of "Qing Lin Dou Qi Ju"?

(Make the weapon a little illusory, so that the enemy gradually loses its ability to judge the weapon? Sure enough, even if it is a low-level fighting, there will be some unique points.)

Despite some emotion in his heart, in the face of the seemingly aggressive attack of Anji Luka, Zhang Yang was not even interested in drawing out his sixth-order magic sword. Without him, the other party's attack is really not a threat to Zhang Yang. Although Jian Guangcancan looks very powerful, but he pays too much attention to the effects of grudge and grudge technique, that is, the attack moves themselves are nothing new.

You think, no matter what the slash, the stab, the stab, or the spiral thorn, although the power is not bad, but the intention is too straightforward, there is really no difficulty to avoid, so that Zhang Yang does not even need to use too fast The speed seems to be able to hide from the walk of the court.

Speaking of warriors who cultivate various grudges of various departments, there are some characteristics of each department. For example, most of the attacks performed by warfighters who cultivate the grudge of the fire department have a strong explosive force; and the attacks used by the warriors who cultivate the grudge of the earth department are in addition to the strength The larger ones also have a certain defensive effect; while the combatants who practice the wind system understand better, they have the fastest attack speed recognized by people; and the combatants who practice the grudge of the water system, in addition to the most famous self-healing ability, In addition, the endless grudge output during the attack is also a highlight.

As for the warlords who practice the light element, not only most of them are people of the Light Temple, but the attacks they carry also carry a certain degree of ‘devil-breaking’ attribute! That is, in addition to having a strong destructive effect on negative energy, it can also reduce the defense effect of other elements. Therefore, whether the combatant ’s body protection is grudge, or the magic shield used by the caster, face the use of the light system. Professionals with grudges are all weakened to varying degrees.

The dark-type grudge, which is the opposite of the light-type grudge, is almost the same as the light-type grudge, but the difference is that the dark grudge has a damage bonus to most positive energy, and other aspects are similar.

So from this point of view, perhaps it seems true that Anjiluka pays attention to the grudge attack. After all, the gap between the same attack and the grudge energy is quite large, and it can maintain the grudge effect on the weapon for a long time. This in itself is a good ability.

But this does not make much sense to Zhang Yang. Even if he ignores this special case, the strength is not enough for the combatants who can use [Lock Mist Clothing] and [Fighting Armor] to enhance their defense. Even if the attack is strengthened by the grudge, it still cannot pose a threat to it.

So when Anjiluka attacked more than one hundred swords in a row, Zhang Yang suddenly stopped evading, and instead pulled out the magic sword at the waist and cut it out diagonally with the power of the sheath!

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