Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1391: Duckweed Harbor

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No one had thought that since that night, Anjiluka actually ran into the water to practice as Zhang Yang said. Not only that, he also seemed like a new swordsman on weekdays. All the basic physical training programs of the workers were picked up.

This is fine. Except for the necessary caravan tasks such as patrols, the rest of the time Ankiruka seems to be ‘hit the chicken blood’ and is generally trained on his own.

In fact, if it is all this, in this world of strength, as long as you improve your strength, other talents will not care what method you use to cultivate it.

However, Zhang Yang did not expect that, since then, although the old kid Anji Luka said nothing, every time he saw Zhang Yang, he would not only take the initiative to greet the teacher when he met, even the daily caravanserai For the two meals provided in the morning and evening, this guy will respectfully send Zhang Yang to that luxury carriage personally!

It's so good, I'm afraid even the blind man knows that the reason why he will suddenly become the look in front of him must be inseparable from Zhang Yang, a mysterious strong man. After all, irrespective of the essence, in terms of the form of power shown, Zhang Yang gave everyone the impression that he is a "high-level demon swordsman with two swordsmanship"?

Fortunately, because of the road, this kind of day lasted only two days, and even if I reached the end, on the evening of the sixth day after Zhang Yang and the Red Caravan set off from the Emerald City, the group finally arrived at this southeast of Pompeii, the magic kingdom. Fang's waterside city 'Duckweed Harbor'.

Speaking of the name, the origin of the duckweed port is not because the river is full of duckweed. In fact, except for some Hubo and swamps, most waters will not have aquatic plants like duckweed. presence. Therefore, the duckweed port built along the river has no duckweed at all, and some are just people who keep coming and going.

Yes, the name of Duckweed Port actually came from here. Whether it is a businessman, or a mercenary or an adventurer, they are traveling around for life and dreams. In fact, they are the true portrayal of the rootless "duckweed". Although it looks bright on the surface, but with the drifting of them, perhaps the water flow will be washed slightly to some place.

So do n’t look at the flow of people in this duckweed port, and you can see a large number of people in any street or pier, but the residents who really settle here are said to have no more than two Thousands!

For a city with a total area equivalent to one-sixth the size of the Emerald City, it can only be described as incredible. The reason why the duckweed port has such a small population can still be developed is because it is located just downstream of the most important ‘Liujing River’ in the magic kingdom.

Therefore, whether it is from the perspective of water transportation, or from the perspective of coastal development, through this article originated in the northern part of the French Empire, traverses the entire French Empire and the magic kingdom of Pompeii, and finally merges into Pompeii, La It is normal that the boundary conditions of the river of the letter sea between Dovia and the Forest of Warcraft, the duckweed port will occupy a place in the southeast of the magic kingdom of Pompeii.

So whether it is a merchant or an adventurer everywhere, as long as he can afford the boat, he can use the waterway to travel between the French Empire and Pompeii safely and conveniently.

Dalaran, the capital of the magical kingdom of Pompeii, like Zhang Yang ’s trip, and his long-cherished mainland magical holy land, “Moduo”, are all on the way of this river.

So if there is any way to make Zhang Yang achieve his goal quickly and safely, then choosing to go upstream by boat is undoubtedly the best choice. You have to know that when Neil Jielina was looking for Zhang Yang not too far away, she came down this waterway and finally arrived in Ladovia, the mercenary country.

It ’s just that Zhang Yang ’s being alone is much more convenient than Nier Jielina who led more than one hundred people in any way. Therefore, according to the news I got from speaking with Anji Luka these two days, Zhang Yang even Knowing that as long as he can afford the high cost, he will be able to rent a legendary dread bat or griffon in the capital of Dalaran, the magic kingdom.

In this way, the speed of driving is naturally much faster than in any other mode of transportation. Whoever lets fly in the sky can completely ignore the shackles of any terrain and roads. Except for needing to be careful not to fall and fall, it is really It couldn't be more convenient.

However, even though Zhang Yang felt more attentive at the moment, what he should do was inescapable. Who will let him find any strange things when he is unlucky?

Besides, in terms of Zhang Yang's character, since he promised to help Perris relieve the crisis he and the Chihong Caravan faced, then Zhang Yang would naturally do the job.

So when Zhang Yang and the Chihong caravan hurried to arrive at Duckweed Port at dinner time, he said goodbye to Perris and Ankiluka directly.

So under the eyes of the Crimson Caravan, who were either admiring or wondering, Zhang Yang sat directly at the position of the master of the luxury carriage, and directly drove the 'cargo' originally belonging to the Crimson Caravan. It's just that since the leader of the Crimson Caravan didn't say anything, the others didn't have the reason and the courage to find the mysterious strongman to ask.

In case someone is unhappy, I will give you a hand, even if there is no injustice or hatred, you may not directly kill your life, but who likes to find a lot of things?

(I really do n’t know if it ’s right or wrong to do this, although things will develop to the point where he has some responsibility, but it ’s a "lion scorpion egg" worth more than one million gold coins! I ’m afraid it ’s not easy to escape? Hey ... Maybe I should n’t have rented the carriage for the extra 500 gold coins at the beginning, otherwise there would n’t be so many bad things ...)

In fact, no matter how disturbed Perris is, he should not be able to escape after all. So when their Crimson Caravan had just arrived at the familiar hotel in Duckweed Harbor, and was settling the only two vehicles left and distributing their accommodation, a middle-aged man wearing a pure black delicate magic robe was in two Under the guard of a warrior wearing an enchanted leather armor and a sword, he found Peris directly.

"Good evening Mr. Perris, we are considered to be acquaintances when we talked about cooperation a few times, so I won't say much if it's too polite. After all," time is money "isn't it."

Perhaps because I had long known that the opponent ’s power in Duckweed Port should not be underestimated, news such as the Chihong Caravan entering the city was unable to hide the relationship with others anyway, so that Perez ’s heart had been hanging in the air since entering the city. In the middle, I'm afraid that the other party's anxious that the 'cargo' hidden in the carriage is waiting directly at the city gate is bad.

Fortunately, until the ‘Master Troy’ left, all of this was quite calm. As for direct visits to this kind of thing at this moment, Perris was naturally well prepared. Therefore, just before Lord Reagan, who was always wearing a black magic robe, appeared and directly explained his intention, Perris responded with some surprise:

"Ah! Master Reagan, why did you come here in person? Speaking of the robbers on the way, the caravan lost most of the goods. This made the arrival time half a day later than expected, so you also see Now, I have n’t settled the caravan completely. ”

Listening to Perris saying this, the magician named Reagan was obviously surprised. It may be an exaggeration to say, but with the joint efforts of several of their magician families in recent years, although they dare not say anything else, in the section between Emerald City and Duckweed Harbor, all the robbers who dare to take their heads are They were wiped out by thunder.

In addition to earning fame for the family and training the family's children and family combat power, its purpose is to smooth out the obstacles for this hidden 'transport line'.

So now when he heard the news of encountering a robber from Perris, he suddenly froze.

"How is it possible? The news I got clearly indicated that we saw the custom-made carriage at the gate of the city, but I didn't see it when I came. You would never tell me that the carriage was just robbed in Duckweed Harbor. Is that right? "

Here, the root itself has the strength of the fifth-level gold intermediate level. Before the intention to converge its own momentum, the people around did not feel much, but now it is obvious once the mood is not good. A magic that seemed to have a sense of inexplicable coldness, with the frown of his eyebrows, immediately covered all those who were present, such as Perris and Anquiluca!

At first glance, it seems that as long as Perris doesn't answer well, he will directly attack. In this regard, although Perris had scolded Reagan and the other forces for a long time, in the face of this kind of power that was far beyond the level of Anji Luka, a small second-order swordsman of Perris said that he was not afraid. That is absolutely false.

So seeing that the other party was directly angry, Perris quickly explained:

"My lord is angry! My lord is angry! The sentence I just said is true, except that the time of the robbery was not today, but when I was on the road two days ago! Do n’t believe the lord, you can ask yourself to see, our caravan The purchased goods lost nearly 80% directly. Moreover, the head of the robber leader and some weapons and equipment left after the death of the robber are also not fake! "

"Oh? But what you said is true? Then where did our checked carriage go? According to you, is the message I just received false?"

Although Reagan's tone of speech was questioning at the moment, his deliberately enhanced magical coercion was enough to show that he did not think so at all. Peris didn't dare to hesitate about this, and immediately made a presentation and cross-examination that had previously been discussed with Zhang Yang:

"Adult is angry, this is the case ..."

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