Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1394: Peaceful settlement

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"You really opened the secret compartment for storing goods!"

After hearing Zhang Yang say the word "lion scorpion egg", Reagan's face suddenly became somber, not only that, but also to see that his body's magical power couldn't be stirred, even the slightest black breath couldn't help him gather, Everyone understood that this was a harbinger of his preparation.

However, Zhang Yang did not consciously anger the other party, but continued to say in a consistent calm tone:

"Yes, I did open the dark grid. After all, for a warfighter, even if you just sit on it inadvertently, you can feel the existence of the dark grid. Moreover, you did not particularly lock it, so It ’s normal to open it and see. ”

"Why? I heard you mean you didn't know the existence of the lions and scorpions before?"

"Of course, don't you think I'm specifically for those eggs? Although these dozen scorpion eggs are indeed worth a little bit of money, if it's just that little bit of money, it's not in my eyes yet."

Speaking of this, Zhang Yang gently patted the magic sword hanging on his side. Although it has not yet been sheathed, no matter the aquamarine gemstone inlaid on the hilt or the complicated magic lines on the jaw, it is still. Telling its extraordinary. And these in Reagan's eyes not far away turned into a strong surprise in doubt.

As a member of the Black family, Reagan naturally had the opportunity to contact those really powerful magic weapons and magic equipment, so when he focused his attention on the magic sword on the opponent's waist under Zhang Yang's gesture, he was very knowledgeable. Reagan suddenly felt the power of the strong water element emanating from this magic sword!

So at this moment, he discovered that the guy in front of him who was not astonishing and did not know what method to hide his strength, actually possessed a sixth-order magic sword as a weapon! Not only that, whether it is the cloak behind the opponent, or the rings worn on the hand, all of them exude a variety of magic fluctuations!

Therefore, although Reagan could not believe his eyes, all this showed that the magic equipment in front of this guy was only worth more than one million gold coins! This is something that even Reagan himself is not qualified to use! So he suddenly discovered that what the other party said might not be true, and all of this happened as a result of a series of coincidences.

After all, no matter whether this guy who claims to be 'Troy' in front of him really has strength, or what powerful forces are behind him, it seems that there is no need to take risks for the millions of gold coins in this area. There are two 7th-level legendary super The strong family sits in the family.

Thinking of here, Reagan suddenly exhaled deeply to calm down his chaotic mood, and he didn't speak again until about five seconds later:

"So, all this is just a misunderstanding?"

"Of course, all smart people will make a wise choice between these lion scorpion eggs, which are worth millions of gold coins, but it is difficult to really shoot, and the favor of a strong family. And I think the Black family treats 'helped themselves' Should n’t my friends be too stingy? ”

Speaking of this, Zhang Yang's always calm face finally showed a faint smile, and just such a very hard-to-perceive smile, it was enough to make the atmosphere of the original crossbows was obviously eased, at least after Reagan's face number changed, Put away the magic that was already surging, and also smiled with a smile:

"The Braque family has always loved and hated. Naturally, they will never compromise with anyone who dares to challenge the family and is malicious. But at the same time, our Black family is more generous enough to friends with goodwill. Of course. , I think Mr. Troy should probably show more sincerity, I believe this will avoid unnecessary misunderstanding. "

When it comes to this part, Zhang Yang still can't understand, the other party is reminding him that he wants to determine the whereabouts of the lion and scorpion eggs first, and then decide what to do afterwards. In this regard, Zhang Yang, who had long planned to return these ‘hot potato’, readily agreed, so after Reagan also expressed his goodwill, Zhang Yang nodded and said with a smile:

"Returning to the original owner is naturally a matter of course. In fact, the goods are still in the dark compartment of the carriage. After all, few people think of hiding what is valuable in a carriage, are they?"

(Is it still hidden there and has n’t been transferred? If so, then a peaceful solution would be a good choice. After all, if the caravan leader said it was true, this person would not be a legendary magic swordsman, I ’m afraid actually The power should also be above the sixth-order purple gold level, otherwise, even with the benefit of high-level magic weapons, it is impossible to cut the flame produced by the sixth-order fire magic [Dragon Breath].)

Thinking about these expressions on Reagan's face suddenly eased again, and when he took two men and Zhang Yang to the back yard of the Harbor Hotel, he found the luxury carriage parked here and confirmed the lions with his own eyes. After the scorpion egg was placed intact in the distance, Reagan's expression calmed down completely.

"Mr. Troy is indeed an honest and trustworthy person. I would like to thank you on behalf of the Black family for everything you do. So, I do n’t know what kind of compensation Mr. Troy needs our Black family to pay for this? Gold coins? Or something else? . "

In fact, Zhang Yang was quite satisfied with the progress of this matter. Although he never expected anything from the other party, he did n’t even know what the Black family's path was before. However, since the other party had already proposed it in person, Zhang Yang was brief. After thinking for a while, he said directly:

"Gold coins or wealth are not necessary. Although I have no position to speak for the Crimson Caravan, I feel that if possible, I hope you will compensate for the Crimson Caravan ’s losses. After all, the Caravan piggybacked the goods. All of them are charged according to the value of the goods, so you spend the money on the carriage but secretly transported something worth millions of gold coins. Such a thing ultimately lacks the corresponding fairness, so if you really like To express it, just give me the part that was given to Chihong Caravan. "

"Since Mr. Troy has spoken, this little thing is naturally no problem. In fact, the reason why he has not told them the truth is just for the safety of the goods. After all, the more people who know, the less safe it is, but now from the robbers From the point of view, it seems that after all, it still leaks, so now we also need to change our strategy. But speaking of Mr. Troy, do n’t you need anything yourself? "

"This ... actually speaking there is something I want to ask Mr. Reagan."

"Since Mr. Troy sees himself as a friend of the Black family, as long as the husband speaks, the Black family will not easily refuse the friend's request."

As soon as these words came out, Reagan stared at Zhang Yang's eyes, and it seemed that Zhang Yang could not help him to ask him for anything. However, Zhang Yang is clear about this. He has short mouths and short hands. Once he gets the benefits or help of the Black family, it will be difficult for the other party to refuse after he asks for it.

Fortunately, what Zhang Yang wanted to say was simply a trivial matter, so when Reagan listened to each other's questions, the whole person sighed slightly:

"I thought it was a big deal, but I just wanted to find a boat to reach Laran along the Liujing River? This kind of thing is really ..."

Speaking of this, Reagan didn't know what to say, but fortunately the goods have been recovered safely, then his task is completed. Therefore, after agreeing with Zhang Yang that he would send someone to pick him up at the 'Harbour' hotel early in the morning, Reagan was very kind to say goodbye to Zhang Yang and then boarded the luxury carriage that caused many incidents, letting the two guards drive him left.

Everything seemed to be going smoothly, but when Zhang Yang returned to the 'Harbour' hotel with ease and was about to take a rest in the room above the tavern, the two **** and hot women suddenly stopped him inexplicably!

"This adult is a coincidence, I don't know if our sisters are fortunate to serve you?"

In fact, with Zhang Yang's sense of sensitivity, he has long known that there are two people standing there on the stairs. It's just that the strength of these two women can only reach the level of first-level advanced, which is basically no threat to Zhang Yang.

Secondly, some troubles can't be avoided simply by trying to hide, so instead of being remembered for unknown reasons, it is better to look directly at the other party for what tricks they want to do. After all, for Zhang Yang today, he already has enough strength to cope with any unexpected situation.

So when Zhang Yang was stopped, there was no look of surprise on his face. He just shook his head lightly and said:

"I'm sorry for the two young ladies, they just want to take a good rest and sleep well during the next trip, so the beauty of the two can only be the heart. I wonder if the two young ladies can let it pass?"

Zhang Yang ’s remarks were impeccable, and he could not help but be impeccable in his language and manners. Even if he clearly refused, he could not feel any slowness, and at the same time he clearly expressed his thoughts, so even the **** The ceremonial officers in the imperial court who regarded manners as more important than life judged them, and I was afraid that they could only give a thumbs up and say perfect.

However, for all the sisters Mila and Jenny, who were holding their breath in the heart and were here to prepare to hang out with Zhang Yang, they inadvertently played the opposite role!

Understand that in their hearts, the most disgusting are those 'nobles' and 'big men' who seem to be benevolent and moral, but do all the bad things in private! After all, no one is born to want to be a "singer" who eats by the body. If they were not led by the "nobles" who were eager for their beauty when they first came out, they would eventually sink into the body and mind. Their lives should not be like this Dreaming of being drunk and alive, and mixing one day is a day?

So it can be said that Zhang Yang's response and attitude not only did not receive the due effect, but even had a counter-effect! So the two beautiful women who stood in front of him suddenly smiled more charmingly ...

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