Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 139: Kill Keith

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When Zhang Yang saw that his lightning attack was easily taken by the shooter named Keith, he knew that there was no hope of winning by magic alone, so Zhang Yang quickly turned and rushed towards the forest behind him.

Keith saw the old man turned and ran towards the forest, how could he make him do it? I saw that he quickly picked up his qi and fired three arrows at once, and only one of the three feather arrows made a roar of the breaking wind, and the other two shot silently toward Zhang Yang who turned around! This sneak attack technique is really brilliant!

Just when Keith smiled secretly in his heart, who knew that the old magician in front of him turned away quickly without turning his head back and forth, and the three arrows suddenly fell through!

The moment passed, and when Keith aimed again, the old man had turned and hid behind a big tree ...

"Mom! Is this a magician or an assassin! Why is it so slippery!"

Keith felt like he had lost a big face at this time. A fifth-level gold intermediate bow master, even when he was faced with an aging fourth-level magician, was frequently avoided by him. This is simply naked. Insult! ! So he started to chase forward while cursing in his mouth.

Jason, Ryan and Anna and Lily have been playing very conservatively. Not only they, but even the opposite Kiel and two-handed swordsmen are secretly paying attention to Zhang Yang's situation. Suddenly seeing Zhang Yang retreating back at this time, Ryan and Anna and Lily did not know the depth of Zhang Yang, so this moment seemed a little irritable.

"Come on, Captain Wright is not that easy to deal with. As long as we are okay, he will definitely win!"

Seeing some impetuous Jason from the three beside him, he said firmly to the three during his busy schedule.

"Hahaha! Do you still expect the old immortal to come back to save you? He is already insecure! You must know that high-level archers are the enemies of the magician! You should surrender quickly! Hahahaha!"

At this time, Kiel seemed to have seen the tragic state of Zhang Yang's death, and Zhang Kuang looked up and laughed! But at this moment, a thin and bright lightning shot from the forest suddenly hit Kiel and the three soldiers beside him! For a time, the three of them suddenly "shuddered" down on the ground and rolled their eyes trembling! The situation on the court suddenly benefited the four of Jason!

Keith, who had just entered the edge of the forest, suddenly yelled after seeing this scene! Then he shot at the place where Zhang Yang's figure disappeared in a crazier gesture while chasing away ...

Zhang Yang, after helping Jason and others alleviate the pressure at this time, turned around and rushed towards the depths of the forest. The arrows that were chasing after him were always found in the original forest full of foliage and vines. , A branch of feather arrows wrapped in a large number of grudges and kept nailing the big tree beside Zhang Yang. Suddenly Zhang Yang's heart moved, and his body suddenly fell forward, but it was still a little late, and three silent arrows arranged in a zigzag pattern shot suddenly, Zhang Yang Mian tried to avoid two of them, but there was still one Arrow hit Zhang Yang from behind!

Fortunately, there is not much grudge attached to this silent arrow, and the strength is not very strong. In addition, Zhang Yang is still circumvented properly, so it is not too much to shoot into the body. Zhang Yang knew in his heart that he would be shot only after he had been cursed and his overall quality had fallen. It seems I have to find a way to make a quick decision ...

Keith still had four arrows left in the quiver at this time, and it was only after a violent shot that he consumed most of his ammunition. Chasing and chasing him suddenly stopped and then stepped back a few steps and looked over. I saw a few drops of bright red blood on the low bush under him!

"Haha! See how far you can run now!"

Keith excited in his heart murmured to himself, and then quickly chased forward in front of the blood. Along the way, Keith watched a little bit of blood on the ground, excited, and the old man was not far in front!

Suddenly, Keith saw a very concealed gray emerge from the bush!

Humph! Really can hide! If it were n’t for my sharp eyes, I might not find you! But since I was discovered, then you die for me! Thinking of this, Keith slowly took out a blue-black arrow from the back quiver, and quietly laid it on the long bow raised by his left hand. As the qi condensed, the arrow was getting weaker and weaker, and a layer of extremely thick and heavy wind system qi quickly covered the arrow.

With a cruel smile on the corner of Keith's mouth, this silent poisonous fast arrow traversed a distance of twenty meters in an instant and easily penetrated the gray shadow under the bush!

At this moment, Keith suddenly shrank his pupils, and in his surprised eyes, the gray shadow that was penetrated turned out to be just a cloak! And at this moment, a huge figure suddenly fell from the height above the giant tree behind Keith! The time of this hit is too clever, just the moment after Keith just shot an arrow! At this point in the eyes of Keith who had just reacted, this man with a one-handed axe flashing thunder was the old magician! How is it possible? Isn't he a magician? How dare you launch such an attack ?!

At this time, Zhang Yang was wearing gray leather armor, holding a thunderbolt-filled tomahawk in his right hand and slashing from a tree branch more than ten meters high!

Looking at the old man's cold, knife-like eyes rushing down from his head, and feeling the extremely oppressive thunder blow, Keith's heart was cold! Is this still the magician who looks calm and peaceful? This is clearly an old warrior! This old man is too dangerous!

Keith had no time to shoot arrows at this time, so he hurriedly raised his left hand to follow his long bow for many years and was full of luck, hoping to withstand the horrific blow of this mysterious old man!

At this time, Zhang Yang had done everything he could, from arranging the illusion to enticing the enemy into the urn, until now the attack was launched. He has used the highest level of lightning enhancement and the lightning weapon infusion by himself! After using all his strength, Zhang Yang sensitively found that in the state of lightning enhancement, the lightning weapon infusion that he just realized was also affected by the lightning enhancement bonus! However, the premise of increasing the power by half is that the load is doubled accordingly. After this blow, Zhang Yang can no longer load the use of other lightning powers ...

This axe carried Zhang Yang's highest combat power at this time, and the longbow in Keith's hand was broken into two pieces as soon as it touched! Then this blow filled with lightning power not only easily broke through that layer of grudge armor, but even instantly cut Keith directly from the left neck position into two pieces!

After that, the battle axe that passed through multiple layers of obstacles but still unable to withstand the force thundered and thundered heavily on the land at the foot of Keith!

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