Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1408: Golden Pearl

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Zhang Yang has taken a variety of ships, whether it is a small boat, a speedboat, a sailing ship or the like, and even warships have traveled many times because of the needs of certain tasks. Of course, these are all the experiences of his last life, and since he was reborn on the mainland of Orlando, this is the first time he has been on a boat.

However, even from the perspective of Zhang Yang II, I have to admit that even though the three-masted sailboat named 'Golden Pearl' is still somewhat primitive in terms of material and structure, it seems to be completely incomparable to those metals made in memory. All kinds of ships are sturdy, but in terms of cost, artistry and even performance, this magnificent three-masted sailing ship is no worse than any modern ship in Zhang Yang's memory, and may even be more than that!

After all, it is just the power of magic that is supplemented by the power of phoenix. Zhang Yang has opened his eyes. After all, the first time he came to the magic kingdom of Pompeii, he never thought that magic has been used in this country. To this extent! What's more, the luxurious configuration of the three-masted sailing ship also surprised him.

It ’s just that Zhang Yang could n’t restrain his desire to vomit. Judging from the use of magic sails, these people clearly have the ability to get a magically driven “blower” to use as a jet accelerator, but they turned over and used the wind force they created. Going to blow the sails to speed it up, this kind of way like 'take off your pants and fart' Zhang Yang is also drunk ...

Standing on the deck of this three-masted sailboat named 'Golden Pearl', stroking the carved guardrails around the deck and looking at the wide turbulent river outside the ship, Zhang Yang felt a sense of relaxation while thinking Has fallen to the ship at the foot again.

The total length of the Golden Pearl from the front of the bow to the stern is 50 meters. This still does not include the length of the collision angle at the bow. If you count the root that shines under the sunrise, you can feel the extremely strong one at a glance. If the angle hits, I am afraid that we need to add five meters to the previous one.

This is already one-fifth longer than the 42-meter length of a standard three-masted sailboat. Although the photo is still much worse than the standard length of the seventy-five meters of the Neptune class in the written record, it is still a Big guy, after all, although the water surface of the Liujing River is extremely wide, it can't compare with the vastness of the ocean.

In addition, although there are wind and waves in the inland rivers, it is not a level in terms of storm risk in the ocean, so in this case, the length of the three-masted sailing ship is completely enough. If it is too large, it seems too much. On the contrary, it will greatly affect the flexibility of the ship.

Of course, under the premise of ensuring the stability of the ship, naturally, the smaller the ship, the stronger the flexibility, but it also has its own advantages over the larger ships, that is, in addition to being strong enough, it can carry more Personnel and sharp weapons like catapults and ballistas.

From this point of view, the 15-meter wide width of the Golden Pearl is enough to accommodate these large-scale combat equipment, but what Zhang Yang began to wonder is that the deck of this three-masted sailboat is not even visible at all. Any obvious combat equipment, on the contrary, is a rather delicate magic array painted every few meters on the deck on both sides of the ship's side!

Unfortunately, in terms of Zhang Yang's attainments in magic, it is naturally impossible to see the function of these magic arrays, but when he accidentally saw several magicians leaning on the side of the boat to chat, he suddenly realized himself in the end. Where you are.

You know, here is Pompeii, known as the magic kingdom! For this country that has the highest proportion of magicians among the human countries on the continent, just pull out a bunch of fourth-level magicians and place them on the side of the ship for combat. Its power is already in line with those of catapults and ballistas. Comparable.

What's more, trebuchets and ballistas are powerful, but on the one hand, the attack speed is slow, and it is okay to face a fixed target. Once encountering a flexible enemy, it is easy to lose the quasi-head and fail to hit because of the inability to lock effect.

However, this is not a problem for the magician.

Aside from the two aspects of attack distance and power, the use of magicians as firepower units on ships is much more accurate and flexible than the use of cumbersome combat equipment.

Therefore, until this time Zhang Yang did n’t understand why the humans on the mainland would agree that the magical kingdom Pompeii ’s water power is the most powerful. There are a large number of magicians with such innate advantages. Naturally, it is not the kind of magicians in the other three human kingdoms. The situation where Bao and a city can't make a slap is too strong.

Of course, this configuration on the Pompeii ship of the Magic Kingdom seems to Zhang Yang to be powerful, but it is not perfect and flawless.

After all, although the magician is powerful, he still has his own shortcomings. As long as the place has a magic enchantment that can resist elemental damage, most magic attacks cannot directly work. Only after breaking can the local body be attacked.

At this point, no matter whether it is a catapult or a ballista, there are no worries in this regard, unless the enemy ship has a large number of high-level Paladins or Shield Warriors who are not afraid of death, and they are suddenly able to bear the Holy Shield and The flow of grudge armor and ballistas is hard, or as long as they are hit by a catapult and ballista, they can cause direct damage to the hull.

Therefore, Zhang Yang felt that the combination of magician and war equipment was the best choice. Therefore, although the grim war equipment could not be seen at all on the deck of the Golden Pearl, Zhang Yang believed that since he could think of similar problems, Then the magicians who have always thought of themselves as smart people should be able to think of it, but they are hidden more secretly.

Thinking of here, Zhang Yang raised his right hand and gently stroked the hard wooden boat rail in front of him. It was a feeling of metal-like hardness and the warm texture unique to wood. Unfortunately, Zhang Yang's understanding of the Orlando world is still very shallow. I don't know the origin of this wood, but even so he can still judge the preciousness of this wood!

In fact, the 'Golden Pearl' is a three-masted sailboat whose body is entirely made of iron oak!

Iron oak is considered to be the best material for all kinds of ships in Orlando world because of its uniformly dense texture and good waterproof and corrosion resistance. Just like any material is divided into three, six, nine, etc., iron oak is already the top of all materials that can be used for shipbuilding, so compared to its superior performance, the price of iron oak is almost three times that of ordinary oak. Times, it is nearly ten times that of ordinary wood!

So it can be said that a three-masted sailboat whose hull body is entirely made of iron oak can completely make the three-masted three-masted sailboat made of ordinary oak, or eight to ten ordinary wood, with the cost spent on basic wood. A three-masted sailboat made! And if the cost of these woods is converted into gold coins, it is only the cost of the material of iron oak, I am afraid that it will not be less than five million gold coins!

So if you count the exquisite reliefs and patterns that seem to be everywhere on the boat, and the gold and silver crystals and other luxury accessories inlaid on the hull surface? Even if Zhang Yang doesn't know much about the market related to it, it can be known just by simply calculating it, and it is absolutely impossible to buy it without ten or twenty million gold coins.

Therefore, from the point of spending nearly 20 million gold coins only on the hull and decoration, the "Golden Pearl" is enough to be a big deal. In addition to the magic arrays on the ship with different functions, the magic sails used to drive the ships, and the magicians and warfighters who control all of them, Zhang Yang can hardly imagine who will invest such a huge price Come build a 'luxury cruise ship'.

That's right, even though the texture of the Golden Pearl itself and the configuration on the ship have far exceeded that of ordinary battleships, Zhang Yang still believes that it is a 'luxury cruise ship'.

Nothing else, just the extravagant decoration in the three-story cabin, the handsome waiters and waitresses that can't stop traveling on all decks, and the countless young magicians and the magnificent ladies and ladies are enough. Give life a feeling like walking into a noble reception!

Zhang Yang can't be disgusted with this. After all, regardless of what his body looks like, Zhang Yang still thinks he is a normal person. So even if he is a little bit unsuited to the drunken-golden, flamboyant environment, he still feels that this is better than the stinky cargo compartment nested on a fishing boat?

It must be mentioned that the strength and financial resources of the Black family really surprised Zhang Yang, so that after boarding the ship, he found that Reagan had prepared for him one of the three most luxurious cabins on the Golden Pearl. !

Although Zhang Yang didn't know what it would take to rent such a cabin, the eyes of the young magicians and ladies around the boarding ship made him somewhat uncomfortable.

It was a feeling of disdain and provocation mixed with curiosity. After all, Zhang Yang Ping Su rarely wears hard work, so apart from the seemingly high-level magic robe on his body, Zhang Yang has not prepared extra replacement clothes. So when he wore this magic robe and experienced several battles, the magic robe that did not appear to be very expensive at the moment has become somewhat broken.

On weekdays, Zhang Yang walked in the city and could not see any problem. After all, most of the magicians who went out for training or returned from hunting were this virtue. But this time is different now! When Zhang Yang, wearing such a 'tattered' magic robe, compared with the magnificent and enchanted magicians on the Golden Pearl, he suddenly seemed to be out of place as a beggar.

If it weren't for the sixth-order magic sword 'Water Mirror' worn by Zhang Yang's waist, he knew at first glance that the rank is not low, and whether it is the magic cloak behind him or the magic ring in his hand, it is all real magic equipment. Someone had already stepped forward to find him in trouble.

It was just that what Zhang Yang did n’t expect was that the trouble that first came to him was not the young and enchanted magicians on the ship, but ...

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