Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1414: When eaters meet women

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What is the purpose of life?

Those who are determined to be strong will say that they are going to be stronger and stronger until they are the strongest; those who are interested in pursuing fame, fortune, wealth and money say that it is their goal to earn endless wealth and even have the whole world; as for those hearts For those with certain beliefs, the purpose of their existence is to devote themselves to the faith in their hearts and to the ethereal shrine.

Of course, there is also a class of guys called love saints. Whether men or women love them is the most important thing in this world.

However, all of this is true in a sense, but it is also wrong. The reason why life exists may not be so profound. Survival and continuation are already the biggest miracles in any world.

Therefore, from this point of view, whether it is the pursuit of ideals or dreams, or the ordinary life, or even mixed eating and death, it is nothing wrong. As long as you live, you have all the possibilities. As long as you live, hope is born. This may be the meaning of life itself, and it is also the most fascinating and intoxicating place of life ...

Zhang Yang is still unclear why his body is now a combination of the power of thunder and lightning and various energy, but in the end it still needs to eat, drink and sleep like ordinary humans, should n’t it become similar Is elemental life normal, similar to the state of energy bodies?

It's a pity that even though Zhang Yang is still confused, this question will never be asked. After all, no matter the power of thunder and lightning in his body, or the coexistence of the power of life, the power of death and the power of the demon, including his Eure body itself, it is already the most core secret of Zhang Yang's heart.

Once accidentally revealed, Zhang Yang could not bear the consequences, not only that, but also for his “alien”, whose soul traveled to the Orlando world, whether it was Neil Jelina or Orpheus Lovers and friends such as Leah, Anna, Sean, Jason, and Lanster, and the various bonds that were unwittingly established together, Yan became the opportunity to rejuvenate his once-traumatized and frozen heart An important support of vitality!

Zhang Yang doesn't know what he will look like once he loses them. After all, compared to the loneliness he never had, the feeling of losing and losing is really maddening.

He has lost these more than once in his last life, so Zhang Yang knows how to cherish more. Therefore, even if he never said such things, but he always worried in his heart that once his "inhuman" identity was exposed, then he might lose all this, which made him feel more cherished and reluctant to lose everything. .

Therefore, most of the time, Zhang Yang will bury this doubt in the deepest part of his heart. Even if he is alone, he will never take the initiative to think about it. It is a pity that once the seeds of thought are planted, rooting and sprouting will happen sooner or later. As for the end, they will grow into towering trees and bear fruit, or will they die because of some accidents, but no one can predict this. Yes.

So under normal circumstances, Zhang Yang's energy will be quite concentrated when he is eating alone. Even to some people, he may be treating something like ‘meal’ as a kind of religious belief.

The problem is that Zhang Yang's state not only easily misunderstands people who are not familiar with him, but also affects his perception and control of his surroundings. Therefore, when Zhang Yang was alone and guarding the huge dining table in the restaurant, a young lady with a pretty makeup and a graceful figure had come to Zhang Yang's side in an elegant beat. Watching him eating.

In fact, because Zhang Yang was “sealed” in Wright a long time ago, he studied most of the etiquette in the human countries on the Orlando continent, so he could only see Ophelia when he first saw him. Shows almost impeccable noble etiquette.

Not only that, Zhang Yang has always understood how hugely his usual behavior and performance have affected the people around him and himself, so after realizing this, he gradually integrated the essence of these noble etiquette habits into his daily routine Behaving.

So even though Zhang Yang is eating efficiently at the moment, his movements still maintain the degree of serious problems even if the nobles of the French imperial court see it. As for the only shortcoming, perhaps it is too efficient. Right? And this is where Guriana, who had come to Zhang Yang, was puzzled:

Banquets of this level are happening every day, why is this guy in front of him eating like he has been hungry for a long time? If she remembered correctly, the person entered the restaurant before and was noticed by her. Now, it should have been eaten for more than ten consecutive points, right?

Even if this person looks strong, and from the sword on the waist, it seems that it is not a simple magician. It may be the magic swordsman who has both the talent of a magician and the ability of a warrior, but this way of eating ... It is also quite rare at this level of banquet? After only a short time, after all, almost one-fifth of the food on the table has been eaten by him!

Seeing here, Guriana, who was a little interested in the stranger in front of her, was suddenly more curious. After all, the unknown is already very attractive, and exploring the unknown and playing with it in the palm of the hand, this is not more Is it exciting?

Thinking of here, Guriana picked up two glasses of just half-filled red wine from the row of fine wine on the table for the guests to pick up, and once again made two steps to the side where Zhang Yang was, he smiled and said:

"I don't know if I would be fortunate to have a drink with you, Master Swordsman?"

As for the question of how to talk to each other, there are actually quite a lot of inner doorways. After all, in addition to being able to give people a good look, the content of the speech is also the most important. Of course, women have a great innate advantage compared to men. After all, few gentlemen would refuse a beautiful woman's words?

Moreover, as a celebrity who has been shuttled to various receptions and banquets since her adulthood, Guriana has almost become a skill that she is good at. For a magic swordsman who appears in a fraternity where only magicians can participate, it is obviously a common-sense mistake to call him "swordsman", so in general, even if the other party does not want to speak, it should be Correct and clarify? So Guriana's original goal was achieved at this time. As long as Ken spoke, would there be fewer topics?

However, what Guriana couldn't think of was that the guy who was eating at the dining table in front of him didn't show any surprise or surprise in her eyes after seeing her. After the etiquette with the characteristics of a noble swordsman, instead of receiving red wine from her hands, he took a glass from the dining table and drank it to her!

So Guliana's complexion suddenly became unnatural! She feels that she hasn't been so embarrassed for a long time, does it mean that she is holding two glasses of red wine in her hand at the moment? Or is it that this beauty is not as attractive as food in the eyes of this person? !

Fortunately, Guriana is also a time-honored lady, how to hide her emotions and how to resolve her embarrassment without a trace has long been one of her instincts, so even Zhang Yang is drinking it. After a glass of red wine and nodded to her, she refocused her attention on the food on the dining table. Guriana still maintains a basic smile on the surface. Only what she thinks in her heart is unknown.

"Master Swordsman is really an independent and cautious person. Isn't it worried that I will do some small actions in the wine, so that the innocent little girl can only drink it all herself."

After finishing this, Guriana didn't wait for Zhang Yang to answer. Instead, she just drank out the two glasses of wine in one hand after another. Although Zhang Yang didn't turn his head to look at it, he still knew what he knew, but he always felt that contact with this woman was very tiring, and he was also prone to cause unnecessary troubles. .

Moreover, after he got on the boat, he found that the atmosphere on this boat was obviously a bit wrong. After all, this kind of nice talk called "fraternity" said that the straightforward point is the environment of "dating together". , I am afraid that they will be jealous of her suitors, right? This seems completely unnecessary to Zhang Yang, so he simply pretends to be deaf and dumb in order to be clean.

However, troubles like this are rarely unavoidable, which seems even more so for Zhang Yang, who has always had bad luck.

For example, at this moment, although the red wine provided at this banquet does not have many degrees, for an ordinary woman, it is inevitable that there will be some blush in the face of two glasses of continuous drinking. But like Guriana holding her forehead like this at the moment, she started shaking, and then her eyes turned back to Zhang Yang's side, which was a bit too exaggerated, right? !

(Why do you aristocratic girls like to play the trick of falling down one by one? Can't you change a little new way, it is really troublesome ...)

Facing this woman who suddenly turned upside down at this moment, Zhang Yang really wanted to take a step back and directly avoid the side. But the problem is that it was better to say that it was on the bow deck before, because no one around was gone, but what is the environment? This is in the restaurant in the cabin! More than a hundred people around him are not blind. If they really escaped without regard, they are said to be incomprehensible, but if a big hat such as death, iron heart and arrogance is buckled Is n’t he going to be the target of the crowd in an instant?

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