Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1418: Bet and venue

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"It's no problem to fight, but if you only fight for that kind of boring reason, it is really not interesting at all."

"So what do you want? Do you want me or Miss Guriana to guarantee you? Don't even think about it!"

"I'm not interested in that lady, how can I mention that boring thing? The problem between you is solved by yourself, and my proposal is ... maybe take a small bet, if I win you How about giving me this dagger with me as a souvenir? "

Taren did n’t expect the bet proposed by the opponent to be the same. Although this fourth-order magic dagger by his waist is absolutely extraordinary, if he puts it on the weapon shop or the auction floor, he can get less than 10,000 gold coins, but in In Taren's eyes, it was not so precious, at least it was nothing compared to his promise, not to mention anything related to Guriana.

So after Zhang Yang finished speaking, he immediately stared at Zhang Yang with a very strange look for a while. It felt like a robber snatched a box of gold coins, but after watching it for a long time, he thought the box was very good. So don't just throw the gold coins out of the box.

However, Taren was relieved in his heart. It was only a fourth-order magic dagger. He could completely lose it. Even ten or eight he would not feel so painful. So after making sure that Zhang Yang was not kidding, Tarun nodded happily and said at the same time:

"No problem, as long as you can win me in the contest, then this" Reflex Sword "is yours. But if I win? What are you going to use as a bet?"

"Well, although I don't think you have any hope of winning at all, I also bet a little bit to be fair."

Speaking of this, Zhang Yang patted the magic sword ‘Water Mirror’ hanging on his waist and then continued:

"As long as you can win me, this sixth-order water magic sword" Water Mirror "is yours, how do you think?"

Zhang Yang's words suddenly caused an uproar in the restaurant! The people on the scene, both men and women, even regardless of their status, are professionals. Although many people used to think that Zhang Yang ’s waistside magic sword with huge sapphires was quite unusual, but when he personally admitted that it was a After the sixth-order magic sword, it still shocked everyone!

You know, it is as if the professional is more difficult to practice the higher level, the sixth-level magic sword is no less rare and precious than meeting a strong sixth-level purple gold! Moreover, this level of magic weapons is basically priceless, so that at least half of the known seven-tier legendary superpowers on the mainland use sixth-order magic weapons.

Therefore, being able to own a sixth-order magic weapon is almost a lifelong pursuit for most warfighters, and what is really available is even rarer.

That is not just a thing that can be done with money. If you do n’t have enough strength, having a sixth-order magic sword itself will become your own life-saver! After all, for most professionals, a magic weapon worth at least 500,000 gold coins or more is enough to let them put down their justice and faith and be willing to be driven by greed!

Therefore, from this perspective, any person who can wear a sixth-order magic weapon will not be as low as its strength. So at this moment everyone around Zhang Yang's gaze changed again. In addition to unbelief and fear, there was even a hint of greed!

To be honest, Taren didn't even expect to encounter this situation. If this guy named Troy is true, then only the opponent can use a sixth-order magic sword as a weapon is enough to prove that You are not a character at all.

It's just that he still has a question in his heart today, that is, he can't feel any violent or magical fluctuations from the person in front of him, let alone judge his strength from the breath.

Of course, if this Troy is an ordinary person, Taren absolutely cannot believe it. After all, although he has not yet reached the fifth-level gold level, there is no way to truly disperse his magic, grudge, etc. to form a unique. The momentum of this will oppress the enemy, but how can a person who can face the challenge of his magic swordsman without any fear but full of self-confidence in the face of laughter, how can it be just an ordinary person?

So for a time, Taren felt that the tall and vigorous figure on the opposite side suddenly seemed invincible. The kind of calmness that was abominable before, seemed so unpredictable at the moment!

Fortunately, even though Taren's strength and mentality seemed too immature to Zhang Yang, he was proud of being a member of the Damir family and a magic swordsman, but he couldn't let him retreat without a fight. So I saw Taren's surprised face suddenly froze, and then he said:

"as you wish!"

Seeing here, Zhang Yang's face finally showed a smile, not to mention that he was very clumsy when facing the woman, but once he switched to the problem related to combat, he would unconsciously show extraordinary wisdom !

Nothing else, Zhang Yang singled out the identity of the "Water Mirror" sixth-order magic sword and used it as a bet. In fact, it was already an attack on Tarun! To put it bluntly, this is not only an aggressive attack, but also a test of Taren's state of mind.

If the opponent is deterred by the news of the Sixth Order Magic Sword of Water Mirror, which generates emotions such as fear, greed, or hesitation, then when fighting, Zhang Yang, who originally needed to use one force, may only use half a point. Can defeat it, this is the fighting wisdom he has!

Fortunately, no matter what Taren thought, he finally strengthened his will to fight, but this made Zhang Yang's affection again so much that his tone of speech became a lot calmer.

"Very good, then let's just do that. But is it really okay to fight in this cabin? If you break something that needs compensation, don't say. In case you accidentally broke the boat, I don't want to find it. That ’s the way of transportation. "

"Uh ... don't you know?"

"what do you know?"

Seeing that Zhang Yang seemed really ignorant, Taren suddenly felt a very unreal feeling. If the other party is really a strong man, how could such a common-sense question be asked? unless……

(Is this guy not from Pompeii? Or just returned from other countries? I ca n’t control this much for the time being. After the battle is over, no matter the victory or defeat, you must investigate the details of this guy, at least how to get to the Golden Pearl. You should always be able to find one or two.

Thinking of Tarun here, he didn't sell Guanzi, but explained directly:

"You should know that the magician is much more destructive than the pure warrior, so there are magic protection enchantments specially set up in the major cities of the kingdom for fighting between magic. With this layer With the protection of the defensive enchantment, the magician in battle does not have to worry about accidentally injuring others and destroying something alive. "

"I naturally know this, and it is said that this kind of protective magic enchantment is mostly located within the magic council of each city."

"Yes! In fact, this Golden Pearl also has a similar magical protection enchantment, but now we have a safer option."

Speaking of this, Taren turned and nodded slightly towards the crowd watching, so the onlookers in the restaurant turned back a few steps again and came directly to the restaurant near the bulkhead before stopping. At the same time, there are twelve magicians who are all above the Tier 4 silver level. They actually raised their hands at the same time, so under Zhang Yang ’s slightly puzzled gaze, after about half a minute, with the complicated on the restaurant floor The magical runes gradually formed a completed magic array, and a transparent mask like a pot lid blinked Zhang Yang and Talun in a blink of an eye.

At this time, Zhang Yang also didn't need to open the mouth to understand, but this is a defensive magic enchantment jointly exhibited by twelve four-series magicians! This not only ensures that the battle within the enchantment does not spread to the surroundings, but also limits the scope of the battlefield to some extent.

From this point, Zhang Yang has to admit once again that the name of the magic kingdom is indeed well-deserved. Not only can he randomly gather up twelve magicians of the four series of earth, water, fire and wind. It is not something that other human kingdoms can play casually.

At this point, everything is ready, but it is owed to the east wind. For the group of wealthy magicians, the table and chair utensils in the enchantment are completely negligible. In contrast, from their slightly excited expressions, Instead, he had great expectations for the battle between Zhang Yang and Tarun.

"So Mr. Troy, are you ready?"

At the moment when the enchantment was completed, Taren had cleanly removed the dagger and his wand hanging from the waist and took it in his hand. But perhaps out of politeness, he did not attack Zhang Yang immediately, but looked at Zhang Yang who was unmoved and asked.

So the smile on Zhang Yang's face, which looked at him in such an upright manner, suddenly became worse, so that Zhang Yang, who was originally prepared to take a table knife from the table to fight, suddenly changed this obviously humiliating tactic, Turned over and spread his right hand, smiling and said:

"Yes, I'm ready. Not only that, because you are a respectable opponent, I decided to give up my original ideas and give you some more opportunities to show, so please do your best."

Because the impression of Taren is good, and this battle does not require a life-and-death fight, it is just a confrontation of the nature of the game, so Zhang Yang, who has absolute confidence, also has a big garlic clove. It's a pity that he didn't say that. Fortunately, Taren, who was already very proud of himself, suddenly felt like a fire was ignited in his chest, and the whole person instantly ignited!

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