Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1421: Divert attention

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In fact, after figuring out the essence of this Golden Pearl trip is a fraternity specially held for young people of the magician family, you should know that all the people who come to participate in this trip are mostly competitive. .

Therefore, except for the few people who might be friends, almost everyone on the Golden Pearl can be seen as a competitor with each other. Even this relationship does not only exist between men and men, this time The more than sixty ladies on board are also comparing and competing with each other.

Everyone wants to find the best partner, whether it is strength or appearance, talent or family, only the winner in the competition can get everything they want, even if it is placed on the entire continent Unchanging truth.

Because of this, Taren, a young and handsome member of the Damir family, used his cold handsomeness and the strength of the top five on this ship to properly become the public enemy of most male magicians, and at the same time became a close The perfect partner or lover in the eyes of a third of women.

So in the face of Taren in the magical enchantment, which suddenly became motionless after an attack, most of the magicians watching around not only did not worry, but also held a good play mentality. After all, in their view, this is just a normal comparison between magicians, and they will not deliberately make human life, so from this point of view, it may be possible to see Tarun ugly. In other words, most of them will feel quite expectation.

However, what people do not know about leisurely onlookers is that the real situation in the magic enchantment is much more serious than everyone imagines! As Zhang Yang carried the ice sword in his hand and continued to approach, seeing Tarun still motionless, he has especially released a trace of murderous intention in order to further strengthen the stimulation of Tarun!

The problem is that the "slight" killing intention in Zhang Yang's concept is far from even one-tenth of his full-strength state, at best it is between 1% and 5%, but For Tarun, who was almost close to him at the moment and had not experienced the test of life and death, it was enough to make him stand upright and his heart beat faster.

So at this moment, Tarren immediately began to sweat on his forehead. The kind of murderousness that was completely inseparable from the violent bloodthirsty, and seemed to be endless and chilling, made Tarren even more terrified!

It was a feeling of being pressed by a knife on the neck by a person who had been an executioner for a lifetime! Although the other party's expression is as if it is just completing a daily job, in fact, it is because it is used to buying and selling life for many years.

Therefore, Tarun, who has been fearless all the time, really felt terrified from the bottom of his heart. The feeling of approaching step by step with pure extreme killing, in Taren's view, is more terrifying than being directly hit by a knife. One hundred times, one thousand times!

The problem is that the coercion on the soul cannot be freed or relieved by yourself! In contrast, the more the total amount of mental strength and the higher the mental strength, the better the resistance to such coercion at the soul level. Not only that, once the opposing sides also have the power of the soul, even if there is a difference in the total amount or strength of the power of the soul between the two, it will not produce the suppression effect of the soul class.

So in this respect, there is no chance at all in terms of Tarren's strength and willpower, so even though Tarren has been soaked in cold sweat because of fear in just a half time Thoroughly, his spirit was tense to the limit, but he still could only stare at Zhang Yang's eyes with nothing else.

The kind of helplessness when the body loses control, plus the fear of death coming close step by step, is replaced by a mentality that is slightly worse than Taren. I am afraid that I can drive myself crazy without Zhang Yang!

(Am I ... really dying? I ... not reconciled !!!)

However, perhaps Tarun really shouldn't die, just as Zhang Yang had already raised his ice sword in his hand and was about to cut off Tarun when he saw it, a clear and pleasant ringtone instantly stopped Zhang Yang's movement.

It should be known that this defensive magic array built by the four element systems of ground, water, fire and wind can theoretically completely isolate any sound. Generally speaking, as long as the magician who maintains this magic array does not encounter danger, at the same time If the magic power is not exhausted, then even if the outside is overturned, the sky will not hear the slightest noise.

So when Zhang Yang was covered by this magical defensive enchantment built by twelve magicians, he rarely completely calmed his ears, so that even the faster and faster heartbeat of the opposite Tarun Clear and audible.

Because of this, when this crisp and sweet ring of bells suddenly sounded inside the enchantment, Zhang Yang inevitably felt a surprise, knowing that it can be done without destroying the enchantment, it is enough to show that either The magic item that produces the ringtone is quite advanced and has some magical power, or the user's strength has exceeded the sum of the strength of all the magicians who arranged this magic enchantment to achieve this effect.

Of course, according to Zhang Yang's judgment, he was naturally more inclined to the first possibility, and compared with Taren, who was somewhat disappointed by the "misunderstanding" in front of him, the person who made this ring of bells seemed more worthy of his attention.

So at the moment when Taren was almost completely desperate, Zhang Yang not only put down the ice sword he was holding in his hand, but even turned his gaze to the direction in which he felt the ringing bell came.

So after an instant, Taren was ecstatic to find that he was finally able to move again! So he could n’t care who the ringing of the life-saving ringing sound was. When he knocked down two tables and four or five chairs back in succession, Taren himself was full of arrogance, and he continued in one breath. Release at least three magic shields outside your body!

Looking closely, not only the fourth- and third-order water protection magic has fallen, but even the magic shield that almost everyone in the magician has but does not have much protection ability is used by him.

From here, it is not difficult to see that Taren, who was terrified by Zhang Yang ’s previous performance, is useless and useless. At this moment, almost all the defensive means available are used, and the casting speed is fast, although it has not reached the instant. Degree, but compared with Taren ’s usual results, it was enough to surprise him.

You should know that before this Taryn felt that he had already reached his limit in terms of magical release, but now it is completely different at first glance, so from this we can draw a conclusion: pressure and strength for Tarren Absolutely proportional.

It's a pity that Zhang Yang's attention is no longer on Tarun at this moment, and with his eagle-like falcon vision and much sharper perception than most Warcraft, it was easily found in the slightly crowded crowd outside the enchantment The pretty girl stood next to a skinny middle-aged magician, and at best it looked like a little girl who had just grown up.

Compared with other beautiful ladies dressed in the Golden Pearl, this little girl not only did not grow up because she was too young, but her appearance and makeup were only mediocre, plus her nose The large piece of light on both sides, although light in color, is considered densely covered with freckles. On the whole, it basically has nothing to do with the word 'beauty'.

If it were n’t for the clothes she was wearing, the fabrics were carefully tailored and the luxury that was unique to the nobility could be seen at a glance, otherwise it would be very difficult to distinguish her from throwing her into a pile of civilians.

However, it was such a plain-looking little girl, holding an egg-sized golden bell in his hand, which was gently shaking, and the ring of bells enough to pass through this layer of defensive magic circle was passed from her hand. .

(Interesting ... If I am not wrong, this little girl is not an ordinary person? Although it has just entered the ranks of the first-level magician, it seems a little late, and from the pale skin color, it seems that the body is not very good. , But just this one can see that Taren's kid is in danger and can think of ways to attract my attention. She is more sensitive and smarter than most of the people around her! Besides ...)

Although the distance and intensity of the detection and detection after the enchantment of the magic defense are greatly shortened, the total area of ​​this restaurant is also not very large, so when Zhang Yang noticed the little girl who continued to ring the bell, he The strength of this little girl was easily judged.

Not only that, when Zhang Yang turned to look at the little girl, the middle-aged female magician who had been standing quietly behind the little girl with most of her face hidden in the shadow under the hood It was a sudden step forward, directly blocking Zhang Yang and the little girl!

(Somewhat interesting ... Is it a female magician who has almost a fifth-tier gold senior strength? Is it the mother of this little girl? The problem is that this kind of "youth" fraternity that can happen at any time, she is a half-old What kind of hilarious women run over? Could it be that they are acting as guards? But is a guard with a fifth-level gold senior strength a bit too flamboyant?)

However, I was thinking that Zhang Yang here suddenly turned to his right side, and then it was just a blink of an eye. A huge sharp ice cone that was obviously two circles larger than before had already rushed to Zhang Yang's right with the screaming sound of the wind breaking. Leg stuck!

In fact, the ice cone released by Tarren is very close to the category of fourth-order magic in terms of power. Although it seems to be a bit too hasty, it is not at all ambiguous in power.

Therefore, once ordinary people are hit by them, it is light to go straight through the heart, and it is only normal to penetrate more than ten targets in one breath. From the perspective of Taren's previous position, it seems that aiming at Zhang Yang's back heart or back brain will have a greater lethality, and even the ordinary strong will be killed by a sneak attack and it is not impossible, at least in Zhang Yang's memory Most mercenaries and adventurers make the most sensible or realistic choices.

Attack from behind ...

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