Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1423: Stress and potential

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Even though there is no unreasonable love and hatred in this world, for Zhang Yang most of the time he depends only on his own preferences and moods. So it doesn't really need so many reasons to be good or bad for a person. Just looking at it is enough.

It's a pity that most people, including Taren, don't think about it from this angle. They are born to be much superior to ordinary people. They are used to seeing everything with transactions. Whether it is love or friendship or even affection ... How much I have paid, how much I have received, how much I have to pay for something, etc. This idea has been deeply ingrained for many nobles.

So when Tarren vaguely guessed that the stranger in front of him might be helping himself, the first thought that appeared in his mind was that he couldn't believe it, and then it was why the various guesses were entrusted by others? Still conspiracy? He really can't guess.

It's a pity that there is no more time for Taren to think and react slowly. Shortly after he temporarily stopped the attack because of the almost complete exhaustion of magic power, the one in the middle of the field completely surrounded himself with a diamond-shaped ice shield. Seen as if the position of a whole block of ice Tuo, at this moment, the obvious light blue light gradually emerged from the gap between the ice shields!

Although Taren still does not know what weird tricks the other party is preparing to use at the moment, from his experience as a magician's frequent exposure to elemental energy, it is easy to judge from the brighter colors that the next is likely It will be a powerful energy release.

This is bad news for Tarun, who has basically run out of magic and will exceed the minimum warning line for magic recovery if he continues to cast spells!

You should know that he is now wearing the name of the magic swordsman, but because of the uneven strength between the magic power and the grudge, and on weekdays he pays more attention to the exercise and use of magic power. When the crisis came at this time, he was almost exhausted by the magical skills of that bottle that was less than half a bottle, and he was definitely unable to resist the energy burst that would appear next!

You must know that Tarun ’s environment at this moment is confined to a small defensive magical enchantment. Once a powerful energy explosion really causes an explosion, then Tarun not only has no place to hide, he is even in a knot. He ca n’t even find a bunker in the world!

At that time, Taren ’s result was not even a direct death. In this scene, which can be called 'implosion', if there is bad luck, what parts of the body's shortcomings after the explosion are normal, and even he can leave one in the end The tone is enough to snicker.

So there is only one way left for Tarren at the moment, that is to fight to exhaust the last trace of magic in the body, completely disregarding the question of how to recover in the future and release several layers of defensive magic again! In this way, as long as Taren is located far enough from the center of the energy burst, then under the double protection of magic shield and body protection grudge [lock fog clothing], he has a chance of at least 50% to survive!

The potential of man is endless. As long as he is given enough pressure, mankind can always create miracles in a desperate situation when his life is threatened. And this is why humans with not so great talents and relatively short lifespans can capture the richest areas of the Orlando continent from the high elves like the arrogance of the heavens, and can also be the same powerful and physically superior orcs. The root cause of not being able to get out of the frontline of the **** battle!

Fear is not low, physical fitness is not strong enough to make up for it through exercise or other aspects, as long as you have the heart to dare to bet on all hard work and progress, even a relatively ordinary human can inspire enough potential to make all races on the Orlando continent !

So in a blink of an eye, Tarun was finally forced to a desperate end. At this moment, he finally discarded all the thoughts in his heart. He wanted to survive! I want to fight for my life and honor!

Therefore, it seemed that Taren, who had already reached the end of the strong crossbow, even retreated a few backflips to the corner of the enclave farthest from Zhang Yang ’s location, and at the same time ignored the slight dizziness caused by the lack of magic in the brain, Qiang self-excited the remaining That little bit of magic that should be used for recovery, barely summoned a diamond-shaped ice shield that was almost exactly the same as the ice shield released by Zhang Yang in front of the body!

And this is not over yet. Taren, who has been completely excluded, even ignores the damage to the body caused by excessively urging the qi, and seeing that the outer body protects the qi and locks the fog clothing. The short sword, which usually only serves as an auxiliary defensive weapon, now also with his hands flat against the ice shield carrying his last magic and hope.

Up to this time, Taren has basically done what he can do and what he can do. As for the rest, he can only see the choice of heaven and fate ...

In fact, when the Taren's magic power is exhausted, the people in the enchantment appearance war have already begun to have a little commotion. Understand that under normal circumstances, the competition between magicians is basically point to end, as long as they can win or lose Basically, they will choose to stop. So don't say it's almost as close to life as it is at this moment, it is quite rare that the magical exhaustion like Taren is quite rare.

However, the question is whether it is a duel or a fight, as long as the parties do not actively admit defeat, then there is no reason for outsiders to intervene or prevent! This is not only true in the kingdom of mankind, even in the distant Campas Orc Kingdom or the era of the High Elven Empire.

So even though the people who fought in the War of Enchantment began to worry about Taren's life, but there was no one who wanted to end the fight. Not only that, because the energy ray released in the crack of the ice shield outside Zhang Yang ’s body at the moment is so strong that the twelve elemental magicians who are maintaining this defensive magic enchantment are for their own safety and the safety of others around them. Involuntarily increased their magic output.

So it was originally a transparent film-like magical enchantment. At this moment, the surface has begun to circulate the four elements of earth, fire, wind, earth, yellow, light blue, red and light green.

And coincidentally, at the moment when everyone was ready, the "blue ice" with strong blue and white light in the center of the enchantment exploded completely!

In an instant, I saw the diamond-shaped ice shield that was exceptionally strong and easily resisted a large number of magic attacks. First, a series of cracks penetrated through it shimmered, and then it seemed to be completely exploded by the huge energy contained in it. Explode into countless broken ice!

So at this moment, hundreds of thousands of pieces of cracked ice of various sizes were spurred by the huge energy, and they all turned into a terrible thing like a crossbow, not only instantly changing the solid and abnormal The defensive magic enchantment, which is equivalent to the power of the fifth-level golden peak powerhouse, has fluctuated continuously. Even under the influence of this violent explosion, the entire Golden Pearl has a strong shock!

Fortunately, the twelve magicians who maintained the defensive magic enchantment first stepped up the firmness of the enchantment by increasing the magic power output, otherwise, judging by the scale of the current explosion, the previous kind can only withstand up to fifth order The defensive magic enchantment that the gold intermediate strong attacked with all his strength was bound to be unable to resist this sudden big explosion.

So at this moment, almost everyone who saw this scene with their own eyes was almost stunned. Although the battle between magicians is always known as 'gorgeous' and 'powerful', the big explosion of this scale is still not casual. You can see it everywhere.

After all, everyone on the scene, both men and women, are well-informed people, and it is enough to release more than 20 fourth-order water defense magics [Ice Shield], which is amazing enough, and then form the "Bing Tuo" and The method of injecting energy again to create a big bang comparable to the fifth-order advanced magic power has exceeded the scope of ordinary magic, and even has reached the threshold of 'Arcane' in terms of power!

And this so-called arcane spell is not just a kind of magic, whether it is magic or vindictive skills, as long as it can exert a power far beyond its own level through special skills, and it does not have the huge burden and aftermath of forbidden spells on itself. The effect can basically be called the prototype of Arcane Art. And once it can be repeatedly displayed accurately and accurately, then the word "prototype" can be removed, which is called Arcane Art.

However, in contrast to the powerful power of Arcane Art, although this technique can also be passed on to others, and it is not difficult in principle, it is quite difficult to really release it in battle. Moreover, the generally super long spellcasting, or storage time, is not always available.

Take Zhang Yang's arcane spell, which is temporarily used as a "freeze break", for example. If you want to use this arcane spell in the early stage, you need to release more than 20 diamond-shaped ice shields to yourself. After the package is completely sealed, it is necessary to inject a large amount of water element energy into it afterwards, until the ultimate limit of the outer ice shield is reached, and then the effect will be finally realized.

Therefore, not to mention the power of the later period, the preparation process of more than two points alone, the enemy can not only try to interrupt it in a tricky way, even when it is not good to see, it is not clear how far away it is from the power. Reach the scope.

Therefore, although most professionals admit that Arcane spell is powerful, it is the kind of super trick that is not easy to release and scares the dead once it is released, but at the same time, the evaluation of Arcane spell is not practical and "flower shelf". Pertinent.

Of course, there is no difference between any power, the only difference is whether the user can properly exert its power. Therefore, from this point of view, Zhang Yang chose to come up with an enchantment [Icebreak] at this moment, which really exerts the power of this trick.

So when the burst of aftermath mixed with ballast, ice cubes, ice particles and a lot of violent water elements gradually dissipated, people's eyes suddenly focused on the two people in the enchantment!

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