Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 142: Red War Demon Ape

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"Aoao ~ !!!"

The wounded red stock demon suddenly issued a crazy painful cry. At this time, it turned around tremblingly and suddenly, a pair of small black eyes quickly turned red! In the eyes of the Red Devil Ape, the old man with a weapon in front of him wants to run? Unforgivable! The red-stripe demon apes could n’t think much about it and chased Zhang Yang out of the cave with a limp ...

Zhang Yang felt very weak at this time, and the thunder strike that he barely used in his anxiety just caused a lot of damage to his body. However, Zhang Yang felt fortunate that it seemed that he had arrived in a timely manner. After a few moments, the consequences would be really unbearable. At this time, Zhang Yang ’s idea was to lead this Warcraft out, and then find a way to solve it. Otherwise, with his current body in that small space, it may not be able to deal with at least the fourth-order intermediate Warcraft, and Anna ’s safety It is even more difficult to guarantee ...

However, Zhang Yang, who had just rushed out of the cave and was running down the mountain, suddenly felt that a magic wave behind him quickly came, and then a familiar chain composed of dark elements directly wrapped up Zhang Yang who was running down the mountain! This time Zhang Yangke was tragic. I saw that he was struggling with all his strength but still couldn't lift it in a short time. In a flash, he rolled over a steep **** of more than ten meters and fell on the ground below the mountain!

Zhang Yang, who was on the back with a huge earthquake, suddenly spit out a big mouthful of blood, and he suddenly felt very depressed in his chest. Zhang Yang looked at the red stock demon ape chased down wildly, and his heart secretly spoiled. At this time, he had no choice but to use the power of thunderbolt with his body damaged!

With the guidance of the soul's power, a ray of thunder and lightning suddenly flowed into Zhang Yang's body, a kind of itching pain that seemed to be the first time to use the power of thunder and lightning. After that, the "Shadow Bondage" outside of Zhang Yang could no longer control him, and fell apart with the slight shock!

Ok? It turns out that lightning enhancement also has this effect of decontrol? In addition to the characteristics that can destroy the structure of the element, does it mean that you have another kind of grudge? In this way, the kind of "pseudo-lightning magic" that I have studied before is good enough to deal with a large group of weak and small enemies. Is it really a waste of energy to meet a strong enemy? It still works on yourself!

Thinking of this, Zhang Yangqiang endured the discomfort that came from his body, and while the effect of [Lightning Enhancement] was still on his body, he rushed towards the red stock ape!

This Red Devil Ape can run wild in the Forest of Warcraft naturally has its superiority. The red-stranded ape trapped in madness was covered in dark armor at the moment. With its pair of huge fists swinging in turn, Zhang Yang found that his fist surface was covered with dark magic! That was actually the effect of [Shadow Shield] and [Shadow Binding] when they were generated!

Although Zhang Yang has the bonus of "Lightning Enhancement", but he is no longer able to compete with the red stock ape in his aging. Therefore, Zhang Yang could not help harassing him in search of opportunities at this time, and occasionally hit one or two axes to attack, but under the defense of the hard dark armor, the attack power of the small axe in Zhang Yang's hand could only break through that layer every time. After the dark armor left a shallow wound. This makes Zhang Yang not only miss the giant axe "Undead Slayer" he used, but it is very helpless that in the last hit of the half-lich, the Undead Slayer's giant axe still failed to withstand the demon state. The "Strike of Thunder" released by Zhang Yang and the unmatched power, but he was helplessly broken. At this time, the broken giant axe has become the most precious collection of female blacksmith Morayat. The half-soaked green undead slayer is a testimony of Zhang Yang's team's victory over the half lich.

Zhang Yang was thankful at this time that his initial sneak attack directly cut off a right leg of the Red-Stock Demon Ape, otherwise he would be more difficult to deal with in his current state.

Zhang Yang also thought about unsealing the demon bloodline, but after the battle with the half-lich, the power of the demon bloodline sealed in his heart has undergone an unknown change, and the power has become so powerful that Zhang Yang is mostly at this time. The power of soul is used to suppress the seal. He is not sure that he can maintain his self-consciousness after unlocking the seal. Perhaps the power brought by the blood of the devil is extremely huge, but if it is dominated by the consciousness of violent disease, it will definitely cause an irreparable disaster. At this point, Zhang Yang is still very confident in his demon form of combat power.

With the passage of time, Zhang Yang Leidian strengthened the remaining time less and less. In contrast, the red stock demon ape, it is worthy of the owner ’s powerful resilience, and the wound on the right leg that had been broken off has not Bleeding again, its attack is still as fierce as a gust of wind! Suddenly, just when Zhang Yang just cut a wound under the ribs of the red stock demon ape and dodge back, the red stock demon abruptly opened his big mouth at Zhang Yang!

In an instant, several intensely corrosive dark atmospheres immediately wrapped Zhang Yang! This trick is a long-sponsored talent magic of the red stock demon ape: [Multiple Shadow Bondage]!

Suddenly, Zhang Yang's body was surrounded by large chains of dark elements! The red stock magic ape once helped it overcome many difficult opponents, so after seeing Zhang Yang wrapped up, he immediately fell boldly and punched with all his strength! Just as the fist of the Red-Shaped Demon Ape, wrapped in a heavy shadow shield, was about to hit Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang jumped up from the ground, and suddenly fell into the arms of the Red-Shaped Demon Ape, and the rune tomahawk was severely cut in his hand. Hit its neck!

This is really very successful! The red stock magic ape never thought that this human could instantly break free of multiple shadows and launch an attack, so when it was bold and forward, Zhang Yang was hit by a blow! I have to say that this red stock demon ape is extremely fierce. At this time, it knows that it has already died. No doubt, the fierce red hair demon ape suddenly gathered his arms and clamped Zhang Yang's body, and then the red stock demon apes held in vain Suddenly formed a very dark dark element short gun between his hands! At this moment, when the body of the red stock demon ape standing on one leg fell to the right, the dark gun just formed! Suddenly the ground suddenly became longer, and Zhang Yang and the red-stripe demon ape were set on the ground together in an instant!

This is really beyond Zhang Yang's expectations! If he had just struggled to move his position just now, this shot would definitely hit Zhang Yang's heart directly!

As the heart of the red-stripe ape was pierced, the shadow gun gradually disappeared, and suddenly a large stream of blood spewed out of the wound that had been squeezed on Zhang Yang's chest! Although Zhang Yang had escaped the heart of his heart, his lungs were seriously injured! A blood hole running through the thickness of an egg suddenly appeared on Zhang Yang's left chest!

Wow! Wow! Wow!

After spitting out three major bloods, Zhang Yang tried his best to control the muscles at the wound to tighten the blood vessels, but the injury was too heavy this time, and he was worried about Anna's safety. Therefore, after simply pressing the bandage, the pale pale Zhang Yang stumbled to the cave on the mountainside ...

It took a lot of effort to climb back to Zhang Yang in the cave. At this time, the sweat on his head dropped to the ground with a violent cough. He suddenly coughed up a bite of blood foam and spit it out casually before walking into the cave. But in more than ten steps, he saw Anna, who was comatose in a haystack. At this time, Zhang Yang couldn't take much care. After grabbing the first few steps and sniffing Anna's nose, she let go of her heart.

Zhang Yang, who slightly turned sideways, slowly took off the blood-stained leather armor. Looking at the one inside that was mostly dyed purple, there was a hole in the chest. Zhang Yang shook his head and took off the cover. On Anna Xuebai's body, he hurriedly bandaged the wound again, and Zhang Yang turned around and insisted on walking to the cave entrance to sit down slowly and began to practice ...

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