Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1428: Wine Bureau

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Taste the exquisite food made by the senior chef specially hired on the Golden Pearl, slowly sipping Zhang Yang of the spirits in the glass, while feeling the stimulation of the spicy and hot feeling flowing into the abdomen along the mouth, while watching Various people in the restaurant indulge in laughter and dance.

Whether it is a young girl, a graceful and graceful lady, or a dancer who is dancing in the center of the restaurant, Zhang Yang can't help but feel a sense of ignorance is happiness. After all, if these people knew that the crisis was coming and it would n’t take long for a group of powerful and fearless zergs to leave the barren and desolate desert of death, and thus go straight to the border of Pompeii with a terrifying amount, they would still have this kind of leisure. Is it elegant?

I'm afraid not to talk about eating, drinking, and playing, and spending huge sums of money to make this kind of ‘fraternity’, which is meaningless to Zhang Yang. I am afraid that it would probably be just a wish to survive the worm tide of the mountains and the wild.

In fact, do n’t look at Pompeii, which is located in the center of the Orlando continent, where there are natural dangers. At the same time, more than ten fortress gates that guard key key points have been specially constructed. However, in Zhang Yang's view, this kind of defense that is solid for humans or most of the intelligent life of the Orlando continent is not a hindrance in front of the tide of attack by the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg.

For the time being, I can know from the basic information about the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg that Zhang Yang got from Ahn'Qiraj's ancestor Ruoya alone. These are generally powerful Zergs with six arthropods. Is a good hand to dig a hole!

Therefore, even if the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg is generally higher than the combat strength of human soldiers, the number of geometric growth with sufficient food supply can completely view all the defense lines and castles on Pompeii and even the mainland. If there is nothing!

Whether it is to build a stairway outside the line of defense with the low-level Ahn'Qiraj worms of the ocean, or to punch holes directly into the city, Zhang Yang believes that some of these zergs definitely have a way to break through or bypass those defense lines, so that they Flowering inside.

Until then, unless it is a magic swordsman who is good at magic and grudge like Taren, there will be more options for combat. Otherwise, for most Pompeii magicians who have long been accustomed to standing on the line of defense or casting spells on the wall, once The Zerg broke through from the inside, and waiting for their results will naturally only be a way to death.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang exhaled slowly. The reason why he did n’t leave Pompeii in the magic kingdom was not to pass the news to Pompeii ’s seniors before such an ending, so that they could try to kill the crisis in the cradle. ?

As for the case where Pompeii seniors do n’t listen to Zhang Yang ’s advice ... I ’m afraid I can only go back to Ophelia and everyone to find a way together.

(I hope that the so-called 'highest magic council' of the magic kingdom Pompeii and the legendary magic queen can believe what I said, otherwise, once you miss this moment, let those evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg get more development and growth. Time, then if you want to remedy then, I am afraid that you will have to pay a hundred times, even a thousand times, or a thousand times.)

Zhang Yang, who looked up and drank the hard liquor in the glass, suddenly felt a little funny. He used to just hold alive, and it is best to be able to travel through the mountains and rivers of the Orlando mainland, and see the simple dreams of the world ’s various landscapes. When did you start worrying about the safety of the entire continent?

However, when Zhang Yang looked at the window and smiled dumbly, the two Tarun who had drunk on the table before the time of the accident, finally woke up confusedly.

"Um ... dizzy ... am I drinking too much?"

At last, Tarun, who raised his head from the pile of wine bottles on the table according to his head, was a bit confused at first. However, he was also a magic swordsman who also had a grudge, so after running the grudge in his body, His whole person finally seemed normal.

Until this time Zhang Yang smiled and replied in his usual calm tone:

"I reminded you before that if you really want to accompany me to drink, it's better to run your grudge and drink it better."

"Uh ... well, Master Troy, have you been fighting and drinking all the time? But why haven't I even felt any fluctuations in fighting spirit or magic power from you?"

"I don't use arrogance to resist alcohol. In fact, my situation is special. It is really difficult to drink too much ..."

Hearing this answer, Tarun subconsciously glanced at the various, less to say, more than thirty wine bottles on the dining table, and his heart suddenly stuttered.

You should know that because of the relationship between the other half of the magician, Taren really rarely touches all kinds of alcohol, so it is normal to pour a bottle. This trojan, who seems to be covered with all kinds of mysteries, has drunk more than thirty bottles of wine himself? !

Thinking of here, Tarren shook his head subconsciously, even if the facts were really in front of him, but this result seems a bit too amazing? Is it like drinking water for this big man? But even if this is the case, it seems that it's easy for a person to drink more than 30 bottles of water, right?

Is he a monster?

However, Tarun dare not say it directly. After all, although the injuries he suffered when he was fighting two days ago have been healed after using a bottle of high-level healing potions, the other party ’s invincible toughness is right here. An indelible impression left in the heart of Taren!

Therefore, a thing like this that clearly knows that you are not the opponent who has nothing to do with the opponent, which angers the other party, is as clever as Taren will naturally not do it.

Thinking of here, Taren moved a little bit awkwardly because he slept on the table and had a stiff body, but such a subconscious movement made his elbow touch a soft thing!

"Hey ?! Isn't this Barbara?"

Perhaps it was because Taren ’s previous attention was all placed on the trojan in front of him. Of course, it may also be that he had just sobered up and his awareness and perception were not sober, so he did n’t find that the soft and wide sofa beside him was still there. A girl tilted upside down.

But fortunately, after Taren saw who the girl was, his previous memory suddenly flooded like a flood, so it wasn't until this time that Tarren remembered that there was actually someone beside him beside him. 'Adult Troy' drinks!

"Hahaha! Before bragging about what I do n’t think I ’m not as good as you, but you ’re not as good as me in terms of alcohol, what is happening now? Is n’t it so drunk that you do n’t know the personnel? See how dare you next time Dare not talk in front of me! Hum hum ... "

Perhaps it is because the long-term heart knot has been unraveled, and at the same time, it has become more clear about the way forward in the future and the relationship that is ultimately pursued. Today, Taren not only restores the cheerfulness that young people deserve, they even have a mood and are not familiar. The people made a little joke that was harmless.

It was just that when Tarun ’s heart was dark, Zhang Yang ’s bland voice sounded out of place:

"I personally think that you should not drink better than Barbara in the future. After all, without using grudge to dissolve the power of drinking, this haunting little girl should be able to drink all three of you. Yu. So if you really fight with her in the future, I am afraid you will lose only you. "

"Uh ... this, isn't this true? Her little girl can drink more than me? Why can't I remember ..."

In fact, when he said this, Taren was a little bit frustrated. After all, he only remembered what happened before after seeing Barbara around him. From the point of view of the fragment, he could not remember what happened before he was drunk. Something is normal.

It is a pity that Zhang Yang's next words directly smashed Taren's expectation and disappeared, and even at this moment his smile was a little stiff.

"I'm just stating the facts. This" entrepreneurial spirit "drank three and a half bottles of spirits in a row before turning herself over. If it weren't for my special physique nowadays, I wouldn't be an opponent if I only talked about the amount of wine.

"This ... hehe ... it's a real look!"

In fact, when Barbara happened to meet Talun who had just been promoted successfully, and she found Zhang Yang in the corner of the restaurant with the vague feeling in her heart, she felt that something was wrong. It ’s just that Barbara was really happy that the other party did n’t intentionally avoid her. In addition to the news of Taren ’s successful promotion, she was so good that she had a good drink, and she followed the wine table. The two men drank.

In fact, Taren didn't even want to fight with her, but who made him happy and care about Barbara by the way, saying that if she can't drink, don't try to be brave. So this time is good, useless Zhang Yang to speak, the two of them drunk vigorously!

In the beginning, Barbara and Tarun used to drink in the same cup as Zhang Yang. However, after twice as much spirits fell down, the two men who were more vigorous simply lifted the bottle and blew the bottle!

So it is conceivable that as Taren fell down with a whole bottle of spirits, he drunk and fell asleep on the table. But at this time, Barbara, who felt that she was "done", saw that Zhang Yang had already drank several bottles, and then thought about drunken the other party. Wouldn't he just want to talk like that?

It's a pity that Barbara didn't even think that Zhang Yang didn't mean to be drunk no matter how he drank. Instead, she frequently persuaded her to drink and drank herself, and finally she not only forgot to get drunk at first. Zhang Yang's original intention, in the end, put himself in.

So Barbara drunk without any suspense and fell down, and seeing here Zhang Yang not only breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously, but even leaked a smile with a scheme of success ...

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