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In most people ’s cognition, the element of fire and the element of water are basically attributed to each other. Once the two meet, they are basically the strong side and directly annihilate the weak side. If the total amount of the two is similar, It may even cancel each other out completely.

However, this is only a general situation. Once the two meet in a special situation, the result will not only be annihilation and cancellation, but a violent explosion!

Of course, the premise of achieving this effect is that one kind of element is in a highly activated state, so that when it comes into contact with the energy of another completely opposite element, it may explode again. And Zhang Yang's approach to launching Bing Tuo under the flame vortex is based on this principle.

However, there is often a gap between ‘know’ and ‘capability’ that is difficult to bridge. That is the lack of practical experience as a guarantee of success.

Fortunately, this time luck finally seemed to choose Zhang Yang's side, so at the moment these pieces of ice Tuo were in contact with the vortex of the flame, which was turning faster and faster, the road was originally spinning wildly, and it did not live from the outside The elemental vortex of fire element, as if stimulated by it, seemed to tremble!

Afterwards, although the fire tongue spewed all these pieces of ice paddles into nothingness, this mad vortex of fire elements, which was originally crazy but had certain operating rules in the madness, has now been successfully disrupted by Zhang Yang. The rhythm of the fire, so that the vortex of the fire element that originally rotated clockwise and continued to grow, now began to expand and contract irregularly for a while and a little.

So at this time, the young female magician who was in mid-air and had super affinity and perception for the fire element was suddenly surprised! After all, in her perception, this large element that was working well and summoned the magic circle, but now there is a very unstable atmosphere of destruction!

For element-calling magic that requires a stable structure to form, it is almost equivalent to failure. So under these circumstances, although the young female magician is angry, she no longer expects the summoning magic circle she released from the "face" to take effect, but only hopes that this sudden change will not be too strong, in case it really happens. For the Big Bang, do n’t exceed the limits of the city ’s magical defense system.

However, the development of the next thing not only completely exceeded the expectations of the young female magician, even Zhang Yang, who successfully plugged the other party, did not expect that the result of the incident would eventually be twists and turns, as he did not directly use elemental hedging as he expected. The way to blow up this elemental vortex directly is not to say, this elemental vortex that seemed extremely unstable before it was about to explode suddenly became stable again for no reason!

Even if Zhang Yang is not a magician, he can still be sure that this is not what the young female magician flying in midair has done, but this vortex of fire element has undergone some unknown change. .

The problem is that what happened next did not allow the two present to wait for too long. Just after the vortex of fire element was extremely strangely re-stabilized in an instant, the vortex of fire element that was rotating clockwise suddenly condensed suddenly, and then A wave of fiery red water light began to rippling from its center position.

So the young female magician's face in mid-air suddenly became a little more splendid, and in addition to her doubts, there was also a look of confusion mixed with a trace of worry in the unclear way, like joy!

However, at this time, a pair of bright red flame claws with a size of several meters were suddenly pierced out of the flame vortex! Not only that, as the pair of flame claws with three fingers each point to the left and right from the center of the flame vortex, the vortex completely formed by the fire element broke away from it extremely obediently, followed by a direct formation of a diameter of more than twenty Meter, flame passage gate with crimson border and bright red ancient clumsy pattern!

Seeing this, Zhang Yang's heart sank all at once. In his opinion, he exhausted his methods, but in the end he still failed to stop the opening of the flame call magic door, and the powerful fire elemental creatures that were drilled out of it, Even more powerful than he imagined!

Unlike the fire elemental creatures that Zhang Yang had seen before, what was drilled from this fire element portal at the moment, except for roaring up in the sky as soon as it appeared and releasing a huge amount of powerful heat that caused the surrounding air to distort, Its appearance is completely different from the fire elemental creatures in general cognition.

Whether it is more than a dozen long and short sharp corners that are completely formed by flames on the top of the head, or a huge mouth with a flame width that is almost the same width as the body on a large body more than ten meters tall, or even Even those huge flame claws that are completely out of proportion to the body, and so on, all silently reveal an inexplicable fierce breath!

If there is no "foot" or "claw" in the general sense under it, but the tail of the semi-floating state like the ordinary fire element, I am afraid that Zhang Yang can't connect it with the "fire elemental creature" at all, but will think The gadget is simply a demon who has 'chased in' from somewhere in the demon world.

(Damn it! Even calling this kind of flame monster in the city that you know at a glance represents destruction, does this woman really not take the city and the people living in it seriously? Or say ... this powerful mystery 'S woman is simply hostile to Pompeii, the magic kingdom? So she deliberately used the introduction of the battle to destroy the city completely?)

Thinking of the anger in Zhang Yang's heart was finally detonated by the other party, you know that he was very fond of Westin, this bustling and beautiful port city, plus there is always an inexplicable pity for ordinary people in the bottom of his heart. So, once someone relies on their strong strength to do whatever they want, and does not take the city and ordinary people living in it at all, Zhang Yang will be inexplicably angry and sad.

So at this moment, Zhang Yang finally killed the young female magician in mid-air. Even if he struggled to overload again for a period of weakness, he would seize the opportunity to use [Lei Ji burst] to kill him!

However, at this moment, Zhang Yang suddenly found that the young female magician who was supposed to be proud of the success of the spell did not have any arrogant appearance at all, but inexplicably flew from the side of the sky almost undefended against Zhang Yang, regardless of the danger!

This time Zhang Yang couldn't understand it. Did the other party get overjoyed for a time and had been successfully released by the spell before he was stunned? Otherwise, why did this act of near death?

Fortunately, the other party did not puzzle Zhang Yang for long. When the young female magician came to a place less than 20 meters away from Zhang Yang, she stared at the fire elemental monster not far away. To Zhang Yang said:

"The battle between our two will be suspended first, and we have to decide on the victory again in the future. Now it is imperative that you help me catch this" flame destroyer "and close the portal, otherwise if you let it go It continues to guard the portal, and it will not take long for its kind to rush to the other side of the portal to completely fix this temporary portal to the elemental plane of fire. "The Destroyer" and the countless fire elemental creatures under its control keep coming over, and that's the big deal. "

Hearing the other person's words suddenly, Zhang Yang's expression was really exciting enough. After all, the two people who were killed and killed a moment ago suddenly joined hands for the convenience of running carelessly. The goal was still the elemental creature that the other party finally summoned. Is the nerve of this young female magician already so large? Degree?

Or did she make so many moths because she wanted to see how long he had in the end so that she could help her catch this so-called "flame destroyer"?

So when he heard the other person saying this, Zhang Yang thought it was really arrogant and funny, so seeing that the flame monster didn't seem to leave for a while, Zhang Yang said coldly:

"Isn't it a big deal to destroy a block in your heart? Moreover, this monster was originally summoned by you, and the mess you made was cleaned up by yourself. For you like this, you are inhumane and don't take ordinary people at all. People whose lives are serious, I do n’t have a sword to cut you down, you should laugh, and you want me to help you? Why? "

To tell the truth, anyone who is happy to just rent a wildebeest will feel angry when he is burned into a pile of ashes before riding. Not to mention the needless followers who are also required to be the perpetrators. It is simply not riding on the neck of someone else, but the rhythm of **** on it. Okay!

And after the talk collapsed, the young girl who was so dead and still being chased by the other party, such a powerful and "trench" young girl, was bombarded and chased by the ass. Come over and help her to clean up the mess?

The most important thing is that Zhang Yang is extremely unhappy with her disregard, arrogance, and Cao Kan ’s life. Besides, if she really helped her in this situation, Zhang Yang could n’t live without knowing it, but in case the people of the Magic Kingdom think of him This partner who ruined a whole block of Westin, which delayed the business, was bad.

However, when Zhang Yang said this, the other party not only did not feel angry, but turned around and looked at him with an extremely surprised look that looked like a "twisted nut" until Zhang Yang couldn't help raising another one on his forehead. Qingjin, this young female magician spoke with surprise:

"Don't you know that within the entire range of the surrounding Star Lake where Dalaran is located, the city will be protected by the" Sacred Enchantment ", unless you encounter an attack with a power above the legendary level, otherwise activate the" Sacred Enchantment " No matter how serious the damage is here, when the enchantment is cancelled, it will instantly restore its original state, let alone the dead! What do you know about this common sense thing? "

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