Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1454: Sonali's teacher

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Anyone with normal consciousness may be able to see the extraordinary power and luxury from this woman who suddenly appeared in the air, not to mention what she released from her body after she appeared, it seems that no matter what The overwhelming huge magic pressure.

To be honest, Zhang Yang ’s knowledge is not lacking now, but when he saw the robe worn by the woman who appeared suddenly in the air, he still could n’t figure out what kind of material was used to weave this kind of inner. It's a streamlined, gold-like cloth that makes people look like exquisite costumes that they will never forget.

Not only that, for Zhang Yang, who believes that her aesthetic vision is generally high, this woman who is standing high and quietly looking at him and Sang Nali, although it seems that she should be in her thirties, but with her The facial features and exquisite features comparable to works of art can definitely be ranked in the top three of the beautiful women that Zhang Yang has seen!

Moreover, from the first moment Zhang Yang saw her, she felt a special momentum only possessed by the succubus queen who was in the demon world from the other's attitude and temperament.

It was a sense of oppression mixed with strong self-confidence, noble temperament and the momentum cultivated by standing in a high position all the year round, although Zhang Yang was not clear about what the kings in the human kingdom looked like or never seen. But at this moment, there was an inexplicable thought in his heart, that is, this beautiful woman who appeared strangely from the air and still floating in the air until now, should have the supreme power in the magic kingdom. The magic queen with strength is no doubt!

After all, besides this woman, Zhang Yang really can't imagine any other woman can have such a powerful strength that makes him completely invisible, and noble enough to make him almost ashamed of appearance and temperament.

It's just that Zhang Yang hasn't spoke or salute now, because this noble beauty who is suspected of 'Magic Queen' has been paying attention to him except for a little surprise at the beginning. All concentrated on Sang Nali who was standing next to Zhang Yang!

So anyone who is not too dull should understand that this noble woman who is at the same time concentrating on beauty and beauty is simply coming for Sang Li. It's just that Zhang Yang is puzzled at this moment. What is the relationship between this 'Queen of the Queen' and Sang Nali?

Mother and daughter? It ’s not possible to look at it. After all, on the one hand, the gap between the two seems a little too big. To know that Sang Nali ’s appearance is generally better, it is not a beauty, not even a beauty. Temperament is also undesirable.

Under such circumstances, if they can still be mother and daughter, Zhang Yang would have to seriously question what Sang Nali's father looked like. After all, after marrying such a stunning "Queen of the Queen" in front of her, she can still give birth to the kind of argument that Sanni Li can only say that she is a talented daughter.

Fortunately, after thinking of a sentence Sang Nali had inadvertently said before, Zhang Yang knew that if he guessed right, the relationship between the two should be the relationship between the teacher and the student rather than the mother and daughter.

But thinking of this, Zhang Yang suddenly recalled what Taren said when he introduced the Pompeii system of the magic kingdom to him! In case this beautiful woman full of 'Queen' temperament is really the contemporary magic queen of the magic kingdom of Pompeii, wouldn't her Sonali be her "Prince" or "Heir of the Queen"? Anymore?

So at this moment, Zhang Yang turned his head subconsciously to look at Sang Nali next to him. However, what he didn't think of was that Sang Nali, who always had the expression of 'the boss and my second son', just saw After the "Queen of the Queen", his expression suddenly became as if the mouse had seen the cat, let alone being obedient.

Not only that, Sang Nali seems to have done something wrong at this moment, although the movement is not obvious, but there is a subconscious attitude to hide behind Zhang Yang.

It's a pity that the situation in front of her doesn't seem to allow her to think carefully about anything else. It is really appropriate to describe Zhang Yang by being caught by an adult.

Anyway, Sang Nali also has the sixth-level Zijin high-level strength, and she is sensitive to the extent that even Zhang Yang can't hide from being hundreds of meters away, so when Zhang Yang and the 'Queen of the Queen' all focused their attention on her At that time, Sang Nali, who knew she could not escape anyway, finally laughed, and then saluted the 'Queen Queen' who was still floating in the air while saluting:

"That ... teacher, you're here, why haven't you become beautiful again in a few days! It's so jealous!"

Sang Nali said so, but Zhang Yang, who always thought she was calm enough, almost couldn't help laughing! Fortunately, his self-control has always been strong enough, so at the critical time, he finally forced to control his facial expression. Although the corners of his mouth were all grinning upwards, he didn't really laugh.

However, this kind of wanting to laugh but suffocating and not smiling, it looks really painful, so for Sang Nali who can't hurt without an egg, he suddenly glared fiercely. But at this time, because of the existence of the "Queen of the Queen", she had to immediately withdraw her expression into a serious and extremely respectful look before, so she turned her face like a book. Zhang Yang laughed.

"Ha! Really ... today's weather is really good!"

In fact, Zhang Yang, who was previously sulked by Sang Nali, wanted to laugh a lot, but considering that Sanna Li may be the heir of the future magic queen, he finally laughed and changed the topic. Pulled aside.

It's just that even though Sang Nali's look is still vigorous, plus her vicious look at Zhang Yang at this moment, I'm afraid if it weren't for the 'Queen Lord' who was too powerful in Zhang Yang's eyes , I'm afraid it would be Sonnali will start directly.

And the ‘Queen Queen’ who saw all this in her eyes but did not speak from beginning to end, finally opened her lips slightly after Zhang Yang ’s words fell, and said in a sweet but majestic voice:

"It's really a surprise. I didn't expect Xiaolili to make a friend this time, but instead of fighting with people as usual, the teacher was very pleased."

"Uh ... this ..."

"This one……"

Hearing whether it was Sang Nali or Zhang Yang, I didn't know what to say for a while, so that after subconsciously glancing at each other, they both said nothing.

You have to know that the amount of information contained in the phrase "Queen Queen" is too great. In Zhang Yang's view, not only does he point out the fact that Sang Nali basically has no friends, but also to concisely his past behavior style. Elaborated.

It ’s nice to say that a reluctant genius like Sang Nali is a kind of ‘generally invincible’. It ’s straightforward to say that it ’s arrogant, special, and isolated. It's a guy who makes 'parents' uneasy.

Besides, even if Zhang Yang sees Sang Nali's deflated heart at this moment, he will not miss the sensitive word of "fleeing home". So Zhang Yang can finally be sure at this moment that Sang Na Li, who is acting so childishly, is indeed a hairy girl who has not grown up!

After all, compared to Zhang Yang who had to go home after struggling for thousands of miles, regardless of money, strength or status, and there is such a powerful and beautiful 'teacher' Sang Nali In the middle of the blessing, he fled the house without knowing it. It really made Zhang Yang, who was like an arrow, understand something.

But perhaps it was found that her teacher was in a good mood today. Sang Lili braved his face with audacity and smiled, and looked up with a pitiful expression, like a harmless kitten coquettishly saying:

"Teacher, Lili got it wrong this time, and you see, this time I successfully captured a sixth-order advanced flame destroyer! Just go back and find some masters on the elemental furnace for a little help , I can add another piece of legendary equipment that can greatly increase the magical power of the fire department! So ... do n’t be angry this time ~ "

"Flame Destroyer? You really secretly used the" Flame of Seduction "staff, Xiaolili."

"That ... teacher, you know that, if you don't use the magic stored in this staff, where can I find the rare and powerful fire elemental creatures such as Flame Destroyer!"

"Really? Since you know that the Flame Destroyer is powerful, do you dare to risk being killed by it and then destroy it everywhere? It seems that the last punishment was not deep enough ..."

"Oh teacher, I'm wrong! And I know that with my own strength, I'm not the opponent of the Flame Destroyer, so don't you find a helper? Not to mention the teacher, you see this element core that seals the Flame Destroyer. , But I made sufficient preparations and found a reliable helper before choosing to do it! "

Hearing this, Zhang Yangzheng wanted to explain, but the ‘Queen Queen’ who had n’t waited for him to speak had already reprimanded in a tone that was still sweet and beautiful, but clearly felt anger:

"When it comes to finding a helper, then I think you should first explain to me what happened to the five Tier 6 water magicians who were injured by you before! The meaning of Laran and even the entire magic kingdom, you use it now ... Well, it ’s best that your explanation can impress me, otherwise you should n’t think about it until you advance to the seventh-level legendary level! "

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