Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1460: Militant Vance

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(Vance ... Grandpa? It seems that this is really the kind of super strong who has broken through the boundaries of the seventh-order legendary level, so that his appearance will be fixed in the middle age, so what is this identity, is it? A follower guard of the Queen of Magic?)

However, when Zhang Yang couldn't help guessing, what he didn't expect was that this 'Grandpa Vance' had completely ignored Sang Li who greeted him, but stared closely at Zhang Yang for a while, and then it was even more obscure. He tentatively released the power of his soul, but then his eyes suddenly lit up, and at the same time said:

"Oh! You guys are interesting. Are they follower guards recruited by Xiaolili?"


"Oh haha! It's not easy to see that I can still be so calm, so no matter who you are, come here and spend time with your elder brother! I'm so bored that I've been so tired that I'm so hurt!"


When I first saw the white-haired handsome uncle, Zhang Yang thought that he should be the kind of cold super cool superpower, but the other party said so ... Uh, the mysterious feeling before suddenly suddenly disappeared. The image of the whole person in Zhang Yang's heart also almost collapsed.

Anyone who can have a barbecue in the Violet Castle can't be said to have a low status? Besides, it is not easy to go out and get such a big wild boar and come back to barbecue. Or simply go to the trouble of those high-level Warcraft?

Now it ’s good, just throw it over a wine bottle as soon as you meet, and then even shine with your eyes as if you are extremely hungry. You usually have to fight Zhang Yang. The kind of drooling looks not to mention the seventh-order legend. The identities of the super-strong players are completely inconsistent, and even if you don't know, you might think that this guy is sick!

In fact, not only did Zhang Yang have a black line at the moment, but also Sang Nali beside him had an unbearable expression after listening to these words, and then spoke weakly:

"Grandpa Vance don't make trouble, this guy's strength is far worse than you, and he has something to do with the teacher. If it is broken by your pleasure, how should I explain to the teacher ..."

(Playing bad ?! This description seems ...)

However, even though Sang Nali said so, the white-haired handsome uncle Vance still didn't mean to stop at all. Instead, he seemed to be an alcohol addict. He usually moved his wrist while staring at Zhang Yangdao while tapping his mouth:

"It's okay, doesn't it matter if I start with it? Besides, your teacher will shove me a lot of high-level pharmacy every year, and I usually can't use it at all. If it doesn't work, it's cheap. ! "

(Ah hey! What is cheap? I'll heal my wounds! Is this not clear that I won't be able to stop my hands after I'm crazy ?! Is this called knowing the weight ?! It's a lunatic!)

Seeing this situation, Zhang Yang naturally did not take the initiative to find abusive hobbies, so not only did he not have any meaning of stubbornness, but instead looked around with his eyes and made a gesture of tourists looking at the scenery. At the same time, although Sang Nali subconsciously pressed her forehead with her hand after listening to this, she still tried her best to stop:

"Although this guy is not very attractive, and even rejected the proposal to be my follower's guard, anyway, he just helped me catch a" flame destroyer "with infinite strength close to the seventh order legendary level, so look On my face, Grandpa Vance, can you let him go for a while, will you wait for him to talk to the teacher after a while? "

(Although her words may seem to be helping me to get rid of it, but why is there a vague posture to add fuel to the fire? Besides, what does it mean 'wait a while and talk to the teacher, then you can play with him again' Don't you girl Is there absolutely no good result to play with this powerful "lunatic"?)

In fact, it is almost exactly the same as the premonition in Zhang Yang's heart. After Sang Nali said that, the white-haired handsome uncle Vance looked at Zhang Yang not only did not relax, but became more heated! So much so that his expression at this moment is not what the drunkard saw when he saw fine wine. Perhaps it would be more accurate to describe the situation when a hungry person saw a gourmet dinner?

"Oh! Little Lili, how can you become such a mother-in-law? I just look at his strength and weirdness, so I want to find him to move his muscles, so that you are always pushing three and four, is it that your grandfather Vance is the kind Are there no serious people? "


(You know it yourself too!)

Although Zhang Yang and Sang Nali didn't refute at the moment, the mere expression of the two of them was enough to explain the problem. So even seeing Vance here can't help but the old face is reddish, but maybe this guy is really idle crazy recently, so that in this case, he still didn't mean to give up at all, and his eyes rolled over his face directly. Opening:

"Speaking of who you are, Lili, who has good relations with you! Although this guy may have helped you once and a half, but don't forget how much time Grandpa Vance I helped you before! If I help you, can you run out this time? Not to mention catching the 'what'! "

"It's the" flame destroyer "!"

"Yes, yes! That's the 'Hunting Destroyer" ... Hey? What is this weird name? Forget it, in short, the relationship between us is much stronger than you and him, so how can you help outsiders? Against you, Grandpa Vance? Furthermore, since this kid has the ability to help you get a quasi-seven-level legendary monster, even if it is not my opponent, it will not be beaten down by me a few times, so An La An ! Li Lili, if you stop me again, Grandpa Vance will not help you next time! "


As for this part, Sang Nali can only silently hand Zhang Yang a look of 'you ask for more blessing', but this is already possible for Zhang Yang who has found that he can't escape it anyway. Nothing more, how to deal with an attack by a strong man who is at least the seventh-level legendary intermediate or above is the most important issue that Zhang Yang needs to consider at present.

"Since Mr. Vance is hard-hearted, he has to accompany him in the end. I just don't know how you plan to play?"

Seeing that Zhang Yang was finally willing to fight, the white-haired Wanston was so happy that his tone of voice suddenly became bold.

"Ahahaha! Since you are a junior, and your strength is much worse than me, then you can say how to fight well! But boy, don't make any crooked ideas, anything like punching wine can't be confused. I!"

(Wrestling fight wine ... You can think of it! It seems that such tricks may not have been used by yourself before? You just do n’t know who is the strong man who was pitted by you?)

Even though the power of Tucao in his heart was close to bursting, Zhang Yang finally restrained it completely with his great willpower, and dared not let it spit out directly. Of course, compared with this ‘spit breath’ attack, ‘spit breath’ attack, how to satisfy the opponent ’s fighting desire that is almost ‘desire dissatisfied’ while also trying to avoid injury is what Zhang Yang needs to consider at the moment.

"Although the strength is mediocre at the bottom, I still don't use the tricks of the next three to deal with the seniors. However, considering that there is no hatred between us, there is no need to fight with life ... This is not as good as you and I do n’t use weapons to make a direct stroke how is it?"

Because of the angle, Zhang Yang didn't see the expression of 'you're fooled' in the eyes of Sang Nali after speaking of his proposal. Moreover, the opposite Vance stared at Sang Nali quietly. At a glance, what the meaning is, I am afraid that only Sanali and Vance knew it.

"Hahaha! Good boxing! Not only can you show your strength and skills, but also to avoid accidental injuries to the greatest extent, good! Let's play empty-handed! Ahaha! Take the trick!"

Ordinary people absolutely can't think of such a superpower who is above the seventh-tier legendary level and will actually speak and speak directly, without even leaving a little reaction time for the other party.

Fortunately, this is not a problem for Zhang Yang, who is in a vigilant state anytime, anywhere. Zhang Yang, who is not good to hear, has long been guarded against the gray-haired Vance. After all, he only rushed from the beginning when the other party was silent. When Nali threw the wine bottle, Zhang Yang judged that this guy was definitely not a good bird, erm ... or should it be said that it was not a good old bird? Good bird?

However, although the character and deeds of this gray-haired Vance were a bit disintegrating, his strength was enough to make Zhang Yang have to fight with a spirit of 120.

After all, when the other party's voice has not fallen, the whole person with white hair Vance has dragged a residual image to appear in front of Zhang Yang. Boom!

(Just know you will!)

In terms of Zhang Yang ’s true level, it will naturally not be Vance ’s opponent, even because of the great difference in strength level between the two, even if Zhang Yang is far more powerful than the ordinary combatants because of the relationship between Ere ’s body, but even with The legendary strong who is good at speed is more powerful than force. Zhang Yang must also be abused without using any strengthening skills.

Therefore, when the gray-haired Vance rushed over in an instant, Zhang Yang had already used [Thunderbolt Enhancement], not to mention, and also used the [muscle coordination technique] to the extreme. Punched his chest!

In fact, Zhang Yang did not choose to dodge or block, but the punch of the attack on the attack made the gray-haired Vance a little unexpected, but Zhang Yang's attitude was very angry with him, so plus him I am extremely confident in my own strength, so at this moment, both sides are unavoidable. At the same time, in a boxing, I also received a punch from the other side!

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