Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1469: So-called master

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There is a kind of throwing method called "Four Yang Bacha", and there is an embarrassment called "It happens to fall under the feet of others" ...

Fortunately, at this moment, the beautiful Queen of Magic, Estra, has put on a more formal long robe. If it is the kind of short skirt that is often worn by female combat mages for easy movement, it is really embarrassing. .

However, the problem is that Master Cromwell, who fell **** the ground and slid a short distance forward according to his inertia, now seems to not only care about his body being contaminated with more insect blood and filth, but even looking up When I looked at the Queen of Magic, Estra, it was obviously a pity!

Seeing Sanna Li on the side of this place could not bear it anymore, so seeing that this 'old and unrepaired' even lying on the ground didn't mean to get up at all, she rushed forward in two or three steps without magic, just Then lift up your sturdy legs wearing long leather boots and kick the old face of the colorful, messy beard fiercely!

So it's really that Master Cromwell who is secretly lamenting his bad luck at this time is really unlucky, even though Sanalli is not a warrior, she is just a weak female magician, but Dangdang kicks. On the face, this old guy is enough to drink a pot.

Therefore, Master Cromwell, who only listened to the scream of 'ah ~', was lying on the ground with his face on his back, but was kicked into a rolling gourd by Sang Lili. When he looked up, Two nosebleeds have already flowed out very disappointingly ...

"Ah, **** girl, how dare you attack me in the presence of your teacher, Lord Queen, you have to make the decision for me ~! Alas, oh ~ my nose of Wei'an, this is bleeding! You, you, you, you have the ability Do n’t go! Look at me not looking for someone to pack you up this time! "


Seeing this scene, Zhang Yangzhen could n’t believe that such an old-fashioned existence would actually be one of the principals of this huge so-called “alchemy laboratory”, but Zhang Yang was somewhat admired at the moment, even if Nag Master Renwell was kicked on the face by Suna Li for several laps, but the two unknown organs that were turned out of the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg corpse were still firmly held in his hands. In hand!

So much so that when the master Cromwell trembled up from the ground and wiped his nosebleed, he rubbed directly on his sleeve and carried a piece of green worm blood on his face. On the beard.

This situation is really speechless, and I don't know maybe I thought what precious treasure was in the hands of Master Cromwell, instead of the smelly, greasy and ugly guts.

So Zhang Yang didn't dare to speak casually at this moment, after all, except that both sides were not good things in his opinion, wouldn't it be wronged if he was unjustly relied on?

However, when Zhang Yang subconsciously stepped back two steps away from the two, and turned his attention to the magic queen, Estra, to see how she handled it, Zhang Yang was surprised to find that this person estimated the actual Even if you are young, you have to be an adult in her 60s. At this moment, she is like a little woman who cares for her hair there! It ’s an expression of ‘I did n’t see it’, okay? !

Seeing this, Zhang Yang suddenly understood that it seemed that the Queen should be angry with what the "old man does not repair" did, so this pretended not to be seen after Sang Li repaired him with his "foot".

But the problem is that the distance between several people including Zhang Yang is really close enough, so even if it is really replaced by an old lady in her 60s, as long as she is not blind, you should be able to see what happened. Right?

So the master Cromwell knew that even if he was stupid, his beautiful little cousin, the queen, was a little angry at the moment. He murmured something, and then wiped the still happy nosebleed again with the other sleeve, and then after deliberately coughing twice, he kissed with a straight mouth:

"Cough! I was so embarrassed just now, because my feet were slippery because I was too excited. It really turned out to be a bit old and it was not useful. Even if I fell, I could break my nose. but!"

Speaking here, Master Cromwell suddenly raised his voice, so that after listening to his nonsense, Sang Nali who was rolling his eyes accidentally was shocked by him.

"Lao Buxiu, what are you screaming! Will you speak well!"

"Also let me talk, don't you like to yell? Well, okay, my old man doesn't know you as much, isn't it just a small voice, as for being so loud, I'm not deaf ..."

"Whether to speak or not!"

"Uh ... Actually, I just want to say that, based on my years of experience in researching Warcraft materials and the identity of a master alchemist, I can be quite certain at the moment that these Warcraft samples brought by the kid are absolutely the only things I have seen in my life, and These two internal organs can fully prove that they are definitely not the life of the mainland of Orlando! "

Contrary to the previous appearances of "insolent", "rogue", and "cowardly", when Master Cromwell really talked about what he was in his own profession, his whole person seemed to be full of confidence to Zhang Yang, so much so that At this moment he finally showed the kind of demeanor that a "master" should have.

Unfortunately, covered with yellow-green worm blood and the two dark red nosebleeds, Master Cromwell could not change his impression of staying in Zhang Yang's heart no matter how he behaved. According to his knowledge, when the content of the speech finally returned to the topic, the queen will also be right:

"Why do you say that? What's so special about these two organs?"

Speaking of issues related to Warcraft materials, this ‘wonderful’ master Cromwell seems to have forgotten everything that happened before, and immediately explained with a dazzling expression:

"We all know that the native World of Warcraft and even creatures in the Orlando world are all constructed and transformed from various elements in different proportions. However, although the two internal organs of the insects are unremarkable, their composition is completely different from that of Orlando. The world is irrelevant! That is to say, they are completely products from the outer plane, which can be easily distinguished by any alchemist who is mastering materials science. "

"In this case ... so is this a special case or a common phenomenon?"

"This ... should be regarded as a special case. After all, according to my observations just now, this special organ only exists in those samples with stronger strength, while the other ones with weaker strength can obviously be seen as just Among the individuals who were born shortly, the components of the same internal organs are different. Even though there is no time to further experiment, in my experience, they should be born after coming to the Orlando world, so whether it is oviparous or not Or other methods of reproduction indicate that this very powerful insect is rapidly adapting to the environment of the Orlando world. "

Hearing this, even Zhang Yang, a layman, can hear the meaning of Master Cromwell ’s words. If he understands correctly, it means that the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg is extremely adaptable and can quickly adapt to the new environment. What do you mean by changing and perfecting yourself?

Now Zhang Yang can clearly feel the threat from Master Cromwell's explanation. Astra, the magic queen who is the head of a country, naturally understands how dangerous foreign creatures with this ability are.

So the Queen, who was already very serious, looked at the two internal organs that seemed to be the same, and asked again:

"So in your opinion, what is the strength of these 'Ahn'Qiraj Zerg?' Are they intelligent creatures?"

"Strong strength! From the point of view of body structure and combat power configuration, these samples should be just a hunting team during their lifetime. After all, their body structure is born for hunting and fighting, and even the inside of the body is useless. Due to the viscera of reproduction, the combat strength of this brand-new creature is already quite amazing in terms of the strength of a hunting team. After all, the physical strength and strength of the ordinary members should be at least three or more, while the body of the senior combat members The strength and strength are basically the same as the fourth-order intermediate Warcraft on the mainland, and the elite is not lower than the fifth-order! This kind of strength combination seems to be comparable to our entire human kingdom, and few legions can compare with it. Right? "

In fact, I heard that Zhang Yang had admired the monstrous and sloppy old man in front of him! After all, so much information can be excavated and inferred from the fragmented corpses of this place, and it is basically consistent with the facts. It is no wonder that this level of knowledge and ability will be promoted and reused by the "breaking grid".

Thinking of this, Master Cromwell, who was talking about it, suddenly turned his head and asked Zhang Yang:

"Boy, were you the first to discover these" An ... What's the Zerg "?"

"It should be similar."

"Okay, then it should be the first one you discovered. Then I ask you, what were they doing when you met this group of zergs? How many were they?"

"Hunting, prey is a variety of Warcraft. As for the number ... the total should be less than 200."

After listening to Zhang Yang's words, Master Cromwell was a little surprised, and then looked at him again from top to bottom with a vision that seemed to have discovered the New World, before speaking:

"Oh yo! I didn't see that you guy is also a very powerful person. After all, if you meet such a large group of powerful zergs alone, for those who can't fly, they can successfully get out of it. It's not easy. And you not only returned intact, but also brought back so many samples, so it seems that you not only won, but also a big victory! Am I right? "

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