Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1494: Page's happy time (3)

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In Page's memory, Wright mentor rarely spoke, but in contrast, from the moment he saw him, every word he said would definitely be fulfilled. So when Zhang Yang finished speaking at this moment, Page knew that the other party was absolutely serious! He is really ready to let himself directly fight two adult Tier 3 Warcraft Jumping Lizards!

So at this moment, Paige, who was out of breath, was suddenly nervous. He wasn't ready to back down, but he thought that even if he was fighting training, he should wait for him to get ready before starting? So in a hurry, Page said suddenly:

"But, but mentor Wright, I haven't recovered well at this moment! After the quick hurry before, now I don't even have half of my usual temper or physical strength, and I have never seen the jumping lizard. I do n’t even know the characteristics and weaknesses of these jumping lizards, so if I fight in such a hurry, I am worried ... "

In fact, the more he talked about the back, the lower the page's voice. After all, he vaguely understood that the reason why Wright mentors did this must have the other party's reasons, and it must be a good thing for his actual experience accumulation and even strength improvement.

But the problem is that even with this, Page will still feel nervous, after all, this is his first real battle! And he still faced two fierce World of Warcraft at once, so if something went wrong due to insufficient preparation, he would really die!

However, when Paige's words just fell, Zhang Yang already said:

"Worried? What are you worried about? Isn't it fair? There is no absolute fairness in this world. After all, as a warrior, in the face of sudden battles, can you ask the enemy or Warcraft to wait for a while and wait for you to recover before you go to war?"

"This one……"

"Besides, even if your fighting spirit has not fully recovered, it is not impossible to fight? And you still have a fourth-order silver advanced fighting strength, so in the face of the same level of warcraft is lower than you by a large rank. It ’s not easy to kill it as long as it ’s used properly. So from this point, it ’s hard to be fair to fight the two jumping lizards in your current state? Or to say ... the face of coming soon Are you afraid of the real battle? Are you sorry? "

"No, I'm not afraid! I won't regret it!"

"Very good, then take your courage and kill the two jumping lizards in the past. A special reminder that you'd better adapt to your new weapon in advance, otherwise if there is a leak in this regard, then you will be If Warcraft kills, that would be too wrong. "

"I know, I know ..."

Paige never thought about the fact that this usually whispered Wright mentor made sense, it was a set of things, not only made him speechless, but also could not find any reason to refute. The problem is that Page always thinks there is something wrong, but the guy didn't give him any time to think, just like driving a duck to the shelf, leading him to the edge of a swamp in the forest.

"Okay, here it is. Your task is very simple. In the past, you can find the two jumping lizards hidden in this swamp and kill them. After all, the task only requires you to take the bodies of the four jumping lizards back. That ’s all, there are no other special requirements. "

"Four or four lizard-jumping bodies ?! But Wright, don't you mean there are only two adult lizards in this swamp?"

"Yes, so you'd better speed up. When you finish processing these two jumping lizards, I should have found the remaining two jumping lizards."

Hearing Zhang Yang say this, Page suddenly discovered a problem keenly, so at the moment he said with a trembling tone:

"Lay, Wright mentor ... aren't you going to be beside ... watching the battle?"

(Watching the game? Was it originally meant to be protected by the side? I looked confident before, but now things are starting to get nervous and scary?)

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang actually understands that after all, the real battle is not a child's play, nor is it that anyone who has a high rank will definitely win. So for Page, let alone facing two adult jumping lizards at once, I am afraid that only one is enough to kill him!

However, the current time is too urgent, so if Page wants to have enough strength to match his level within a month, then the general step-by-step method can never achieve the expected goal, and can only be hard to let it face the death as soon as it comes up. Fear, which inspires his own will and potential for survival.

So even if Zhang Yang did not really leave, he would potentially protect him secretly, but this would naturally not allow Page to know, so he listened to Zhang Yang lightly:

"The goal is nothing but third-order Warcraft, even if you only have about 30% of your grievances at present, but as long as you are not so scared that you can't even lift your sword, then killing it is not a problem at all. Is this battle still Do you need someone to protect you? Still ... you are still hesitating and do n’t have enough consciousness yet? If you want to become stronger, then go to fight! "

(Enlightenment? What kind of enlightenment? Is it a stronger enlightenment? Or an enlightenment facing death? Or is it the same thing?)

Even though he was still very nervous, Page nodded afterwards with his body's unconscious desire to tremble. However, just before Zhang Yang left, he turned around suddenly and suddenly said lightly:

"Additionally, if you dare to run away in battle, then I will kill you with my own hands. After all, I would rather tell your family and friends about the death, and do not want you to continue to cowardly after violating the oath of your own mouth. Alive. So fight! Fight your life and fight! "

(Will you die if you do n’t fight? Sure enough, you dug a pit yourself and then jumped on your own ... so that means that the only way to survive is to kill the two adult jumping lizards with a third-level intermediate level?)

To understand this, Paige was trying to express his attitude to Zhang Yang, but when he raised his head again, he found that the Wright tutor who was still standing in front of him just now, and the blink of an eye was gone!

So at this moment Paige had to smile bitterly, and then tried his best to suppress the fear in his heart through deep breathing, and then pulled out all the swords on the waist. After a few swings, he calmed down a little.

(Can do it! I can do it! It is just two third-order Warcraft, as long as I can find them first, and then rush to kill them with the fastest speed, right? That's it! !)

After repeatedly invigorating himself in his heart, Page finally walked towards the depths of the swamp. However, the problem is that it is late at night. Except that the bright moonlight reflected in the sky can give some light to the shallow puddles in the swamp, all the places covered with thorns and weeds are completely dark.

Therefore, in this environment, the role that human vision can play is really very limited, and sometimes it is not as useful as hearing. As for taste and smell? The black mud in the swamp has never been a decoration. The stale smell of the withered plants and various animal Warcraft corpses accumulates throughout the year. Although it will not smell and smell, it is definitely enough to confuse the human sense of smell.

Therefore, in this case, the professional's own ability to perceive the surrounding environment is particularly important, but it is a pity that for the "master rookie" who is empty and powerful but has no actual combat experience, he is too nervous. Really play the detection function of its own perception.

So while Page was holding his two swords nervously, groping deep and shallow in the swamp, two gleams of green light suddenly appeared in the thorn bushes behind his side!

At the same time, Page, who was moving step by step, suddenly felt like he was drowned from head to toe on a hot day. A sense of crisis that was stared at by something was a flash in his heart. Let's go!

Feeling that this cold and malicious Page suddenly pulled away and turned around, it was a pity that he could not see any movement behind him at this time, and there was only a wall of water reflecting the pale moonlight, and it seemed that there was no Any end of darkness.

The problem is that Page clearly knew that there was definitely something behind him just now! Even if he did n’t know whether it was the target of the trip, or some other Warcraft, but there is a certain page, but I ’m sure that that thing must be bad for him!

However, at this time, an extremely slight wind and whistling sounded not far from behind Page! To be honest, it was n’t because the surroundings were very quiet at night. I was afraid that Paige might not hear this slight sound. So at this moment, because of the extreme tension, it seemed that there was a peach that was full of trees, and suddenly the grievances carried in the body rushed to the left with the fastest speed, and turned to look behind.

But Page didn't look okay, and at first glance, he was shocked with cold sweat!

I saw a light green transparent wind blade that was more than one meter long, even against Paige's back, and immediately passed from where he just stood! That situation is really almost worse. If Page's reaction is half a minute late, I'm afraid he will be cut by this wind blade!

As far as Page's understanding of magic is concerned, he can easily distinguish the equal order of this wind blade, but compared with the third-order wind magic [enhanced wind blade technique] in his impression, this nearly cut him The wind blades for the two pieces are not only larger in size than the [Enhanced Wind Blade] released by the ordinary wind magician, but more importantly, Paige did n’t even feel the magical convergence of the wind elements. The sound at the time of the attack was also much smaller than the screams brought by [Enhanced Wind Blade] in his impression!

So he was shocked by the cold sweat of Paige, and suddenly turned his eyes to the direction issued by the wind blade. Until then, he really saw the World of Warcraft that he was about to hunt-the jumping lizard.

But the question is, who is the hunter and who is the prey?

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