Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1509: Page's Happy Time (18)

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Fighting with Warcraft is never a child's play, and even Page, who had never experienced actual combat in the first place, understands this. After all, unless its own strength is much higher than the target Warcraft, and has reached a level where it can easily win anyway, otherwise it will be injured or even killed if a little careless, this is a professional, or more accurately is The risks that mercenaries and adventurers need to take while enjoying victory and glory.

But even so, in a world where the strong can control everything, hunting Warcraft is not just a way of making a living and a quick way to make money, it is also a way for professionals to hone their skills and challenge their limits.

Therefore, even if there are many people every year or even every day because of the wrong estimation of the strength of Warcraft, or some kind of accident occurs in the battle, which leads to serious injury or disability or simply lost his life accidentally. But until now there are still many professionals who took the initiative to take this path.

Of course, this does not include Page. You know, even if this kid is determined to make himself a veritable powerhouse, he never thought to joke about his life! But the problem is that once you choose something, there is no way to regret it. For example, when Page didn't know much about 'someone', he begged the other party to help 'drill' himself, and ... in theory, he can run out without injury. This forest, and then wait for the silver-backed mongooses behind them to get rid of their grudge and reform while studying the countermeasures. It is not too late to resume hunting after the state is fully restored and a little sure.

But the problem is that Page did n’t understand why he was on a whim, and chose to take a risky counterattack in such a situation of too much arrogance, so that although the effect was extremely significant, he once again pushed himself to a dead end. Today, not only has he suffered minor injuries, he can even get rid of the dozen or so crazy silver-backed mongooses who are chasing behind him as planned.

In fact, after Page successfully fought back in that ruin, killing eight silver-backed mongooses in less than two seconds, he realized that the remaining silver-backed mongooses were not as frightened as expected. While fleeing, Page suddenly realized that he had been wrong in the first place!

At that time, Wright's instructor clearly reminded himself that every silver-backed mongoose group was created by a male and a female and two independent family-backed silver-backed mongooses. In this case, all members of each ethnic group are either parents or children, or they are all brothers and sisters.

Only in this way can they be crowded together to eat the intimacy of the enemy. How can the remaining members run away because of the fear of death as he imagined when the brothers, sisters and even their parents were killed? On the contrary, it is serious to fight for revenge and revenge.

So from this point of view, if Paige was in the downwind in the battle and has been passively beaten and did not hurt the members of the group of silver-backed mongooses, then when he escaped from the woods and left the group of silver-backs After mongoose's territory, the other party might consider stopping.

But now? Under his bravery, he has completely angered this group of silver-backed mongooses, so let alone leave this wood, fearing that unless he can escape all the way back to the town where humans live, or enter other powerful Warcraft territory, this The flock of silver-backed mongooses, who seem to hate him for the bones, really didn't give him a break if they didn't bite him.

So to be honest, even though Paige tried everything to succeed in rushing out of the woods, he was really not sure about whether he could survive next.

However, just when Peggy's eyes had just adjusted to the surrounding 'bright and clear' environment, and the footsteps of jumping out of the woods hadn't really landed, a burst of buzzing noises came from behind him, but it made him turn sideways subconsciously. Overdone.

So at this moment, through the bright moonlight above his head, he clearly saw what was going on behind him, and almost instantly he was overwhelmed by the ecstasy rising from the bottom of his heart!

Although Page also had speculations in this regard before, he was never sure that this whimsical and ruthless Wright instructor in his view would really wait at the edge of the woods!

Moreover, although it is located in the vicinity of Dalaran City, the coverage area of ​​this area, whether it is forest salt marshes or woods, is not very large, but even the smallest forests must use the "li" as the measurement. unit. In this way, it seems very suspicious that 'that person' can appear at this critical moment. After all, Paige knows better than anyone in his heart, don't look at his current level of arrogance has reached the fourth-order silver peak, but in the direction Feeling this point is not simply determined by level.

So although it's a bit embarrassing to say, Page still has a little bit of no way to remember! Although he did not reach the level of road idiot that could not tell the difference between southeast and northwest, in the environment of the woods at night, which was extremely strange and had no obvious markers, if he could really remember where he came from, he would see the dead Now!

So don't see that Page can find the general direction to rush out of this wood, but its location is definitely not the place when he came! However, in this case, "That" can still appear accurately and abnormally under a big tree beside the woods behind him, and then the same black lacquered long sword on the waist will immediately catch up with it with great precision. The four silver-backed meerkats beheaded together, so that Page could finally be sure that all his actions from the beginning to the end must be under the observation and control of that person!

So at this moment, Paige really had mixed feelings in his mind. It was clear that the other party saved himself at the most critical moment, but when he thought of the first battle, the "that guy" even watched his injury and died and did not come out to help one. Hey, Paige felt that his chest was blocked by something. It was really uncomfortable.

Fortunately, soon after this idea was born, Page's attention was drawn to what happened next.

In fact, although this is not the first time he has seen how that person fought, but unlike the previous one in the Sacred Demon Academy Warrior Branch, Zhang Yang at this moment because the attack targets are all low-level Warcraft, so basically No worries, just kill it in the simplest and most direct way.

Therefore, under Peggy's watch, the black sword in Zhang Yang's hand, obviously not a high-level magic weapon, suddenly showed a fearful power in his hand!

The speed at which he was wielding his sword at that moment was not so fast that it was unclear, but it always appeared directly in the neck of every silver-backed mongoose that burst out of the woods. And how fast are these silver-backed mongooses, if it is replaced by Paige himself, even if it is under static braking, can he swing four in this time that does not arrive at this moment? The swords are still unknown, not to mention hitting the target's neck with accuracy, and then cutting off their heads.

So in Page's eyes, this sword that killed four silver-backed mongooses inadvertently left a cold black ripple in the air! In this way, coupled with Zhang Yang's iron black heavy armor and cloak, the name "Death Knight" suddenly appeared in Paige's mind!

It ’s just that when I think about Paige, I think it ’s not accurate enough. After all, the legendary “death knight” refers to a high-ranking warrior in a non-dead spirit creature. The words used to describe living people are not only inadequate, but also easy Misunderstanding. But the problem is what Zhang Yang looks like at the moment of the killing. In Page's opinion, it is a perfect interpretation of 'killing and death'!

Accurate and abnormal, simple and fast, no extra movements, even many times it seems like these silver-backed mongooses actively hit the sword edge and die! It makes people feel that they want to tremble a strong prediction, so it is accompanied by the old iron armor that seems to represent a certain qualification, and the silence from beginning to end ...

This made Page, who had never believed in it, suddenly feel that ‘this one’ does not seem to be a human being like himself at all, but a death spokesperson more pure than the undead spirit!

(Is this what he did when he started the killing? This kind of killing beauty that is as simple as art and simple, full of power and fascinating, this is the kind of power I want! It completely discards the useless gorgeousness, Every move can instantly determine the power of life and death!)

So when Zhang Yang stood in the shadow under the tree and killed more than ten silver-backed mongooses who wanted to attack, one by one, he fell to the ground because of exhaustion and sudden relaxation. At this moment, it seemed to be so shocked that he even forgot to regain his grievances, and stared at Zhang Yang's sword-swinging movement so breathlessly.

So in a short time that didn't even reach ten, the dozen silver-backed mongooses that chased behind Page were killed by Zhang Yang, leaving only three. At this time, it may be finally found that the enemy that suddenly appeared in front of them was not able to overcome them, so that in the end, the three silver-backed mongooses did not rush up like other companions, but screamed at Zhang Yang sternly. After a few clicks, Benito turned back to dig back into the woods and soon disappeared.

It wasn't until this time that he heard the screaming pages of Paige, but he recovered, but unfortunately at this moment he was holding a stomach question and wanted to ask, but when he saw that Paige mentor shook his hand, it would be black All the blood on the sword was thrown away, and then when the sword was sheathed to start collecting the loot, Page finally sighed in the bottom of his heart, and then took a bottle of intermediate healing potion from his waist and poured it down.

So after just a few breaths, Paige felt that there was an extra cool and itchy around the hot and hurt wound behind, which shows that the drug effect has begun to work.

(Forget it, he personally promised me that I will answer all the questions I asked after all this is over. Furthermore, even if I ask him now, it seems that he will not answer anything, so instead of wasting time and energy, it is better to pay close attention to recovery. The last task tonight is good.)

Thinking of here, Page struggled to sit up straight and began to recover from his own grudge, and just before he closed his eyes completely, Page seemed to vaguely see that the man in the shadow nodded at him? This must be an illusion ...

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