Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1523: The embarrassment of the rookie mercenary

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Many times Zhang Yang does n’t know how to explain his luck, if it ’s okay? It always seems to be involved in all kinds of troubles, but if you are unlucky? But often get some unexpected powerful items, in short, we can meet any strange things.

So sometimes Zhang Yang also thinks, if the fateful thing such as ‘fate’ really exists, have you ever sinned ‘she’ so much that you ’re okay now that you ’re okay?

Of course, although occasionally vomiting is beneficial to the health underneath, but if it is really spoken, it will not be beautiful. So now that Page had finished selecting weapons and armor, Zhang Yang took him and quickly left Dalaran City. However, what happened to Paige at this time happened!

"Here, starting today, take this thing yourself. In addition to the number of tasks that need to be completed every day cannot be less than four, you can decide which one you want to do first and then make your own decisions."

"Ah? Is this really possible?"

"If you really don't like it, or if you have‘ choice phobia ', I ’ll help you pick your mission goals. ”

"No, no! I'm fine with myself, really!"

The reason Paige has such a question at the moment is actually just a little unbelievable. After all, the first day of "special training" not only impressed him immensely, from the content point of view, the mission of the unpredictable Wright instructor selected for him each time has special and highly targeted training significance Therefore, in this case, although Page was tortured miserably, and there are still some faint scars on his body that have not subsided, but the effect is also amazing, even if it is said, it may be difficult for anyone to believe.

So at this moment, Page is really a bit of a mixed feeling, after all, if you can know what the mission goal is in advance, you can make targeted preparations early, so that not only will it be smoother when fighting, psychologically speaking Will also be a lot calm.

It's just that when Page opened the notepad happily to view the mission briefing and related information, he looked at the so-called ‘intelligence’ page and suddenly had the urge to drop this small book on the ground!

Such as:

‘You can get 500 gold coins if you get a complete blast of fox fur. If the damage is severe, the reward will be halved. It is reported that the wind fox has been seen in Liuxi Valley, the number is unknown. Attached: Affordable acquisition of magic nuclei, herbs, various minerals, and Warcraft materials. If you are interested, please contact the local mercenary union. ’

The venerable ‘acquisition of the‘ wind scarred deer ’is beautiful and unlimited in quantity. Its location is probably in the forest near the east bank of the lake. Attached: Affordable acquisition of magic nuclei, herbs, various minerals, and Warcraft materials. If you are interested, please contact the local mercenary union. ’

‘Obtain ... Attach ...’

To be honest, after reading all the remaining ten so-called 'mission briefings' with patience and enduring impulse to curse, he clearly understood the contents of the appendix of the merchandise trade union's 'fair receipt'. Apart from being clear, what are the rest of the content! ?

Is this the reference the mercenaries got before they tried hard? Shouldn't it be the information about the type and strength of Warcraft, the exact location and number of occurrences, etc.? In this case, there seems to be no other useful information except for the name of the mission target and the general orientation.

So seeing the page here do not say what kind of ‘targeted’ countermeasures, etc., it is a problem to figure out the type and approximate strength of Warcraft! Not to mention the fact that Zhang Yang was so familiar in the dark and dark night that he accurately pinpointed the location and the location of Warcraft.

So at this moment Paige realized that compared with these complicated and cumbersome intelligence analysis and pathfinding work, although the part fighting with Warcraft is relatively dangerous, it is indeed the most straightforward and simple.

So I thought that Page suddenly found a problem, that is, the other party is familiar with this aspect of Warcraft to understand, but if he remembers correctly, the mentor Mr. Wright next to him does not seem to be a native of Dalaran City, even Not even the magic kingdom Pompeii is here for the first time, right? So how did he find the previous positions quickly and accurately?

Thinking of the eagerness of the page here, even Gu had to be embarrassed, and came to Zhang Yang in a few steps. After paying respectfully, he asked:

"Master Wright, I have a few questions to trouble you."

"Well, you ask."

"Thank you tutor, I ... I have just read the mission briefing, and I have seen it from beginning to end."

"Oh, did you choose today's goal?"

"This ... no ..."

"So you should have encountered some problems, such as?"

In fact, when it comes to page, Page suddenly feels a little difficult to tell. After all, as a professional, I have n’t participated in any actual combat before, but now I find that even the terrain around the city where I live and the information about common Warcraft are not clear Is he still a student of the Warrior Branch of the Sacred Magic Academy? Even the most basic professionals are not qualified!

So at this moment, Page's determination to change himself suddenly became stronger, so that although he was flushed with shame in his heart, he still found the courage to ask:

"Excuse me, Wright, are all the briefings given by the mercenary mission so full of nonsense?"

"It turned out to be this problem, but it really depends on the situation. You should know that most of these tasks are entrusted by someone who spent money for various reasons?"

"Yes, but does it matter?"

"Of course! Generally speaking, if the information given by the principal when the mission is released can be more detailed, the mission briefing received by the mercenary will be more accurate. Otherwise, it is good to give you a rough location like this, just give The name of the material you need, and the rest of it depends on the kind you are looking for is the real torment. "

"There is such a thing?"

"Well, I have encountered a mission statement that only states how much money is paid for the acquisition of the herbal medicine" King Ling ", and the rest has not written anything. Fortunately, I have learned some knowledge of herbal medicine. When I finished other tasks, I found a place where it might appear, and I was lucky to complete it. "

"Well ... but you said that this is just a" general situation ", there should be a" special "situation, right?"

"Yes, there are indeed other options. For example, as long as you are willing to spend a part of the gold coins in the mercenary union to purchase intelligence related to the task of Warcraft, you will naturally get more useful information."

"There is such a thing ?! Does that mean ..."

"Yeah, having money can make things easier, even if you don't have any strength, but as long as you have money, you can drive professionals to risk their own lives. This is reality."

Zhang Yang's remarks were very emotional, but it was a pity that for Page, who had been in a big family since childhood and had never been worried about money, he could not feel the helplessness for a while. So after a short silence, Page thought of it and asked again:

"Then Wright mentor, if I remember correctly, should you be a Frenchman? And this is the first time I have come to Pompeii."

"Well, is there any problem?"

"Actually, this is true. When I read the mission briefing just now, I found that not only is the information about the target Warcraft very scarce, but even the location given is very general and vague. But as far as yesterday's situation is concerned, as a mentor of the foreign Not only did you not get lost from start to finish, even the location of the World of Warcraft you gave was quite accurate. So how did you do this? To know that we took off the task together yesterday and started directly! Even in that case, even You should also have no time to spend money on intelligence? "

For the question raised by Page, Zhang Yang's answer is even simpler. I saw that he flipped his hands and took out a thick stack of maps directly from the ring of space, took out a picture from it, and then gave it to Page:

"The answer is actually very simple, because I have eaten the unfamiliar relationship with the terrain before. Now as long as I have time, I will buy as detailed maps as possible. And these are the ones I have in Dalaran City earlier yesterday. I bought it when passing by a magic scroll shop while visiting. "

"Uh, but, but I haven't seen you take out the map yesterday to check it out? And although I am not very good at pathfinding and mapping, but if I want to combine the label on the map with the actual location, it seems that it is not Anything you can figure out at a glance? "

In fact, Zhang Yang was still very happy that Page could think of this. After all, this not only means that this kid is not stupid, but also shows that even though Page has not been so interested in these 'miscellaneous things' before, but at least he has contacted, Some foundation. So Zhang Yang suddenly smiled at the words, but it was a pity that Paige couldn't see it because the helmet blocked it.

"This is simpler, as long as you find a reference object. For example, the distance from Dalaran City to the forest salt marshes is very easy to find the relationship that can be reached along the road, so just take this after walking. Do you compare Duan Lu? Is n’t it clear if you look at the map again? As long as you do n’t see me look at the map, it ’s true, because after buying it and looking back, I accidentally memorized all the information on it, so It does n’t matter if you do n’t have to take a map to see it. ”

(Is it possible to memorize such a precise map just by reading it once? Where can such a thing be done by the way, and replaced with my words, I am afraid that memorizing it for a few days may not dare Guaranteed not to go wrong?)

Thinking of the question that Page originally wanted to ask here is that he no longer needs to speak up. For such an experienced and amazing memory guy, remember all the information in the "Warcraft Illustration", and then combine your own experience and As the perception of a strong man, is it not easy to find a few Warcrafts that are much lower than your own level?

Therefore, Paige, who understands these, really regrets that he did n’t study these seemingly boring knowledge. Now it ’s okay, even if the other party gives the choice to himself, but Paige knows nothing about it. Still have to ask the other party for help. So after a lot of tossing, the goal tonight was finally set.

"Then tonight are the four of" Blade Fox "," Tower Beaver "," Starred Water Snake "and" Snow Feather Falcon "who also like to live in the waterside forest.

"Understood! I just have to work hard to guide the Wright ..."

"Honestly, after all, how much is paid, isn't it? Ha ha ..."


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