Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1528: Sacred Demon College Comparison Test (2)

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Because there can be no duplication with the professions of Page and Alvo, etc., this makes Zhang Yang need to cheer up the choice of participating professions more carefully.

Fortunately, the occupations within the warlords are not less subdivided than the caster ’s occupations, so after cutting out the four branches of "sword dancer", "shield warrior", "archer" and "swordsman" There are still many options for Zhang Yang.

For example, the 'weapon master' that best reflects his own characteristics.

The same kind of shooter class is more rare and powerful ‘sniper’.

Previously, Zhang Yang used to be the "Magic Swordsman" who used the "Buff" bracelet as the core.

A "fighter" who mainly uses weapons such as gloves and wrist stabs, and is good at melee attacks and various throwing skills.

Good assassin who uses short swords and daggers, mainly to hide sneak attacks and stealth dodges.

And most of them use a giant axe or two one-handed tomahawks as weapons, and they are known as the "mad warriors" in the battle with their will and their destructive power.

Of course, if Zhang Yang can find a smart enough Warcraft to cooperate with him, then as long as he gets a short bow and a short sword and put on a light armor, then he wants to pretend to be a professional such as a trainer or ranger. It's not impossible. It's a pity that killing or even catching a Warcraft with a strength between Tier 3 and Tier 4 is simple, but looking for a Warcraft that is smart enough to be able to communicate with humans and is willing to live and fight with humans. It is quite difficult.

Fortunately, after Yang Yang carefully calculated, he found that even if the choice of the profession of "Ranger or Beast Trainer" was thrown out, those six occupations had already been collected. In this way, as long as there is no accident, even if Page and Alvo and others all fail, in theory, Zhang Yang himself should be able to win the final victory in the singles game.

But for now, this is just Zhang Yang's wishful thinking. After all, the battle with the magician is definitely not a joke. Once the enemy is underestimated or some tricky guy is encountered, then even Zhang Yang's strength may be defeated.

After all, the name of the magician who has the strongest attack and destructive power among professionals is not groundless, but the name that the magicians use them to be powerful enough to be horrible magic. Moreover, for Zhang Yang, who was unable to practice and use grudge energy because of his physique, his damage resistance to elemental magic was much worse than that of ordinary combatants.

Therefore, in the face of these powerful attacks, they will play the magician who usually flees from the ground to the air in a sudden. Zhang Yang not only needs to fully uplift the spirit, disguise as the corresponding equipment of each profession, and cannot be used. He must prepare the flying knives and flying axes that he needs to use before bowing.

So after some intense preparations, Zhang Yang finally rushed to the special venue for the game between the Holy Devil Academy Warrior Branch and the Magic Branch, which is like a ring-shaped arena. .

Speaking of which, perhaps to meet the needs of long-distance, large-scale, and powerful battles between magicians, the area of ​​this overall oval layout venue is unexpectedly huge! So that Zhang Yang looked at the entire venue even the narrowest diameter is about 300 meters, and the longest side has reached an astonishing nearly 400 meters!

In this way, even if the area occupied by the stands on both sides and the wall facilities is scrapped, the remaining part still reaches an amazing 100,000 square meters or more! Therefore, let's say that two people are fighting each other or playing a match between teams. I'm afraid that hundreds of people will not be crowded here.

What's more unfavorable is that this huge stadium is a bit too empty no matter how you look at it. Although there are some obstacles such as wooden stakes and iron frames, but overall it is still enough to get a glance. This situation is obviously not very friendly to most combatants. After all, assuming that both sides enter from both ends of the field at the same time, then the empty environment of several hundred meters during this period is simply a better stage for the magician!

So not to mention the battle between the magician of the same level and the warrior, that is, the side of the warrior is one or two levels higher than the magician who played, as long as the gap between them does not reach a large rank, then in this In this huge and empty environment, most of the combatants obviously do not have any advantages, and can only be passively beaten for a long time before approaching their opponents.

So seeing here, Zhang Yang finally understands why the warriors of the Warrior Branch of the Sacred Devil Academy have always been killed by the Magic Branch. Aside from the number and strength of the two sides, let ’s talk about it for the time being. A biased field is enough to affect the final outcome of the battle.

After all, based on the strength of the few magicians that Zhang Yang encountered when he arrived at the Warrior Branch on the first day, I am afraid that in the previous whole-school competition, the Warrior Branch may not even have crossed the half. He was knocked down by a series of magic attacks directly by the magician on the opposite side, not to mention fighting after approaching.

Therefore, Zhang Yang even had to wonder what kind of mentality the original ancestors of the Sacred Devil College had built this extremely unfair 'meeting place'? Was it because of the strength of the magician and the incomparable superiority when facing the combatants?

While Zhang Yang was silently observing the playing field, thinking a little bit, the position of the uppermost podium suddenly rose a silvery white light representing the magic of transmission. Seeing that there were tens of thousands of people in the entire venue here, they all stood up from their seats in an instant, and then they shouted to the few people who appeared on the podium:

"Your Majesty!"

"Master Queen!"

"Long live Her Majesty!"


Although Zhang Yang had already guessed in advance that the powerful and beautiful magic queen, Estra, who was somewhat confusing, was likely to come to the scene of the game, but when the other party and several others were wearing high-level magician robes After the old man came to the venue with teleport magic together, Zhang Yang was still a bit surprised.

After all, no matter who is in such a combination of strength, strength and beauty, he always acts in vain, and every time the unexpected strong man will feel an inexplicable pressure, even Zhang Yang can't be an exception.

What's more, let alone leave it alone, the students and the people around them spontaneously greet him, Zhang Yang is not difficult to see that everyone loves this powerful and beautiful magic queen.

Fortunately, at this time, almost everyone in the venue focused on the body of Her Majesty the Queen in a magnificent magic robe, plus Zhang Yang also had a mask of "freshly baked" on her face at the moment, so there seemed to be no one Noticed his unusual appearance at this moment.

At this time, the "Magic Queen" who was "highly eye-catching" did indeed move her finger a few times, and then a delicate magic array formed by pure wind elements was instantly formed in front of her!

"May the magic and elements be with us! The people of Pompeii! Here, as the Queen of Magic, I announce that the Holy Devil Academy is the third in the whole school, and it begins now!"

"Long live!"

"Come on!"

"Eternal glory!"


To be honest, Zhang Yang never imagined that the whole school competition of the Sacred Magic Academy had just caught up with the memorable figure of 3,000 times. The school has been extended for 1,500 years!

No wonder Zhang Yang has always wondered why it is just an event equivalent to the 'final exam'. Not only will so many people come to watch it, even even noble people like the Queen of Magic will come to watch the ceremony. Now, after listening to the speeches of the magic queen Estra and the bearded old man beside her, Zhang Yang suddenly realized that the tradition that has continued for so many years has made this extraordinary college comparison become a kind of competition in Dalaran. Equivalent to the general festival activities.

At the same time, Zhang Yang finally understood why Page would value the opportunity of this game so much, and believed that Alvor and others would go all out and would not release water.

The reason is actually very simple. With the attention of tens of thousands of people and the Queen, who would easily give up this rare performance opportunity?

(I hope she came here not specifically for me, but just for routine, otherwise in case something unexpected happens ...)

Even though there is a bad hunch in his heart, Zhang Yang knows that he will come after all. With his current strength, although it is generally sufficient to protect himself, there is still a long distance to control his own destiny.

Therefore, after the short speeches of the Queen of Magic and the old dean of the Sacred Magic Academy, the group drawing of the 3000th Sacred Magic Academy's whole school competition was quickly started. So when Zhang Yang saw the draw result of the singles match and the match list after just ten points were missed, he was always calm and calm, but he almost jumped up from his seat!

(Fire magician Sanali-Anthony, ice magician Aisha ... Is n’t that Queen ’s two tough and difficult students ?! I said how I have always had a bad hunch from the beginning I did n’t expect them to participate in the competition on behalf of the Magic Branch, and ... unexpectedly all of them became my opponents. Is n’t that the Queen of Magic wanting to keep me, so I used this intentionally means?)

In fact, Zhang Yang himself admits that he used the color of the mask as a codename to participate in the registration book. It looks very suspicious, so as long as anyone who knows the "cat greasy" among them, you can see at a glance these six colors with six major elements as entries The guy with the name is actually Zhang Yang alone.

Therefore, for those 'big guys', it is simply not easy to manipulate the lottery work to arrange several difficult opponents for Zhang Yang. Now Zhang Yang's only hope is that those guys don't overdo it. If Paige, Alvor and others are also specially arranged for opponents, it will be really bad ...

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