Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1530: Sacred Demon College Comparison (4)

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Although Munch has no sense of presence on the side of the Warrior Branch, it is easy to be ignored by others compared with the two distinctive and impressive professionals who are impressive at first glance. With a fifth-level gold intermediate strength and obviously having a lot of practical experience, he is completely qualified as a mentor of the Sacred Magic Academy.

It is a pity that the soldiers branch of the Sacred Demon Academy is so declining today that there are only a total of ten pitiful professional students in the archer profession, not even one tenth of the total number of students in the Warrior Academy. As for the "good seedlings" with good talents and similar strength to the previous page, there is none.

Of course, this may also be related to the national situation of the magic kingdom Pompeii. After all, in many ways, the magician and the archer are very close in terms of professional characteristics. They are not only in the category of long-range attackers, but also in combat. It is a profession that requires the cooperation of melee professionals to fully exert its own strength.

The only difference is that the archer ’s ability to fight alone and survive is much stronger than that of the magician. As long as it is not in an environment like the arena at the moment, there is almost no obstacles and a complete overview, the archer class Those who can better play their professional characteristics of killing the enemy silently in a long distance.

Therefore, from another perspective, the reason archer professionals are relatively rare in the magic kingdom Pompeii should also be related to their greater threat to the magician.

It's a pity that besides Opening Yang, the only warrior in the Warriors Branch that has some chances of facing the magician, he happily met an arcane magician who is the most fearless of the archer's remote professional in the caster. ! So in the face of this ingenious situation, not only did Zhang Yang realize that there might be some kind of ‘catiness’ in it, even the students of the Warriors Branch felt that something went wrong.

However, for this arrangement of the Sacred Magic Academy, neither Zhang Yang nor the members of the Warriors Branch have the right to question. After all, only a sentence of "decided entirely by lot" or "all by their own luck" is required. The college will be able to shirk its responsibility.

Therefore, in this kind of 'wood has become a boat', Munch can only attack with all his strength, not to mention that he doesn't speak much and does not have a sense of existence on weekdays, but as a powerful combatant with a fifth-level gold intermediate strength, one A mentor of the Sacred Magic Academy, he really wanted to try to see if he could break the inherent impression of the Arcane Master's restraint archer, so that he won the top spot in this extraordinary contest of the Sacred Academy Academy!

So while Munch rushed forward, he set up a relatively thin set outside his body, which only protected the vital parts of the body. The rest of the joints were basically made of similar locks. A "portable" grudge armor connected with a grudge shield in a state.

This alone is enough to prove that Mengqi has fully possessed the strength of the fifth-level gold intermediate level, otherwise, such as Paige, a newcomer who has just entered the fifth-level gold level soon, will never be able to control such grudge.

However, the problem is that the members of the Warriors Branch are not happy at this moment, because when Monge condensed such a set of flexible armor that was biased towards flexibility, the man named Rod who was about three hundred meters away from him at the moment Mage, even in the short span of time, did not move quickly and cast a spell in place, so that when everyone came back to the gods, besides a purple glow, he seemed to be obviously decorative. More than practical, the third-order arcane system protection magic [magic armor] and the first-order arcane system defense magic [magic shield] that people are familiar with, there is also an extra piece that also exudes arcane The magical purple brilliance, the mysterious diamond crystal floating in front of him as a whole one meter in size ... and the fourth-order water defense magic [Frost Shield] that Zhang Yang is very familiar with!

So this time the whole arena is almost boiling! Although people have long heard that Arcan Mage has strong survivability and adaptability, but for the guy who has released four layers of magic shields for himself in just a few instants, most of the people present were the first time to see Here!

So even though many people are not as clear as Zhang Yang, what is the mysterious diamond crystal that is shimmering in purple and looks crystal clear, but from the perspective of appearance and timing of use, it should be some kind of defensive magic, right?

(Actually able to cast four layers of defensive magic! In this case, even if the level of each defensive magic is not too high, but after superimposing each other, the defensive effect should steadily exceed the category of fifth-level defensive magic, so if Counting the characteristics of [Mage Armor] and [Magic Shield] and so on ... It seems that it should be almost the same as the sixth order defensive magic?)

At this moment, Zhang Yang finally understands why the Arcane Mage is called the 'Most Generating Magician'. The magician who used to be an Arcane magician used [Magic Shield] to be more effective than other magicians. If the ice shield with excellent physical defense ability and the other two kinds of defensive magic, it seems that not only the archers do not have an advantage over them, but I am afraid that even other professional combatants will see this kind of Arcane Master?

It is a pity that now Munch has no choice, so after entering the effective range of 200 meters, he has no idea that the power of attacking at this distance will be greatly reduced, and he can only helplessly choose to suppress his opponent as much as possible. Offensive magic.

So I saw that the long brown bow in the running Munch's hands couldn't be opened and closed, and almost every three or five steps could shoot an arrow with a faint blue light. Throwing fifteen arrows in the back quiver almost end to end, but the effect is ...

"What should I do, mentor! The effect of [Mage Armor] is too strong, even though the mentor from the long-range projection of the mentor is low, it may not even have the destructive power of the fourth order, but standing one The effect of automatically deflecting all the arrows that are fired is really too strong! And after the guy has done four layers of defensive magic quickly, he did n’t fight back even if he watched the Munch instructor attack him. Obviously it is an insult from the red clothes and fruits! "

At this moment, unlike those audiences who were thrilled by the power of the Austrian Master, Paige, who was standing next to Zhang Yang, was already seeing his fists, and was even more anxious than playing himself.

It's just that Zhang Yang, who also looked at the scene in front of him, didn't agree with Page's point of view. Although the Arcanist Rodr didn't seem to have any movement on the surface, it was because of the "silent spell" and the fifth-order arcane magic. Dingshu] exists, so do n’t look at Rod ’s calm look at the moment. If he really wants to attack, it ’s actually possible at any time.

Moreover, if Zhang Yang remembers correctly, the powerful attack magic that can be counted by the fifth-order arcane mage can still be handled by the fourth-order arcane barrage and the fifth-order arcane magic [burst missile], but the problem is that even Tier 5 Magic [Burst Missile] can't easily break the defense of the Qiqi armor outside the monster.

Once Munch narrowed the distance between the two to within 100 meters, he could use his powerful fighting skills to attack. At that time, once Munch exploded in full force regardless of the fighting energy consumption, then even Rod was outside. There are four layers of defensive magic, but I am afraid that I can't resist the opponent's continuous and powerful blows.

In this way, Rhode's completely immobile method seems passive, but in fact it makes his opponent completely unable to guess what he wants to do next, and then if there is scrutiny, I am afraid that the power of the attack will also be affected.

Moreover, Zhang Yang is also the first to see the powerful effect of the [Mage Armor]. Compared with the hard defense such as [Ice Shield] [Magic Shield], this [Mage Armor] has the effect of Instead, Zhang Yang looks more like a kind of 'force field'.

Any arrow flying towards Rod will deflect under the action of some invisible force after entering the range of two meters around him, so that the original injection trajectory is instantly changed, and it is abruptly from Rod's body. Turned at the first two meters, and finally shot obliquely into the ground not far away.

Seeing this, Zhang Yang couldn't help but frown. If any arrow that hits the "force field" will be affected and deflected, then this [Mage Armor] is really too strong. Moreover, if it can be so easy to use, even if the magicians of other departments use the [Mage Armor], the effect will be greatly reduced, but it should also become a "compulsory" subject similar to [Aerial].

However, as far as Zhang Yang knows, it seems that there are really few magicians who actually choose this arcane magic as the third-order auxiliary magic, so either this [mage armor] has limitations that he does not know, or it is this magic that actually does not Not so powerful at this moment!

(Then what is the problem? If you know that the arrows you shoot will be deflected because of [Mage Armor], then why should Munch try to close the distance with his opponent? Is it ...

In fact, when Munch learned that his opponent was an Arcane Mage, he was already mentally prepared to encounter this situation, so even though his previous attacks had no effect, Munch still did not show The meaning of giving up in the slightest, instead, increased the speed of the sprint again, and rushed directly to the opponent without shitting.

It's just surprising that when Munch strode to within a hundred meters from Rhode, Munch, who had been fully sprinting before, suddenly settled in place and then raised his arm to open the bow. Instantly a blue blaze of light flashed across the body, apparently condensing a strong attack.

But is this really useful?

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