Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 154: Abyss of Love

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The power of the magical destruction fire released by Constance's crazy self-detonation is extremely huge, and the magic level erupted at that moment is very close to legendary magic! I saw that where the dark fire fell, whether it was rock houses, trees, humans or livestock, it would roll over and be quickly swallowed as soon as it was caught! For a time, the scene in the west corner of the city suddenly seemed like a doomsday domain!

The demon Zhang Yang was completely wrapped in black inflammation at this time, but the mysterious runes floating above him could isolate the power of this magic fire! At this time, Zhang Yang was almost completely engulfed by the consciousness of riots. He saw the devil Constance exploded and lost his goal. However, in his heart, an extreme desire for killing and destruction was getting stronger! As for Zhang Yang ’s own consciousness, he became more and more confused, but even so he still vaguely remembered that there was a girl named Anna waiting for his rescue.

As the demon Zhang Yang slowly looked around, suddenly a sparse arrow rain shot at him in the air! Although Zhang Yang was under the influence of violent consciousness at this time, his combat power was at its peak. When the demon Zhang Yang flashed to the side, those arrows were easily avoided.

Slowly fanning the huge meat wings, looking at the group of guys wearing gold and silver armor on the ground who is aiming at him, the demon spreads the consciousness of the sudden increase in his heart, and after a roar, he faces the crowd on the ground Washed away ...

Fifteen miles to the west of the South Point city, there is a very wide manor, and this is an industry to which the Southern Star Mercenary Corps belongs. At this time, on one of the luxuriously decorated secret room beds, an extremely handsome man was sleeping and took a deep breath to wake up. This person was Clauris's former lover Stanson.

After graduating from the Beidou College, the beautiful and pure Clauris came back to South Point City and "accidentally" met the powerful and handsome man Stanson, and then fell quickly under the sweet attack of Stanson. Yourself. At that time, Claris thought that she had found her prince, who knew that the prince was actually a complete demon ...

After getting the body of Crawleys, Stanson quickly exposed his evil and masochistic nature. It turned out that he had more than dozens of women around him at the same time, and he especially liked to torture and abuse them. Knowing that, Claris was very angry, thinking that Stanson not only deceived and hurt her, but his behavior was too evil and should be punished. But before waiting for Claris to take action, the cruel Stanson caught her with a potion. Immediately after countless nightmarish methods were applied to Crowleys, she was even imprisoned and locked in a brothel for adulterous pleasure. Finally, after being peeled by Stanson, she changed her personality with magic controlled by the soul Become a puppet ...

Stanson opened his eyes slowly, still remembering his previous battle with the powerful ancient flame demon. The last self-explosion actually benefited him a lot, as long as he could recover from this heavy blow, He Constance will definitely make great strides, and even hope to break through to the legendary state! This Stanson turned out to be Constance who was supposed to die? !

As the situation in front of him came into view, Stanson, who had recovered, suddenly widened his eyes! I saw an ugly face like a goblin looking away from him with red eyes only twenty centimeters away!

"Ga !? Why are you here ?!"

At the moment, Claris's short sword was resting on Stanson's neck. As long as she exerted a hard hand, Stanson would become a corpse! It was just that her emotions were so excited that the dagger in her hand began to tremble, and a small blood stain was cut from Stanson's neck at that moment!

After a lapse of two years, I once again saw this man who had loved it all but was crazy and hated. Claris was already chaotic in her heart. After a long time, she asked hoarsely:

"You! Why, do this to me !!!?"

Constance felt his heart beating very quickly at this time! He has never been so nervous, if the body of Stanson is killed, then he is completely dead! In a hurry, he made a living, and saw Stanson suddenly shed two lines of tears, and then shook his hand and touched Krauss' face:

"My dear! I can't help myself! The demon controls me, and he did all those things that you have lost to you! Darling, you have to believe me! Crawley! I am so Love you! "

Hearing Statham saying this, Claris shuddered obviously, and then Dorothy behind her suddenly shouted loudly:

"Sister! Don't believe his words! Have you forgotten how he deceived you before ?! Kill him!"

After hearing Doris, Stanson's eyes clearly showed a look of panic and fear. He looked at Crowris, who was hesitant, and hurriedly opened his mouth to call Clauris' nickname:

"Crower, I still love you all the time! Even if you become what you are, I still love you!"

Suddenly hearing the sweet words that once sweetened into the soul, at this moment, Claris really slowly moved away the short sword that forced Stanson's throat, and two lines of tears in her eyes instantly flowed through her ugly Incomparable face.

"Really? Stanson? Are all the things you said true? Do you still love me? Such me? You answer me! Do you still love me !!!"

At this moment, Claris' mood seemed to be out of control, and the dagger in her hand completely left Stanson's throat! At this moment, a stern look suddenly appeared in Stanson's eyes. Then in a flash of lightning he grabbed the short sword in Claris's hands and then twisted against the neck of Claris!

"Hahahaha! Silly woman! You are so stupidly cute! Hahahaha! I can't help but want to torture you again, seeing your painful despair!"

"Sister! Stanson, you despicable demon! Let me go! Sister! Didn't you make her miserable enough? She loves you so much! You are not as good as a monster !!"

"Hahaha! There are so many people who love me! What if I am a demon ?! Doris, don't worry, you will be lucky next time! Haha ... uh! ... you! Craw ... Reese! You !!! "

The demon Stanson, who was laughing violently, couldn't laugh anymore, and at this time, a sharp sword tip appeared in the back of his heart! At this moment, a slender and strange silver dagger pierced the hearts of both Claris and Statham! The hilt was held in Clauris's hand!

"Cough ~! You said ... you love me the most ... you said you will love me no matter what ... I ... become ... you always ... lie to me, now you are ... you deceive Can't stop me ... you never ... my love ... "

Doris rushed forward and fell to Crowless, tears streaming down her tears.

"Sister ... are you so worth it ?! Is it worth it !? Sister ~ !!!!!!!!!!!!"

This book is from the first time, read the original content immediately!

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