Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1546: Sacred Demon College Competition (20)

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Magicians have always had some doubts about the magic of the undead department. After all, where are the undead creatures summoned by the summoning technique? Why can it be summoned to the Orlando world by the Necromancer, and then for some reason after being called back, this has always been a thing that has only some kind of conjecture but has never really been confirmed.

However, it was only when massive undead spirits suddenly appeared in the Slavs of the extreme northern snow country and completely occupied this cold country with a thunderbolt that people suddenly realized that these undead creatures should also have their own world, and that world It is likely that the water elemental plane and the fire elemental plane are generally part of the whole of the Orlando world, a world dedicated to the undead.

So why don't these undead spirits leave their world and wait for the world of Orlando? Is the world of undead spirits overcrowded and unable to hold them? Or is there some kind of huge crisis on the verge of destruction in that world, so these undead creatures will find ways to break into the Orlando world and occupy a place?

Maybe it is not, in contrast, the scholars believe that today's undead spirits are very different from the original undead creatures!

That is, those undead creatures that originally existed on the 'Death Plane' are probably just a few naturally formed undead creatures, so even when their strength reaches a certain level, their intelligence will also increase, but for the 'born in' For the undead in the world, they would never think of leaving there to go to another world.

However, after the emergence of the "necromancer" in the Orlando world, this situation has changed dramatically!

After all, the purpose of the creation of the undead magic is that humans want to obtain the opportunity of ‘eternal life’. For this reason, even if they lose the identity of humans, they will not hesitate as long as they can continue to exist!

Therefore, the original Necromancers simply wanted to bring the dead back to life and have memories of their lifetimes. However, during the gradual research and experimentation, they found that to achieve this kind of purpose has great requirements. It is said that some 'samples' obtained during the experiment are more plastic!

So this group of magicians who originally studied the magic of the undead division was divided into two groups, one of which has been dedicated to how to resurrect the dead and retain the memory of the previous life, so as to achieve the purpose of ‘eternal life’. And the other faction? I saw the powerful power and potential of the undead magic, so I hope to study in depth to get more power.

But the problem is that if you want to study the magic of the undead department, it is indispensable to "experimental materials". Therefore, simply plundering the population to conduct research is not only extremely dangerous, but once exposed, it will cause death. It also uses ordinary people and low-level professionals as the material. 'If you get, almost all of them are low-level zombies or skeletons, and even a decent black warrior is not easy.

So a magician who is good at summoning magic before resuming undead magic can think, can this undead magic like elemental magic, can also summon undead directly from the outer plane after reaching a certain condition?

It is this idea that inadvertently links the Orlando world to the plane of the dead, and also allows those 'native' undead spirits who have wandered and fought in the plane of the dead for countless years to appear in the beauty of Orlando for the first time. world!

Since then, the entire Undead School of Magic has finally made significant progress at that point of time. After all, how can the blind exploration and research of the "living" be comparable to the understanding of the "native" undead spirits about themselves?

Therefore, when high-level magicians who can use the power of the soul have communicated with the summoned "native" undead creatures, the two eternal life magic schools of "eternal life" and "power" have achieved breakthroughs. Progress, so that only a dozen years later, the first lich successfully transformed from a high-level human magician was born!

So from that time on, the dead and closed plane of the dead not only gradually established a calling link with the Orlando continent, but even at some point ushered in a few new foreign members pursuing knowledge and power! And the highlight of the Undead Plane event is the arrival of the Orlando mainland lich group!

Since then, there has been violent upheaval and seemingly almost never-ending wars on the plane of the dead.

The bone dragons, bone demons, and death knights that were originally at the top of the deceased plane power ‘Pyramid’, were quickly challenged by the weakest group of seventh-level legendary intermediate-level Lich from Orlando. So this group of native undead strongmen who rely on their own powerful forces to occupy a large amount of resources in the plane of the dead, are soon closely united by this group, with strong soul power and rich knowledge, able to control the low mass The undead spirits and the liches who fought together gradually defeated.

Therefore, except for a few individuals who had been in the plane of the deceased for a certain amount of time and were therefore particularly powerful and equally weak, almost half of the planes of the deceased were finally defeated by this group after a long thousands of years of war. The great liches from the Orlando world are unified!

However, it turns out that whether it is a lich transformed by humans or a lich transformed by a high elf, all have a desire to fight deep into the soul and a right ambition that will never extinguish.

So after the battle for hegemony in the plane of the dead slowly came to an end, and almost half of the world fell under their control, these big liches who already had extremely powerful power suddenly discovered that they didn't seem to like this dark and cold. , There is almost no vitality in the world.

At the same time, after nearly two thousand years of fighting, they suddenly feel like they are missing something and seem to have lost some motivation!

So when a big lich inadvertently mentioned 'some miss the scenery of the Orlando world', their souls almost ignited a crazy idea at the same time, that is, since they already have the attack and occupy the entire plane of the dead Power, so why not go back and take the Orlando world that is unwilling to accept them, the necromancers, to become the 'back garden' exclusive to them, the big liches? !

So when this idea was put forward by the "Dead Council" and passed unanimously, the invasion of the Orlando world was quickly settled, and began to quickly gather forces for this, and carried out a series of preparations such as space crack detection .

So when the bimonthly year came, with the opportunity that the Orlando continental space was no longer stable, these big liches who had left the Orlando continent for thousands of years finally finally got their way between the plane of the dead and the Orlando world. The space channel eventually occupied the entire Slavic snow country in one fell swoop ...

So far, if only a small number of low-level undeads were summoned, it would n’t matter, but if Anel, like Ainel, used the summoning of the large undead spirit to summon magic, then the result would be ...

As Anel's minimally cursed spell was spoken directly by her, a grey light visible to the naked eye was suddenly released from the magic circle under her feet! At the same time, as a strand of magic previously saved by Ainil was released and transformed, a whitish white skeleton suddenly drilled out of the ground under her feet like a "spring mushroom", and then seemed to be entangled with living creatures. Connected, within a short span of ten minutes, a huge door with a height of ten meters was built in this arena!

Seeing that there were audiences holding their breath and nervously speaking, to be honest, even for the kingdom of the magic kingdom Pompeii, which does not discriminate against the undead magician, people rarely see the real Undead magicians, not to mention seeing this large-scale, unbelievable high-level undead magic.

So when this huge and grisly bone door rose from the ground, and then a poisonous green light began to rise from the ground, and finally formed a revolving portal inside the bone bone door, people only reacted. Then there was a buzzing sound of fear or admiration.

And Anel, who created all this at a time, was so proud that even though the mana cost was a bit larger than she expected, she felt a little empty at the moment, but she still stood up proudly. His plump and greasy chest, which almost stretched off the rune cloth belt, then slightly tilted his head and looked at Zhang Yang with a playful eye and said:

"How? Did this trick [Calling the Door to Death] disappoint you? The understanding of the undead magic that you showed before should be clear, even if I now use this trick and it causes some mana consumption. It ’s big, but you ca n’t attack me near this 'gate of death' unless you have completely destroyed it beforehand. So I advise you to admit defeat now so that people don't summon those little guys Come out ~ "

However, what Ainil didn't expect was that Zhang Yang put down his hands that had been easily held in front of his chest, and then said in a very serious tone after carefully a large amount of this "door of death" composed entirely of white bones. :

"If I were you, I would never continue to stand there. Haven't you found it yet? In terms of your strength, it seems that you can't summon such a" door of death "up to ten meters high? It even says that it is normal to be able to summon a "door of death" of about seven meters, so are you not curious why this happens? "

"Huh ~ I didn't expect you guys to know so much about undead magic, but this is the summoning magic I released. Do you think anyone can take away my control over the magic released by me in this arena? ? "

"Take control of magic? Is it like this now?"

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