Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1549: Sacred Demon College Competition (23

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Basically, when practicing qi or magic in the body, the professional will have different feelings due to the different properties of the absorbed element particles.

For example, for professionals who practice firefighting or magic of the fire department, when they absorb fire element particles from the outside, in addition to their own sense of expansion, they will also produce warmth to The feeling of burning.

For professionals who absorb and practice water elements, they will feel cold or cold when absorbing energy from outside elements. In this way, coupled with the lightness and freedom that wind professionals can feel when practicing; the stability that the earth professionals can feel when practicing ...

Therefore, almost all professionals will feel different degrees when practicing and strengthening themselves, even for Zhang Yang, who is different from most professionals in the Orlando world.

However, the problem is that the three-line source power absorbed by Zhang Yang through Euge is essentially more than the power of ordinary elements, so whenever he absorbs the power of life, the power of the demon and the power of death , Its feeling is not what ordinary professionals can imagine.

It's a special feeling that can affect people's consciousness and spirit.

For example, whenever Zhang Yang absorbs the power of the demon, there will be a manic and irritable feeling in his heart, but it may be because Zhang Yang ’s own willpower is extremely firm, so even if this effect exists, it is not enough to deal with him. The spirit has a long-term effect, as long as Zhang Yang absorbs the power of the devil each time, it will not exceed the limit of his own accommodation, then this feeling will soon fade away, and will not make it as if it fell into the state of "demonization". Consciousness is affected and becomes bloodthirsty.

In contrast, the feeling of absorbing the power of life can be called 'very comfortable', but unfortunately because Zhang Yang is still an 'old virgin' so far, he has not experienced how it feels to love men and women. Relationship, so to a certain extent, it cannot be compared.

But it is undeniable that the feeling of absorbing the power of life is really ‘hi’, and even if your own willpower is not strong, you may be addicted to that feeling and cannot extricate yourself!

However, unlike the feeling when absorbing the two sources of energy before, when Zhang Yang absorbs the power of death, there will always be an inexplicable cold and lonely feeling in my heart, as if the entire world around him has become extremely dim and lost Vitality. Therefore, whenever Zhang Yang, who is used to suppressing his own desires and emotions and appears extremely calm at this time, seems to have lost the feelings that humans should have, dealing with things is extremely sensible, while feelings such as curiosity and compassion also seem to be It became more and more light.

Although Zhang Yang was aware of this, he didn't pay special attention to it because this effect has not been so strong for him. What Zhang Yang does not know is that this kind of change is like boiling a frog in warm water. The impact is always done unconsciously, and it is basically too late when you really notice the seriousness of the matter.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang's practice of "Eating Evil" itself has the effect of restricting and balancing each other with three different sources of energy. So as long as Zhang Yang does not greedy and absorb too much of one source, then the three Under the constraints of mutual influence, Zhang Yang will be completely unaffected by it, thus keeping his original intention unchanged.

The problem is that there are many things in this world that cannot be controlled by oneself. Sometimes, even knowing that certain practices and decisions may lead to irreparable serious consequences, they still have to do so under desperation. So it ’s still the same thing to say that one thousand and ten thousand is the only thing that depends on whether you have enough power to control your own destiny, that ’s all.


In fact, the reason why Zhang Yang decided to absorb the power of death in the arena in the presence of tens of thousands of people at this moment, in addition to feeling that his own strength is still insufficient, so he hopes to seize this opportunity that he has encountered before and absorb the power of death. More often than not, he couldn't think of another way to eliminate this 'skeleton command' faster than this method.

You should know that the current situation is actually quite critical, so even though he can win the whole school competition of the Sacred Magic Academy to complete the goal set by the Queen of Magic Estra, but according to the current situation, wait for him to return to the law Only after Lan did the real trouble begin.

Therefore, Zhang Yang could only risk his own secrets to improve his strength as soon as possible, so as to better face the next crisis. It's just a pity that even though this Skeleton Commander has the strength equivalent to a Tier 6 Zijin Intermediate Warrior, the power of death contained in his skull hasn't yet reached Zhang Yang's direct promotion.

So in this case, when the skull under Zhang Yang's hand changed from a jade white with a metallic luster to a grayish white that was not as good as ordinary bones, the skeleton's eye socket was originally strong and poisonous green. Soon the fire of the soul becomes extremely dim, and it is almost extinguished.

But the problem is that in this case, when Zhang Yang turned around and put his eyes on the headless body of the Skeleton Commander, the head of the Skeleton Commander who looked half-dead in his hand turned back to the light and burst out of the eye socket. There were two compelling green lights, and then at that moment the body of the heavily armored skeleton, who had just struggled to stand up from the ground, burst out of all the armor gaps in the body after a sudden meal. The poisonous green light exploded violently when Zhang Yang and Ainier felt the danger retreating back and forth!

Seeing here, Zhang Yang really had the urge to scold people. After all, the body of the heavily armored skull exploded at the same time, and the skull head of Zhang Yang's hand was also broken into dozens of pieces!

To tell the truth, Zhang Yang encountered this for the first time. After all, in his impressions, all undead creatures did not have any fear or hesitation. Even if they were broken apart, as long as they could move, even if they used their mouths to bite, they would continue to fight. , How can there be reason to play 'self-explosive' like this at the moment?

So Zhang Yang instantly understood that this Skeleton Commander had absolutely no low wisdom. After discovering that Zhang Yang could absorb the power of death in his body, he would rather choose to explode and completely disappear, rather than want Zhang Yang to continue by absorbing the power of death in his body. Become stronger.

Moreover, even if the undead spirit is somewhat different from the ordinary sixth-order strongmen, the energy stored in the body is not as abundant as most sixth-order strongmen with blood and flesh, but its self-detonation power is still so great that when the group is more than 20 meters in diameter After the poisonous green energy fireball disappeared, the ground in the arena was melted into a poisonous green pit that was two meters deep, more than ten meters in diameter, and could not melt at the edge!

Seeing the audience outside the venue suddenly clamored after all. After all, the ‘temperament’ was so violent. They played the self-destructive Undead when they were unhappy. They had never said that they had seen it before, and they had never heard of it.

The only thing fortunate is that although the power of the Skeleton Command's self-detonation is huge, it is far away from Zhang Yang. Even if it is very powerful, it still has sufficient reaction time for Zhang Yang, who is extremely fast and agile. As for Ainier, whose reaction speed is not as good as that of Zhang Yang, because she hid behind the closed bone portal earlier, the impact of the explosion on her was minimal, except that the power of the explosion caused her to kneel to the ground. Besides, she also seemed to be intact.

However, at this moment, the bone portal that had been closed by the high-level [bone wall] enclosed by Ainil in the ring was now shaking violently! The trembling and fierce look, it seemed that there was a fierce beast closed inside.

Therefore, seeing Zhang Yang turned his eyes to Ainier, it was a pity that Ainier shook her head slightly and didn't know about it, and then she spread her hands and took the initiative to retreat.

So this time Zhang Yang was depressed again, saying that it was the incident that you made. Why did you throw me at the end to clean up the mess for you?

However, before any event, Zhang Yang also absorbed a lot of death power from the skeleton leader. Although it seems to be worse than the promotion, it always benefits from it.

So in the face of the bone portal that was shaking more and more violently and it seemed that all the bones had to be separated, Zhang Yang moved the joints of his arms and walked towards them step by step.

(It ’s a pity that the power of death in the body at this moment seems to be less than 20% away from the level of advancement. If you just moved faster and got the body under the command of the skeleton, you might have collected all three sources now. But that ’s fine, I did n’t expect that the Skeleton Commander would rather choose to completely explode and disappear, but also to stop me from absorbing the power of death. As far as my current physical condition is concerned, I ca n’t use [Thunder Guard], so if it is really rolled Into that evil energy explosion, I am afraid that I will be injured. So now it is the serious thing to destroy this bone portal that is the culprit first, otherwise it is hidden on the other side of the portal to manipulate all this. If the guy who really did not do anything and endlessly also detonated this portal, then ...

Thinking of Zhang Yang's sudden reaction here, it seems that there should be the power of death in this bone portal, right? In this way, he only needs to catch up with the existence behind the door to absorb this death force enough to advance before the bone portal is detonated? !

So at this moment, Zhang Yang suddenly changed the way he slowly moved before, and the entire figure immediately passed through a distance of more than ten meters and appeared under the right base of the bone portal, and at the same time Zhang Yang's right hand was already pressed on a pedestal backbone that was still shaking!

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