Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1557: Doubles (1)

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There will always be all kinds of helplessness in life, and at the same time will face many dilemma choices. Therefore, in such a unavoidable situation, it is most important to make the wisest decision and allow yourself to survive.

Of course, for some people, their beliefs or beliefs in their hearts may be more important than their lives, so that they can completely ignore their own lofty ideals, and even laugh to death to some extent. . In fact, Zhang Yang fully understands this feeling and has always been very respectful of such people. After all, he had the same idea at that time, and even was born and died countless times for this.

However, after going through some things, many things have changed. Although Zhang Yang thought he had not yet reached the point where the heart is as old as Zhishui Gujing, and the inner blood was completely burned out, but as time and space continued to change, he had to admit that he was slowly experiencing some kind of quietness. change.

It's just that people don't know whether the choices and changes they made before are good or bad until they reach the final stage of life. The only thing to be thankful for is that Zhang Yang did not regret most of the choices he made, even including the two times when he had no choice but to absorb the single-attribute source to advance.

After all, there is hope only if you are alive, you can make choices no matter how good or bad, and you can seek even the smallest but possible opportunities for change!

So after watching the exceptionally clear starry sky out of the window for almost a night, when "fish belly white" finally appeared on the same day, Zhang Yang, who exhaled deeply, finally regained his spirit and then seemed to take off a certain look The unseen burden generally stands up.

Don't you want to control your own destiny? Do you want to change the facts you once thought of without being controlled by fate, so as to truly live according to your own heart? Then keep going tenaciously! Don't lose hope as long as you breathe!

Moreover, even if he had to make his body lose its original balance under desperation, even because of the absorption of too many single-attribute sources, the body has undergone some changes, but since Zhang Yang was able to achieve in the circumstances of the devastating blood 'Eure's body', and thus embarked on a road of strong men with almost no ancients on the mainland of Orlando, then this physical change is not a problem at all.

So after experiencing some inner wandering and struggling, Zhang Yang not only regained confidence and calm, but even because of this relationship of enlightenment, the whole person's mental state has reached a height that has never been seen before!

It's a pity that Zhang Yang, who has been lacking clear guidance on the way to cultivation, is not clear. He wants to understand some things, so that his spirit has become more clear and stable, and his will has become more firm. It is the power of the soul that is further purified and strengthened. Performance! Although this change has not yet reached the level of causing qualitative changes, for the soul power that is extremely difficult to practice and improve, this is enough to make countless powerful people of the same level envious of the progress!

So when Zhang Yang appeared in front of the members of the Warrior Academy the next morning, although Zhang Yang ’s clothing and appearance had not changed at all from yesterday, everyone who saw him would subconsciously feel that he was the whole person. It seems to be more real, obviously has a stronger sense of presence than ever before!

Fortunately, due to the double promotion of their own strength and soul power, they quickly adapted themselves to Zhang Yang, and gradually became flat, so they were surprised by the surprise of the members of the inexplicable soldiers ’branch. When I came back to Shener in the middle, I was surprised to find that the moment's cognition was just like a dream. The person in front of me was still the kind of calm and clear standing in front of my eyes, but it didn't seem to exist. Looks like.

Therefore, for this situation, most members of the Warriors Branch think that they are too excited to have hallucinations, but for stronger forces like Alvo, Munch, and Piper, they have richer experience and more openness. As far as the mentors of the Warriors Branch of the Vision are concerned, this kind of 'strange thing' on Zhang Yang is enough to make them feel horrified!

After all, for those of them who are likely to enter the sixth-order purple gold level, and have a great chance to become a sixth-order purple gold level warrior college mentor, things related to the power of the soul can be said to be their main focus.

So compared to those ordinary soldiers who have not yet reached this level of strength and knowledge, they have only now realized what the strength of this 'Wright Instructor' has reached! So almost subconsciously, the three people looked at Zhang Yang after looking at each other, and they had become a little more awe of the heart than before.

In contrast, Zhang Yang, the source of all this, has no consciousness of the initiator. And maybe it's because they are used to being the focus of everyone's eyes. At this moment, Zhang Yang nodded and greeted everyone as usual, then he self-reported the candidates who participated in the competition today.

In fact, the schedule of the Sacred Magic Academy's whole school competition is really interesting. For the double match to be held today, although its participants do not stipulate that they cannot be substituted, the composition of the team must be strictly guarded against repeated play. in principle. That is to say, in the two-person competition, no matter whether it is a warrior branch or a magic branch, each professional can only play once. As for how to match, there is no requirement.

This is because there are eleven contestants on both sides of the single match, so that only one contestant can be reduced in the double match. Therefore, in the total of five contests, Zhang Yang must carefully arrange his appearance and match To strive to ensure that your teammates are not defeated first while exerting your own combat power as much as possible.

Not only that, since it is called a double match, then it is no longer a stage for one person to show strength. Therefore, if you want to win a double match, it is also crucial to ensure that your teammates are not eliminated first. After all, if there is still one person left between the two sides when the game time runs out, then the convenience of having the first teammate out will be judged as a loss.

Of course, if Zhang Yang can knock down both of his opponents within five points with his own strength, then whether his teammate is the first to go out or not can win.

So in this case Zhang Yang made special arrangements for this rule ...

Perhaps it was because the Warriors Branch was so brilliant in the whole school comparison test of this Saint Demon Academy that the number of spectators who came to watch the next day's double match was significantly more than yesterday.

In this way, after the brief introduction of the rules and the lottery of the organizers of the Sacred Magic Academy, the first game of the current double contest of the Sacred Academy Academy began directly.

Perhaps it is not that the enemy does not meet, the first game of this double match turned out to be Zhang Yang, a "weapon master", and Paige, a sword dancer, against the black magician of the earth magician and the dark Dak. Dark magician.

However, everyone, including Zhang Yang, was surprised that when he was good at constructing a maze with earth walls, and had the ability to use a mixed magic armor to transform himself into a 'rock golem', the earth magic and the entire site When the dark magician Duck, all shrouded in darkness, cooperates together, its power is not only increased by several times. It can be said that it is impossible to magnify ten times in an instant!

After all, you think, when the whole audience was shrouded in an invisible black mist, once the combatants rushed towards each other with their impressions and feelings, they finally hit a completely hidden half when they ran halfway. What kind of desperation should there be in the earth maze in the dark, and there is a 'rock golem' who is fully capable of seriously injuring any non-sixth-level purple gold fighter?

In this case, if you want to stay on the ground or defend until the end of the game time, it is more impossible to draw. After all, when the warrior encounters the magician as an opponent, once he ca n’t get closer to the opponent, then wait for their It must be an overwhelming magic attack!

It's a pity that whether it is the earth magician 'black skinny' or the dark magician Duck, they all encountered Zhang Yang, who can basically ignore the 'dark space' and is more complete in strength and melee ability. A strong man above the 'rock golem'!

Therefore, in this situation where ordinary people think that neither advance nor retreat, Zhang Yang decisively orders Paige to start a variable speed lap along the outermost periphery of the entire arena, and to attract the other party as much as possible while ensuring 'survival'. Firepower, and he will rush to the pair of "sad reminder" partners in the shortest time to win them all.

But it turns out that when the "dark earth" group meets Zhang Yang, who can basically ignore the "dark space" barrier, its effect and power are greatly reduced. What's more, the "weapon master" who uses heavy two-handed weapons is the profession that can best display Zhang Yang's own strength. Therefore, when he held a few gold magic swords to block several magic attacks and then rushed into the range of the maze of earth walls, he said To tell the truth, there is no suspense in the outcome of this battle.

So after only half a minute left and right, Zhang Yang, who used [Thunderbolt Enhancement], used the most brutal style of play to hold the Adamantite Sword hard against Dak ’s attack, and after three, five, and two, the seat was one foot above him. Mi has more 'rock golems' to break completely.

In this way, under the control and protection of the earth magician, this maze with an area of ​​nearly 10,000 square meters and a height of more than five meters and an intricate corridor in the inner and middle corridors provided Zhang Yang with evasion of magic attacks and was close to Dak ’s. Best cover.

Therefore, when the game time just happened to miss a point, Zhang Yang successfully smashed the two lines of Dakna that were finally struggling with nothing new [Shadow Gun], and then he took a huge hand The sword flattened and stunned it.

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