Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1566: Group stage (2)

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The earth magician is already good at changing and controlling the terrain, so as to achieve the purpose of trapping the enemy, blocking the enemy, and creating a geographical advantage for himself. Therefore, when the "black skinny" lifted the ground under his feet, the magicians such as Sanali who were in the arena not only instantly had a wider and better field of vision for magical attacks, even because they were located far from the ground. There is a relationship of more than ten meters high, so that even if Zhang Yang and others can successfully rush to the side of the platform, then it will take a lot of brains to attack these magicians standing in the height.

Not only that, maybe it was because the "black skinny" learned from the previous two defeats in the battle, or it may be the relationship of someone who was received after the game. When he successfully raised this solid earthy platform, Once again using the "composite earth magic armor" transformed into a "rock golem", he even put on a high sledge hammer to prepare for the general fight of "hamster", obviously turning all his attention to blocking the enemy And defense in this regard!

You should know that for the "black skinny" who stands on the high platform at the moment, whether it is to use the huge staff like a sledgehammer in hand-to-hand combat, or to release amazing earth magic from a height of more than ten meters. , Its power will increase a lot compared to the ground or the previous "earth wall maze".

However, this is not the most worrying part of the audience. When the earth magician 'black skinny' seized the 'geographic location', as the ice magician Aisha, she also called her extremely famous 'frost land' 'Also used!

So this is good, because the earthy platform, which is very difficult to climb because of the vertical height of more than ten meters, is now covered with a layer of hard and slippery frost under the influence of the "frost land" effect. !

In this way, unless Zhang Yang and others have the ability to jump directly from the ground to this high platform, otherwise it would be even more difficult to climb up normally.

Not only that, but perhaps the fighting power of Zhang Yang, the "weapon master", was too deeply rooted in the relationship between the people, so that after the soil magician "Black Skinny" and the ice magician Aisha, the name was long The baby-faced magician of the wind system even cast a fast-order fifth-order magic of the wind system around the high platform [whirlwind]!

This is great. After a few times of strengthening, the original earthy platform was ordinary, but at the moment, it turned into a slightly crude ‘magic tower’! Moreover, even more speechless is yet to come. The audience on the scene thought that the preparation of these magicians for defense had been completed. When they were about to attack Zhang Yang and other fighters who rushed here, the competitors, Since entering the arena, he has been sullenly preparing for what kind of light sacrifice. At this moment, he saw his arms raised high, and then a defense consisting entirely of light elements, scattered with many complicated magic runes on it. The enchantment expanded instantly with him as the center, and then completely enveloped the top of this high platform!

So far, this earthy high platform looks like a super huge 'silver lamp post' from a distance! Not only is the top radiant, but also a layer of cold luster glowing below.

So the audience outside the field suddenly felt that there was no hope for the Warriors Branch. After all, there is such a ‘fortress’ as a firepower point. What can those warfighters fight against these five magicians?

Generally speaking, magic is not very balanced in terms of attack ability and defensive ability. Even in the vast majority of cases, the magician becomes very dangerous after being approached by the warlord, and this is why the army and the mercenary In military organizations such as regiments, the magician always matches the warfighter.

However, there are exceptions to everything. For a magician who is not good at attacking and guarding, a strong and stable fortress can free him from the worries of defensive ability in an instant, and if he can strengthen the fortress on this basis, And install a series of magic traps, then its effect is still not comparable to the specially built magic tower that can increase the effect, but it is also a great guarantee for the personal safety of the magician.

So for the participating magicians in the Magic Branch in the arena at the moment, this earthy high platform created entirely by magic has already been a bit more and more after a series of magical processing and strengthening. 'Meteorology.

And this is still in the case where the fire magician Sang Nali did not shoot, if she is hard at heart to find Zhang Yang ’s trouble, then in terms of her control of the fire magic, you can set up a bunch of such as below this high platform Triggered magic traps such as [Fire Ring], [Fire Pillar] and [Fire Wall].

By that time, the earth, water, fire and wind four magics gathered together, and this temporary high earth platform was enough for Zhang Yang and others to not walk around, let alone want to rush up to attack under the attack of five magicians. Too.

In fact, even for Zhang Yang and others who are about to rush below the high platform, the "pseudo-magic tower" made by the magicians across the sky from the opposite side makes everyone feel disappointed, although not too bad. I lost my fighting spirit in an instant, but the idea that I was confident enough to win the battle did unconsciously start to fade.

In this regard, Zhang Yang felt a little helpless even if he didn't talk about his heart. The "time, location, people and people" that used to be on the lips nowadays have the same reason although they have changed places. Therefore, on the opposite side, those magicians who completely seized the geographical advantage in one breath, and the members of the Warrior Branch who had some shortcomings in both confidence and strength suddenly fell into a disadvantage, not to mention that they could not match the opposite side in team cooperation. The magicians are compared.

In this case, even Zhang Yang can only do his best to obey the destiny of the man. Therefore, when the five soldiers of the Warrior Branch rushed to 50 meters away from the high platform in front, Zhang Yang collapsed and ran sideways. After holding the magic shield in front, after a slight charge, he waved and threw the exceptionally strong Adamantite sword in the direction of the platform!

However, at this time, Sang Nali, who had been standing in front of the high platform without any movement, suddenly shot!

Suddenly she saw her raising her arm to open the palm of Jing Jing's giant sword, and then she didn't see her chanting. A series of human head-sized "Lianzhu Fireballs" seemed to smell the **** shark In general, blasting from the position of her palms in a near-end-to-end situation, she instantly blasted the Jingjin giant sword that Zhang Yang threw out in the air.

Seeing here, Zhang Yang suddenly felt awkward in his heart. He couldn't figure out why he stayed at the theater with Sang Nali's strength, without strengthening the earthy platform rising from the ground together. Now, after seeing her throwing away the gold sword she threw in one fell swoop, Zhang Yang understood that it was originally designed to prevent him from playing just this hand.

In fact, anyone who has seen how Zhang Yang fought Aisha as a 'weapon master' in the singles game will be extremely careful when fighting Zhang Yang. After all, even if there is magic in the magician's small body The protection of the shield is also estimated to be unable to withstand the power of the Adamantite Sword.

Therefore, it is quite necessary to send a strong man who can compare with Zhang Yang regardless of the speed of reaction or the degree of accuracy.

Now it ’s ok, according to the plan, the gold sword that should be nailed into the middle of the high platform as a climbing ladder in one fell swoop was deliberately blown into the distance by Sang Nali, so that after a few rotations in the horizontal direction It was inserted obliquely into the ground more than ten meters to the right of Zhang Yang and others.

To be honest, this distance really makes people have the urge to pick it up, but the problem is that anyone who faces the five magicians on the high platform will have a little hesitation. After all, do n’t look at just a short distance of more than ten meters. It seems that Zhang Yang The speed can be reached by a sprint, but in fact, as long as Zhang Yang moves, the magicians above will never let this rare attack opportunity!

So whether it is to concentrate firepower to attack Zhang Yang, or to reduce its wings to attack Paige and Alvo, etc., in terms of the strength of the five magicians such as Sang Nali and Aisha, which plan is different? Less than 60% chance of success.

Therefore, at this time, Zhang Yang must not pick up the Adamantite Sword, and even tossing it with another weapon would be useless.

However, from the perspective of Zhang Yang's behavior in the past, he is by no means a regular in battle. So when everyone guessed whether he was going to pick up weapons or continue to maintain the queue to strike forward, Zhang Yang lifted Alvor beside him very suddenly, and then the light flashed in his eyes. Under the force, he actually threw this big living man with a weight of three or four hundred Pakri after wearing a magic heavy armor and threw it over the distant platform!

Seriously, this situation is absolutely beyond everyone's expectations, including the Queen of Magic, Estra, so that many of the audience who saw this scene stood up in exclamation like those of the Warrior Branch.

However, the problem is that for Sang Nali who is responsible for the interception, whether Zhang Yang throws away the Jingjin giant sword, or is still in the air at the moment, screaming Alvor, even if only a stone is thrown, she also Will cast magic without hesitation!

So at this time, Sang Nali, who was completely unsurpassed, raised his hands again and pointed his palm at Alvor, who was flying here in the air, and then spit a short spell in a low voice. A total of twelve head-sized [Lianzhu Fireball] roared and flew towards the target!

So at this moment, almost all the audience were sweating for the shield warrior Alvo who was thrown by Zhang Yang as a "weapon" in the air, so that almost no one noticed that Zhang Yang was throwing Alvo out after force. Suddenly speeding up left the shield array where Page and others were located, and then took a big circle to pick up the Adamantite Sword, at the same time as the figure flashed, he fitted and rushed down the platform side.

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