Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1575: Group stage (11)

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Summoning is an important branch in the field of magic, and its power and meaning are beyond the imagination of most people. Among them, it is not just that the magician temporarily summons a helper in battle. Whether it is an elemental creature or a dead spirit, as long as it can pay enough, then the special arrangement of the magic circle can completely change the calling contract. And thus leave these summons truly in the Orlando world!

Therefore, it can be said that if the spell is used, the magician who is proficient in summoning has a chance to summon alien creatures that are stronger than himself. The problem is that once this summoning magic is out of control, the consequences are simply a disaster!

Therefore, as long as a magician who comes from various colleges, before they learn to summon magic in various departments, the instructor will specifically bid not to make any dangerous attempts. After all, according to legend, the summoning magic that originally appeared on the Orlando continent can only summon some elemental creatures from the major element planes for the magician, until a dark magician with a magical talent but an extreme desire for power. Then, by accident, when a dark elemental creature was summoned, a dark demon was summoned inexplicably, which led to the biggest enemy in the history of the mainland.

Since then, the random modification of the summoning magic circle has become a taboo among most magicians. Even for a long time, when the magician is found to secretly study the summoning magic, he will be met by the Magic Guild. Inquiries, penalties and even imprisonment!

It's a pity that as people often say, the less things that people don't do, the more people want to understand and try, so when the undead magic has appeared on the mainland, it has been regarded as a high-end heresy by ordinary people. Undead magicians and liches, simply holding the mentality of breaking the pot and breaking, vigorously studied the summoning magic.

And this is why in today's undead magic, all kinds of summoning techniques alone account for more than half.

Therefore, although the undead magician was disgusted by most people, but it has not yet developed to the point where everyone shouts, the traditional magicians of other departments affected by this are thinking of ways to 'suppress' or 'restrain.' 'Under the premise of the undead magic, eventually the dust-covered summoning magic was picked up one after another. Only then did the magic of the various departments flourish.

It was at this time that after many attempts, the Arcane magicians finally succeeded in finding a special, not only magical creature, but even most of them after summoning magic. Magical creatures are also distant planes based on arcane magic!

So after this, the simple Arcanist could n’t use the summoning magic to solve the problem instantly, only because the plane that Arcanists called 'Auginney' was too far away from the Orlando world, so unless a certain The talents of the Arcane Mage are excellent and extremely smart, otherwise, before their own strength reaches the sixth-order purple gold level, more than 95% of the Arcane Mage can not summon even the lowest level even with the increase of the magic circle 'Voidwalker'.

Therefore, it can be seen from this point that even though the strength of Arcanist Rod is not very strong now, his talent in arcane magic is outstanding. It is only unexpected that this 'Voidwalker', which is generally summoned by Arcanist Rod's "Bumping Dayun", is not simply summoned to "sell cute" or "funny", but it also has its own standards. The above fighting power!

So just after Zhang Yang launched an attack on it, the void walker, who seemed to be round and round before, suddenly showed its ugly side after being stimulated! So that as the pair of purple-lighted triangular eyes opened instantly, the two sides of its body turned into two huge arms almost as big as the body under the flash of magic light!

What's even more surprising is that the body of the Voidwalker didn't move at all, and that huge pair of claws was like the [Mage's Hand] released by the Austrian Master, and the sky flew towards Zhang Yang's location.

In fact, many people here have a bit of aftertaste, even though most of the audience present have never seen what the Voidwalker is like before, but at this moment the purple halo from the surface of its body is exactly the same as the magic of arcane magic. , And although there are some differences in shape and size, but in terms of the essential composition and activation situation, it is almost the same as the "Purple Claw" of the [Mage's Hand], all of which indicate the fact that it is a summoner of the Arcane Department!

So in this case, even if Zhang Yang does n’t know much about Arcane magic, he can guess that eight or nine are inseparable, so when that pair of purple giant claws flew halfway to him, Zhang Yang already Using the technique of multiple arrows, one bow and two arrows directly smashed it on the spot.

In fact, for these two giant purple claws that look scary on the surface, but are actually not very powerful and will not exceed the fourth-order magic, Zhang Yang can completely ignore them until they come around. Just break it up again.

However, the problem is that he is not alone in the game at the moment! So if the purple giant claw attacked him, in case he went straight to the other four 'black mask men', then the mystery Zhang Yang finally created, but with the four of them It ’s all exposed!

After all, no matter how similar the four figures are to Zhang Yang, they are actually ordinary students in the Warrior Branch of the Sacred Devil Academy! Not only that, because it is necessary to find people who are similar to Zhang Yang ’s height as much as possible, which makes the four people look pretty after they ‘dressed up’, but in essence? All of them only have the strength of the third-order black iron level, and there is not even a quasi-strong junior of the fourth-order silver!

Therefore, in order not to let the four people who are "unusual" not to reveal their stuff, Zhang Yang can only create a momentum that this game does not require any other hands, and can be done by him alone. So after Zhang Yang lifted his bow to disperse the two purple giant claws, he worried that there might be an accident when he dragged on. He simply opened the bow one after another, and immediately floated steadily 200 meters away. The Voidwalker shoots seven arrows in a row!

However, to the surprise of countless people, the arrow that the Voidwalker could pierce easily before, when he reached the other side, encountered a layer of [Magic Shield] that appeared instantly! Not only that, as the sniper arrow headed up met this thin shield, this [Magic Shield] that seemed to be broken by the wind suddenly burst like a pierced bubble .

It's just that the surprise is still behind. At the moment when this [Magic Shield] exploded, a purple ring-shaped force field that was even larger than the [Ring of Resistance] once used by Magister Rod had suddenly taken The destructive situation was triggered, so that not only the first sniper arrow shot by Zhang Yang was shot by this 'large resistance ring', but even the three other sniper arrows that followed were too fast Can escape the fate of being bombed.

Therefore, the audience who saw this scene in the arena in this next time can just "explode the nest". After all, it can be seen from the tentative arrow shot by Zhang Yang before. This "Void Walker" is not entirely correct. Common physical attacks are immune, but the damage received is minimal.

Now it ’s okay, this Voidwalker not only releases the large [Mage ’s Hand], but even after it has prepared for it, he can also use the advanced application of the “triggered magic shield” arcane magic in an instant manner. !

In this way, even if this "Voidwalker" has only these few characteristics and no other tricks, in a sense, this characteristic of "physical attack immunity" can also be called "the nemesis of the low-level combatants". . But the question is, as a summoning creature in the sixth-order arcane magic, how can it only have these characteristics?

Therefore, when the three remaining sniper arrows shot by Zhang Yang passed through the triangle eye of the void walker and the big mouth, it was obviously irritated that it not only once again changed a pair of Olympics on both sides of its body. The magic giant claw, even when it spreads the palms of these two arcane giant claws to Zhang Yang, a series of magic missiles of no less than twenty ordinary people's fists are sprayed out like a bee!

So Zhang Yang, who was the target of his attack at this moment, was busy immediately. It should be known that from the size of this tent [Arcane Missile], it should belong to the category of third-order Arcane magic. The only problem is that there are no fewer than twenty [Arcane Missiles] in this tent. After all, for most arcane magicians, even if they master the skills of double casting and even triple casting, it is just an instant. Three [Arcane Missiles] were fired at the same time.

And now? These twenty [Arcane Missiles] are already equivalent to the saturation volley of a ten-man Arcane Mage team. This is enough for most snipers who are not known for their movement speed. .

Fortunately, Zhang Yang's strength can never be viewed with common sense, not to mention the fact that the twenty or so [Arcane Missiles] were sprayed out ‘together’, but in reality there are still slight differences in speed. Therefore, when this tent is like a purple fish school [Arcane Missiles] one by one dragging the gorgeous purple flame tail over a distance of more than 200 meters to come to Zhang Yang, I do n’t know when it was taken out of the ring of space Zhang Yang, a sniping arrow with an icy blue light, has already danced the sniper bow "Dark Kiss" in the left hand and the ice blue sniping arrow in the right hand into a phantom of staggered reciprocation!

So at this moment, all the "Arcane Missiles" who came to Zhang Yang in front of Zhang Yang, without exception, were all blasted in the air by him without any errors, and then all were exploded into a mass of purple light masses.

So at this moment, almost all audience members thought that the sniper, who was renamed as "Black", was really a bit of a big one, and there were clearly four powerful companions behind him. Why did he have to compete with the Arcane Department summons alone? What?

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