Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1608: The disaster of Pompeii (24)

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The majority of Warcraft's attributes and abilities are closely related to the environment in which they live. For example, Warcraft living in volcanoes, lava zones and deserts will basically have certain fire magic attributes, even if they will not use fire. Department of magic itself also has a strong resistance to fire elements, this is the impact of the environment on Warcraft.

Therefore, the Zerg from the world of Ahn'Qiraj is roughly the same at this point, but the difference is that they not only have the characteristics of Warcraft, even because they need to occupy other planes, so that this should have experienced several generations. Even the ability to evolve and adapt to dozens of generations has been further strengthened, and as long as they reach a brand new environment, then the queen who is responsible for spawning and breeding will eat the local creatures and quickly absorb the essence and the essence of these local creatures. Characteristics, and then use these 'nutrients' to reproduce a large number of Ahn'Qiraj Zerg warriors with the characteristics of the local creatures eaten.

However, the problem is that even if the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg has a very high utilization rate of 'resources', if you want to quickly reproduce a batch of Ahn'Qiraj Zerg fighters, you need a lot of food to back it up. Not only that, but under the premise of efficiency priority, the quality of the individual cannot be debugged too much.

Therefore, under the existing circumstances, the evil Ahn'Qiraj flying insects that have been reproduced with the World of Warcraft playing in the dead desert as food or 'materials', if they want to evolve directly from scratch to have magical ability I am afraid that even in terms of the ability of the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, it will take at least several months to six months.

In contrast, it is only easier to use and strengthen the resistance of the elements that the native creatures have. Therefore, if these evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg just expand quickly, and then continue to use the methods of engulfing and multiplying in the "Desert Desert", then a large number of evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg warriors can also be born in a short time, but Because of the difference in physical constitution and strength between the outside creatures and the creatures in the dead desert, it will naturally reduce the basic qualities of the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg warriors born afterwards, so that they no longer have the strong element resistance that they were before.

So even today's humans know almost nothing about the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, but only from the point of information given by Zhang Yang and the perspective of Warcraft and materials science, Alchemist Harold came to this Inferences that are almost entirely consistent with the facts!

Of course, even the most precise and rigorous inferences are only inferences before they are verified. In contrast, this conclusion itself has played a role in improving the morale of most of the magical kingdom military and civilians such as Kohler. come out.

After all, for the people of the magic kingdom Pompeii, powerful enemies are not terrible. As long as the Magic Legion can successfully exert its due power, they believe that even the Devil of the Devil can commit all the killings by virtue of the Magic Legion. In contrast, the group of evil Ahn'Qiraj flying insects, which have been attacked before, generally have super-resistant enemies for multi-line magic, which is the real headache for them.

Fortunately, compared with the alchemy master Harold, it has not been verified by practice. At present, it is only in the "guess" stage of the argument. The weapon given by Zhang Yang to use the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg crust to attack evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg sometimes has special effects, but it is really effective.

In this way, as long as you can hunt as much as possible the carapace of the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, and then arm the warlords of the magic kingdom Pompeii, then not only the warfighters who could hardly use them at all can immediately play above the standard. Power has even indirectly changed the problem of the low status of warfighters in the magic kingdom of Pompeii.

So when these two pieces of news spread together in the Emerald City, Pompeii, who was originally panic-stricken because of the high magic resistance of the incoming evil Ahn'Qiraj flying insects, had lost most of the magic for a while. People, all of a sudden sigh of relief, some even cheered because of excitement.

So for a time, many people in the Emerald City seemed to completely forget the tragedies that had happened outside the city before the leak, and forgot how panicked they were when they saw the giant flying insects.

The only thing to be thankful is that whether it is the City Guards headed by Kohler or the members of the Magic Legion stationed in the Emerald City, it may be because of the relationship with the huge evil Ahn'Qiraj flying insects before, even today. There has been no small progress in equipment, but the faces of these people still maintain their seriousness and focus.

Not only that, because the Zerg crustacean weapons and a series of weapons such as the Zerg crust arrows and giant crossbows were born one after another, the method of combatants and magicians cooperating and fighting together was also considered to be completely redundant. Mentioned, so compared to the relaxation of ordinary people in the Emerald City, Kohler and others were completely busy with equipment and testing of worm shell weapons, and the establishment of a joint battle between City Guard soldiers and magic corps magicians.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yang not only sighed, but when he came to the magic kingdom of Pompeii, he really saw a lot and gained a lot of insight. However, as a magic kingdom that has been passed down for thousands of years, even if the previous Queen of Magic and the Magic Council have made efforts, but some problems such as arrogance and exaggeration are still reflected in most people in the entire magic kingdom of Pompeii. .

Adding this to a series of problems in class and ideology caused by the high status of the magician, it can be said that in Zhang Yang's view, even if there is no threat from the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, in the state of the magic kingdom of Pompeii, once it is truly In the face of the massive invasion of the devil or the undead spirit, whether it can survive or not is really an unknown.

So it can be said that the invasion of the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg is both a crisis and an opportunity for the magic kingdom Pompeii. After all, as long as it can succeed, then looking at the current development trend, the domestic situation will definitely produce a series of The change.

Fortunately, for Zhang Yang, the troubles after this were basically irrelevant to him, so after witnessing the successful creation of the first weapon made of the evil Ahn'Qiraj worm carapace by a spirited old forging master , Zhang Yang and others who had a chat with alchemist master Harold for a while, finally came into the Emerald City, accompanied by Kohler and the belated owner of the Emerald City and the Deputy Chairman of the Emerald City Magic Council The teleportation array of the Magic Council.

So far, starting from early in the morning from the magical kingdom of Pompeii, Dalaran, and now successfully completed the mission, this time, so many things happened, but it took only half a day!

Therefore, Zhang Yang had to sigh that in terms of the use of magic, Pompeii, the magic kingdom, has indeed left other human nations on the Orlando continent far behind.


When Zhang Yang and others took the space released by the magician Mai Wendi to send magic back to the Holy Magic Academy, Zhang Yang was somewhat surprised that the Sang Nali and others who belonged to the Magic Branch had returned for a long time. This situation is obviously something wrong for Zhang Yang. After all, in his view, even the evil Ahn'Qiraj flying insects have a high resistance to several lines of magic. The problem is that others don't know that only Sang Nali's For the crazy guy, this level of resistance is for her, who has a sixth-grade purple gold peak level, even though it may be somewhat inefficient, it is absolutely impossible to take the city like the magicians in the Emerald City. Those flying insects are not wrong.

What ’s more, among the contestants over the Magic Branch, there is also the Ice Magician, who is only a few weaker than Sang Nali. Therefore, considering the incoming evil Ahn'Qiraj flying insects for the water system After magic has almost no resistance, Aisha's lethality to those evil Ahn'Qiraj flying insects should be above Sunari.

Therefore, no matter from which aspect, the contestants of the magic school of the "Sacred Devil College Survival Competition" should fight to the last minute. How can it be possible that the general end time of the competition is still too early now, so Zhang Yang and others will take a step. Is it back?


(Can it be Sang Nali, they are very lucky, when they used magic to piece by piece to kill the evil Ahn'Qiraj flying insects, were they attacked by flying insects over there? This is indeed very possible, after all, if it strikes It is the same kind of evil Ahn'Qiraj flying insects, then as the evil Ahn'Qiraj strong commander of these flying insects, it should be the same as the dark red flying insect outside the Emerald City! In terms of the speed of the dark red flying insect, even if Sang Nali's strength is approached to a certain extent, I am afraid that it will still be life-threatening, but does it mean that this time ... The incoming evil Ahn'Qiraj flying insects are divided into several shares, and there are only a few high-level flying insects powerful enough to have a seventh-order legendary strength ?!)

To be honest, Zhang Yang was somewhat taken aback by his own idea. After all, before returning from the Emerald City, Zhang Yang had specifically inquired about the big magician Mai Wendi, so he only knew about the attacking evil Ahn'Qiraj. The total number of insects is about 40,000, and after arriving at the Emerald City and stopped by the large magic shield above the city, this group of giant flying insects like a purple whirlwind tried to attack the large magic above the Emerald City with all their strength. After the shield, it was divided into four directly. Except for the relatively small one remaining in the Emerald City, the other three shares were divided into three directions and rushed to several cities in the southwest of Pompeii.

In this way, combined with Zhang Yang's knowledge of the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, he has at least 70% of the confidence that he can be sure that of the 40,000 or so Ahn'Qiraj flying insects that have struck this time, there will be at least four of them waiting for seven Evil Ahn'Qiraj flying insects commanding legendary power!

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