Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 161: Dragon Blade 1

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Walking on the prosperous arms trading market of Beidoucheng, that is, the weapon street in Anna's mouth, Zhang Yang actually found a feeling of visiting the vegetable market in the past. Looking at the arms dealers who couldn't stop selling and selling, Zhang Yang and his team began the "Taobao" journey of "exploration and discovery" under the leadership of Anna.

"Friend! Let's take a look at this all-steel bayonet! This is a fine product made by the famous forging master Mumutan, or would you like to see this big knife? Absolutely sharp ..."

"Hey! Brother! What do you think of this broad sword? With absolute majesty ..."

"A good shield ~ The mercenary regiment specializes in merchandise ..."

"Sales of high-quality weapons in large quantities ..."


As Anna walked forward and couldn't stop looking around, all the ears heard the merchant's sales and bargaining. There was a lot of trade between people here and there, Zhang Yang saw it, came here The overwhelming majority are mercenaries and adventurers, and only a few are foreign merchants. This is evident from the popularity of the Beidoucheng mercenary industry.

It took about a very long time for me to go. Apart from buying two barrels of armored arrows, Zhang Yang really didn't find his weapon. The two girls who came together bought two small and beautiful daggers from a small businessman.

"I said Sister Anna, are you sure you can find the boss's eye-catching weapon? I have looked around for a while, and there is not even one comparable to the big axe of the Undead Slayer ~! Did you go shopping? "

Sean didn't show any interest when Zhang Yang walked for a long time. He said to Anna, who was picking a necklace, with her ridiculous beauty in mind.

"Ah! No ~~ I really want to help Mr. find weapons before bringing you here. It is said that there are several very famous weapon shops in front of this street. That is our goal."

Anna heard Sean ridicule and was anxious. She did come here for Zhang Yang's sake. Because even if the right guy is not available here, they can also go to the weapon shop to order a handy weapon.

In a blink of an eye, all the leaks passed, and the famous weapon shops on this street also walked through one by one, but Zhang Yang did not find a heavy weapon suitable for him. After watching it for a long time, except for a two-handed warhammer that barely meets the weight and size, nothing else is considered. As for those blacksmith shops that can forge weapons, it takes five days to complete the weapons needed by Zhang Yang. This is a bit late, after all, how much should you be familiar with after the weapon is in hand?

As for magic weapons, Sean also mentioned just now, but when a group of people went into the magic weapon shop, they suddenly looked dumbfounded! Not to mention that most of those magic weapons are thin long-dagger daggers, let alone leave it alone, the amazing price alone made Zhang Yang give up. An engraved magic rune, enchanting a long sword of Tier 0 magic burning technology, even costs 500 gold coins! That's just grabbing! In terms of cost and materials, this sword is worth up to 50 gold coins! Even if the loss of production failure is counted, it will be at most 80 gold coins! And a gorgeous one-handed sword enchanted with first-order magic wind blade surgery, even asking for 1500 gold coins! ! Seeing here, Zhang Yang thought to himself: If his rune hand axe was placed here, wouldn't he be able to sell tens of thousands of gold coins? You know that the axe, after being appraised by the legendary magician Burgi, concludes that it is a high-level magic weapon with enchantment of the earth's fifth-order magic primary gravity! And Bourgui also speculated that something might be a treasure from the Slavic kingdom of the northern snowy kingdom.

At this time, everyone was about to come to the end of this weapon street. In Anna's heart, she lowered her head in guilt and kept silent. When Charlotte whispered to her, Zhang Yang whispered suddenly, and then walked to a simple weapon Before the booth.

I saw that the stall was only made from a broken carriage, and most of the weapons used here were actually used! There are even many that seem to be somewhat broken. At this time, there were only a few sparsely stacked weapons that looked old and rusty.

Seeing Zhang Yang approaching, a young girl of about 11 or 12 years old with a handsome appearance, helped a lame old man and quickly walked over from the seat beside the carriage.

"But does this friend want to buy some weapons? The weapons in the shop are all treasures! Which one do you like? Let me introduce you to the old man?"

Zhang Yang was watching one of these things fascinating. At this time, the lame old man couldn't help talking. At this time Anna and others also followed up. They looked around curiously, but the target weapons were all inferior, not even a brand new one. At this time, when he heard the old man say this, Anna pulled Zhang Yang ’s sleeve and said:

"Sir, most of the stuff in stalls like this is the weapons eliminated by recovered mercenaries and adventurers, and some are picked up from the battlefield on the straight street, there is nothing good."

Anna's voice was not small, and the old man on the opposite side also heard it, which made his wrinkly face suddenly embarrassed and disappointed. But after hearing that, the little girl retorted:

"Hum! Sister, you're so annoying! It's not you who bought things, where can you talk?"

Hearing his granddaughter say this, the lame old man was suddenly shocked! The mercenaries have a weird temper, and in case of a pneumatic start, how can they bear the old and the young?

"Oh! There are a few grown-ups! The little girl is not sensible, please don't know her like this! The old man is here to pay a few off! The price is half price! Half price!"

"Grandpa! You ... uh!"

The little girl was still anxious to speak, but at that time she was held in the arms by the old man and reached out to cover her mouth.

Zhang Yang's attention was locked on an object from beginning to end, at this time he suddenly asked:

"Old man, how do you sell that thing?"

Everyone looked in the direction of Zhang Yang's fingers, and found that there was only a long gaped spear. The old man hesitated for a long time before he said:

"That, that ... that spear is only 30 silver coins, oh! No, only 15 silver coins! 15 silver coins!"

Hearing this offer, Sean said dismissively:

"Why, with this kind of spear, only 30 silver coins are sold on the street in front of you. You are really black, old man!"

"This ... this ..."

"I'm not asking about the spear, I'm asking about the thing on the carriage box behind the spear."

Hearing what Zhang Yang said, all the talents found that there was a piece of dark metal on the box plate of the broken carriage as if it were a half door. If you look closely, the thing on the side that looks like a door shaft really looks like a sword handle!

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