Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1622: Warm wind

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In fact, Zhang Yang also knew in his heart that today ’s conversation with Ophelia is almost the same as forcing her to take the road to hegemony, so for him who has always disliked the strongman ’s difficulties, saying this is not only to encourage Ophelia Ya, in a sense, is also reluctant to himself.

However, it's like playing chess. The so-called 'no regrets' probably mean that. After all, most things in the world don't exist alone. The choices you made yesterday, whether right or wrong, you need to be for yourself. Responsible for the decision.

Therefore, for Ophelia, since he chose to become the real commander of the Silver Pegasus Legion, he must shoulder the responsibilities and burdens connected with it while enjoying the fulfillment and pleasure of dream realization. So for Ophelia, Queen of the Moxim Kingdom who has already taken this step because of the situation, is there any other choice besides participating in hegemony?

Some people may say that Ophelia can also choose to support a certain prince, which will not only be justified, but also not so burdened. But those who have said this have thought that if there are really wise princes worthy of Ophelia's loyalty among the seven princes with inheritance rights, where will the situation in France develop to this step?

What's more, for the two forces that have become independent kings, it is most appropriate to want to put aside the doubts and accept the old practice of marriage, which is the most appropriate, and this is for Ophelia who is proud and wants to control his own destiny. For Asia, this is probably something that is harder for her to accept than death?

Or has this choice been subconsciously filtered out by Zhang Yang from the beginning?

Therefore, compared to simply surrendering to a certain prince, thereby becoming a stepping stone for others to step on the throne, and kicked away after losing the use value in the future, Zhang Yang feels that the process will be more difficult, but establish a kingdom of his own. Is it the most ideal and safest destination for Ophelia?

What's more, Zhang Yang has always been willing to believe his intuition and judgment, so he feels that if Ophelia, who has always been kind, upright, and willing to protect civilians to fight for the weak, becomes the emperor of the French Empire, the future of this country will be better than Is it much better to be controlled by the selfish and ruthless princes and nobles?

What's more, even if Ophelia wants to give up, I'm afraid it's impossible to be good. After all, reality is like going against the current and not going back and forth. The choices that were made at the time can't be changed. If now Ophelia hesitates Then, whether it is for the Silver Pegasus under her command, or the hundreds of thousands of people who choose to believe her and live under her protection, I am afraid that they will eventually become the victims of the battle for the imperial power!

So even if Ophelia did not have the ambition to build a country, the people around her would push her forward in order to survive. In this regard, Zhang Yang's heart has long been bright, and this is why there have been so many officials rushing to see him along the way since he entered the Silver Pegasus Legion and is also the temporary palace of the Moxim Kingdom.

Is that a kind of trust and expectation? Based on the fact that they have helped Ophelia to overcome the difficulties many times, and they have played a decisive role in Ophelia's mind, people hope that Zhang Yang can give them guidance to their prince, so that they can unwind their knots and regain their vitality and light .

And this seems to be something that only Zhang Yang can do? A special existence for Ophelia ...


In fact, many times the environment gives people a feeling that will change according to people's moods, such as the afternoon sun that is reflected from the window of the army chief's office where Ophelia is located. Before talking with Zhang Yang, Ophelia Whenever he saw it, he only felt bright and dazzling, but now he has talked with Zhang Yang and made up his mind to look at it again. There is no such irritable feeling before, but he will feel the warmth from it.

This should be the change brought about by different moods?

"The wind ... seems to have become gentler ..."

At this moment, standing beside Zhang Yang, looking at the Ophelia out of the window, suddenly murmured gently after being silent for a long time. If this was not Zhang Yang's extremely sensitive perception, I might not be able to hear what she was saying.

Of course, Zhang Yang doesn't know what to say even if he hears it clearly. Should he rationally comment from a psychological point of view? Should we elaborate on the cognitive aspects of professionals? It seems that neither should be? At this moment.

Therefore, Zhang Yang felt vaguely what he should say. After thinking for a long time, he didn't find a suitable topic, so he simply stood quietly beside Ophelia and accompanied her to enjoy a rare calm.

(Hey ... it's really a piece of wood. Actually speaking, I am also a ... stupid.)

Ophelia has never lacked a suitor, but after so many years, what can really walk into her heart ... is such a stupid person. Not only that, this man she loves is full of all kinds of mysteries, not even to Ophelia, the other party seems to like the relatively ordinary Nier Jielina ...

Well, in fact, Ophelia also admitted that although Nier Jielinna's background is relatively low, even no matter how powerful or her body is, she can't compare with herself, but the cold-faced girl has a tougher heart than herself. At the same time, dare to love and hate more?

(If you do n’t have any worries and do n’t have the responsibility and fetters of the Silver Pegasus Legion, maybe you can also be as courageous as Neil Jielina, dare to fight and dare to go all over the world for the people you love? But such a Come, have you lost your dream, or yourself?)

Probably the so-called ‘what you have gains and losses’ and ‘the fish and bear paw ca n’t have both’ are probably the reason why Ophelia sighed in her heart right now? Fortunately, for the things that have been decided, or things that cannot be changed temporarily, Ophelia also knows not to force it, so after letting your own thoughts fly with the afternoon warm wind for a while, I feel relaxed from the inside out. Many Ophelia finally turned their heads and smiled and said:

"It's been so long since I came back. Don't you want to go back to Balxus and go back to the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps?"

(After all, there may be more than one person looking forward to your return all the time?)

Although I thought so in my heart, Ophelia did not speak out very wisely. After all, for her, who is also a woman, even if everyone gets along like sisters, she still has this problem. It is an indisputable 'enemy'! Therefore, even though Orlando has never stipulated that it must be "monogamy", for the arrogant Ophelia, she can never accept sharing her loved ones with others!

So even Ophelia will be ashamed of her selfishness and arrogance at this moment, but for this she will never choose to compromise for anyone!

However, with regard to feelings, Zhang Yang, who is really a little indifferent, has no way to speculate on Ophelia's thoughts at this time, so after hearing the other party's opening, he answered in a matter-of-fact way:

"Of course I want to go back as soon as possible. After all, I disappeared for so long, and my friends are very worried. But things must be prioritized, whether it is the news of the evil Ahn'Qiraj invasion, or your future. The course of action is much more important than simply going back and reporting a peace. Of course it ’s better now, since the important things are basically resolved, I can finally go back and reunite with everyone. "

(Reunion ... Sometimes I really envy you guys who can find so many partners ...)

Even as a child, Ophelia was longed for by countless people, but in the final analysis, the people who really counted as her friends were really few. Not only that, as Ophelia's status is getting higher and higher, the pressure to continue to be friends with her will also increase.

Fortunately, Ophelia is not too worried about this. After all, she believes that even if she ca n’t be a lover with this person, but there is no problem with being a friend. In addition, she has been by her side since childhood. Sister Meili, even if everyone respects her because of awe, but it is also satisfying to have these two friends with Ophelia in a lifetime.

(Actually, if you do n’t mention the status of the “enemy”, whether it ’s Neil Jelena or the thunder mercenaries, I and they should be friends, too? So ... Now that there is still time, how about going with him?)

When this idea emerged from Ophelia's mind, it suddenly became a bit out of control, and soon filled her entire mind. So Zhang Yang's words just fell, and Ophelia, who was standing with him at the window, grabbed his sleeve, and then raised his eyebrows with beautiful curvature and opened his blue eyes:

"Speaking from the time when I declared independence and became somehow the queen, I was bound here by a myriad of annoyances, so I ca n’t move, so if I count carefully, I have n’t been with Neil Jelina for months. Everyone has seen you! And I ’m afraid you ca n’t imagine Wright, today ’s Thunderbolt Mercenary is really different than before you were transported away. Now that you ’re back, I ’ll go with you. ! "

"Uh ... is this good? You know that you are also the queen of a kingdom now. If you just go away, what should you do in daily government affairs? And security seems to ..."

Zhang Yanggang said that he was interrupted by Ophelia's hand. At this moment, she saw a rare smirk, and then pointed the other finger outside the office door and said:

"It's just a matter of handing over the affairs to Merrie for the time being. After all, she has been helping me deal with those trivial things during this time, so if it is only two or three days, it is completely okay! Not to mention Balxus from Moxie Mucheng is not far away. If there is an emergency, you can get there in a blink of an eye, so do n’t worry at all. As for safety issues ... Although I have n’t seen this time, I ca n’t guess whether your strength has increased, but no matter what I still believe that you will protect me as a fifth-level intermediate knight? "


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