Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1629: Changes in the Lightning Mercenary Corps

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In terms of the relationship between Zhang Yang and Ophelia, the existence of the dark knight Gaddafi naturally does not need to be kept secret, so after finding a relatively quiet alley, Zhang Yang talked about the origin of Gaddafi. come out.

So after learning that Gaddafi was actually a dark knight from Demon Realm, Ophelia first seemed very surprised, but then showed an expression like this, which made Zhang Yang somewhat curious.

"You guys are really hiding. I'm so miserable. Since the guy is already a dark knight who has completely surrendered to you, why didn't you tell me when I handed it to Millais!"

"Uh, what's wrong?"

Even though Zhang Yang still looks calm at the moment, for Ophelia who is familiar with him, he can see the slight surprise in the ‘poker face’ in front of him. This really makes Ophelia feel very helpless. People who are so talented in the field of combat and in the field of strategy have become so dull when it comes to the problem of getting along with people?

So Ophelia felt helpless and had to sigh:

"Of course there is a problem! You should know that Silver Pegasus, who has fought countless times since ancient times, is naturally very sensitive to the breath of the demon? So even if the demon used the transfiguration technique to hide his real body, with silver Pegasus ’s sixth sense will also make them subconsciously hostile to the demon after it has been transformed. So you still do n’t understand it here? Get a dark knight with a strength of up to the fifth rank of gold level without saying hello in advance The station of the Silver Pegasus Corps headquarters is no wonder that for a while all the Silver Pegasus appeared a little irritable, so that many knights have suffered a lot of grievances! "

"Oh? Is there such a thing? I don't know until you say it."

"How could it not be known! Anyone who has a little understanding of the history of the mainland should know that the legend of Silver Pegasus and the Devil of the Devil Realm is a dead enemy?"

"Well ... To be honest, I always had doubts about the authenticity of the legends, so ..."

Hearing Zhang Yang saying this, Ophelia did n’t know what to say. Wright also said that she had no common sense. Now it seems that this guy really lacks common sense, right?

"Forget it, I was still curious that there were no other dark magicians in your Thunderbolt mercenary regiment. With whom did Millai learn dark magic? Now all mysteries are finally solved. Open, there is the native dark knight of Gaddafi, where else do you need a teacher. "

(Is this a misunderstanding? Miley Mingming is more talented in practicing undead magic, and he was also so chosen at first, but how did Ophelia mean that he was a dark magician? Could it be that he also has a dark system The talent for magic does not work? When you see him later, you have to find a chance to ask.

Fearing that Ophelia would be disgusted with the identity of the Millais Undead magician, Zhang Yang did not continue to explain at this time, but asked the subject in a different way:

"Whether it is a good thing to create the Thunder Cloud Academy or the Thunderstorm Reserve in the long run, these short periods of time will greatly increase the burden of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps, right? Let ’s just leave it alone. I am afraid that the funds to maintain the normal operation of each part will not be a small amount. So, should Ophelia help in secret? "

Regarding this point, even Ophilia, who has always been arrogant and arrogant, couldn't help showing a respect, and then said in a very emotional tone:

"Although I always wanted to share some of the expenses for the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps, I was declined politely every time by Neil Jielina. So I really admire her at this point in order to support you when you leave Starting from the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps, Niel Jielina rarely stayed in the station except for dealing with mercenary regiments. Even at the beginning of the time, he led a team to the Warcraft Forest Hunting ... "

"That's it ..."

Perhaps it was felt that Wright's emotions were a little different, and Ophelia secretly changed his subject after secretly saying that he was talkative.

"So how did you decide on the" attack "route? Should you start from the headquarters of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps first, or choose the Thundercloud Academy or Thunderstorm Reserve?"

"If you choose to sneak into the headquarters nearby, the news will soon spread as soon as the identity is attacked, so I plan to go to Leiyun College to see it first. What do you think?"

(Thundercloud Academy ... It should be the magician named Anna now? If you remember correctly, that Miss Anna is a very good intellectual beauty. Are those rumors true? What special relationship does Wright have with this one? But he should not know that Anna is there, right?)

In many cases, even the most excellent women will inevitably think about their own emotional issues or things related to their sweethearts, so Ofelia is naturally inevitable. So, Ophelia, who wanted to know what Wright and Anna really are related to, responded with a playful tone:

"Anyway, you are the one who wants to test, then you can say whatever you want. But do n’t say I did n’t tell you, use your strength equivalent to Tier 6 or above to test the members of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps, which is obviously lacking in high-end combat power. , I am afraid the result is meaningless. "

"There seems to be some reason ... In this case, I will try my best to control my strength to a level similar to yours, so it should be able to roughly achieve the purpose of the test? Anyway, as far as I know, almost no strongman above the sixth level will accept the assassination of lower-level occupations. Mission. "

"Alright, then pass by now? Should it be easier to dive in the evening?"


Because Balxus is located on the northeastern border of the French Empire, it is even less than a few miles from the Doyason River, which is surrounded by water on both sides. In addition, across the river is the dense forest of Warcraft, which can be said to be a major town in the border. And the existence of a relay station for adventurers is still very promising.

Therefore, when the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps decided to expand, the most important Thundercloud Academy preferred the relatively safer western forest of Balksus, and the “Thunderstorm” branch resident, which existed as a training ground for the Corps, ended up. Choose the more convenient south of Balxus.

As a result, Balk Suston, which was originally quite crowded due to the rapid expansion of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps, was a lot easier. Of course, even if it was so prosperous, it was still several times more than before, and this is what Zhang Yang saw. scene.

What surprised Zhang Yang more was that after he followed Ophelia straight through the city and headed west, Zhang Yang, who had already prepared to cross the city wall according to his memory, found that a new city had been built on the west wall. door! Not only that, the level of excitement of this person seems to be more prosperous than the ‘main entrance’ to the south.

Seeing here, Ophelia could n’t help but sigh. According to the previous practice of the French Empire, the Devil Martial Academy was only open to the children of the nobles. Therefore, there are basically only two methods for ordinary poor people to become professionals: either join the army to learn the army If you are lucky, you will be free to choose whether to go home or stay in the army until the end of service.

Either they can only choose to join the mercenary group and start from the bottom to do it bit by bit. Only after they have saved enough money and the contribution of the mercenary group will they be granted the qualification to learn the grudge. And this is also the fundamental reason why the rights of the French Empire have been concentrated in the hands of the nobility for so many years. After all, in this world where the strongest is respected, power is everything.

So at the beginning, Ophelia thought that when one day he had sufficient rights, he must learn the country of mercenaries like Ladovia to establish a school that ordinary people can enter only with talents, not nobles or even power. Class exclusives.

However, when she finally got into the Silver Pegasus Legion, she had been committed to accommodating the orphans of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps, but she did it first. Up to now, this is not only the home of orphans, but also a dream place for gifted and capable civilian children!

So even if the Thundercloud Academy was just established, even if the location here is a bit remote, but just for the sake of ‘qualified to be admitted’, it instantly attracted the eyes of almost half of the French Empire!

In addition, Wright, who is the head of the team, is well known for his strength because he helped Ophelia complete the trial. It has become the signature of the Thunder Cloud Academy. At the same time, Anna, Jason, Ryan, Diver, and Millier, among others, graduated from the “Big Talents” of La Dover College, and made people have enough confidence in the teaching ability of Thunder Cloud College.

So now that the Civil War has broken out, the people who bring their children from all over the country to take the exam and escape the war are also endless day and night. This is why Ophelia can't help but lament whether he is a little bit out of date.

Fortunately, all this is now Ophelia has seen it. Someone has done what she wants to do. She should be happy, why bother to be jealous? What's more, no matter whether she really has the will in this respect, it is indeed an indisputable fact that she became a queen and joined the battle for the throne of the French Empire.

So if you think about it from the perspective of the overall situation, doesn't the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps do anything for her now? Of course, the prerequisite is that Ophelia can become the ultimate winner of this civil war, otherwise everything is meaningless.

So Ophelia was somewhat absent-minded, so he let his body instinctively fly along with Wright in front of him, and it didn't take long before he came from the bush along the newly-built road not far from Balxus. The location of Leiyun College, about eight miles away.

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