Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1633: Looking for entrance

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Zhang Yang did not deny Ophelia ’s claim, but in fact it is not completely accurate. After all, the reason why Zhang Yang let these soul guards return to Balxus, lurking near the Thunder and Light Mercenary Corps, the most important The reason is still not sure how to place them.

After all, do n’t forget that even though these 'Soul Guardians' created by Zhang Yang are different from ordinary undead spirits, it is impossible to deny that they need to occupy other people's bodies to resurrect and have no body temperature and breathing. The only difference from the real undead spirits is that the soul guards have an extremely weak heartbeat, and the heart is their only weakness except for the head.

So no matter what kind of consideration, Zhang Yang does not want these 'unknown temperament' soul guards to be completely out of his control, nor do they want them to be discovered by the French who are hostile to undead.

It ’s okay now, no matter what happened before, or even how these soul guards contacted Neil Jelena and gained her trust, but now that they can appear in Thunderbolt under the name of “Lightning Seal” The mercenary regiment is stationed and can selectively contact some of them, so even if Zhang Yang solves a problem.

So in the face of the apparently jealous Ophelia, Zhang Yang had to explain a little:

"There are also reasons for this, but it is more because their physique is very special, so it is only suitable for action in the dark in comparison. If it is found, it will be very troublesome."

"It seems to be the case. After all, I haven't felt any breath from them from the beginning to the end, not even the slightest air fluctuations caused by the breath. What's more important is that they also have nothing unique to the undead. Undead energy, this is really surprising! "

Zhang Yang reminded Ophelia that he suddenly found that these people were not simple, but Zhang Yang was concerned about Ophelia's ability to feel the breath of living creatures.

"I heard you just said that you can feel the breath of living creatures? If so, your progress in perception is really surprising."

"Perception? Where, if I only rely on mental strength, I can't use it in actual combat, after all, at least a little distraction can't maintain that kind of insight into the surrounding state. So in order to enhance my detection and early warning capabilities, I will I have worked **** the use of grudge, so the truth is that I resonate with my wind element in the surrounding air, so that I can perceive the slight changes in the surrounding environment within a certain range. How? This trick can also Right? "

After listening to Ophelia ’s explanation, Zhang Yang nodded suddenly. In fact, because Zhang Yang can no longer cultivate the relationship of vindictiveness, he often subconsciously forgets between himself and ordinary professionals if no one reminds him. Great difference.

After all, with the exception of very few exceptions, the vast majority of human combatants on the Orlando continent are strengthened through the use of grudge, so the study of the use of grudge is the right way for warfighters. So Zhang Yang immediately wanted to understand this point and immediately replied:

"Great technique. If you can use it so proficiently that you can maintain that level anytime, anywhere, not only is the effect worse than perceptual detection, but in some cases it will be more advantageous than perceptual detection. So Keep going. "

"That's right ..."

Hearing that Wright would praise and encourage himself so much, Ophelia admits that she is really happy, but the problem is that this skill on the one hand takes too long to prepare, on the other hand, if you want to maintain it for a long time, not only will it continue to consume grudge, Even their own mental energy will be consumed together.

Therefore, in terms of Ophelia ’s current strength, it is okay to be prepared indoors for a while. If you want to maintain it for a long time or use it outdoors with complex environmental factors, she seems to be afraid that even if you reach the seventh order legend The level is also a bit reluctant.

(After all, this is a skill that can only be practiced and used by the super powers of the seventh-level legendary level. Therefore, it should be a joke to use it a little with my current strength. How dare you ask for so much ...)

So at this moment Ophelia was a little bit unsure what to say, did he admit that he was a bit greedy or overwhelmed? But it does not seem to be the case, after all, according to the precious notes left by the ancestors, as long as you can learn this method, then there are countless benefits to your own strength.

So thinking of this, she changed the subject decisively and said:

"Just listened to him call your master? If only the members of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps wouldn't call you that, would I? I'm curious what is your relationship?"

"Sorry Ophelia, this is not a sentence or two that can be explained clearly, and it is also related to the truth of their identity, so if you are really interested, I will tell you slowly when there is time. All right."

"Well ... That ’s still okay. I ’ve had enough headaches lately, so I do n’t want to put a burden on myself anymore. But if you add this" Lei Yin "organization hidden in the dark, you Did n’t the Thunderbolt Mercenary Group also have the “Big Four”? So really, Wright, who would have believed that these were all built in just three years if you did n’t see them with your own eyes? ”

"You don't know my situation. To be honest, I was surprised today. I can only say that I was lucky. I have met so many friends ..."

(If only relying on friends, where could it develop to the present level? Without her wholeheartedly taking care of you, I am afraid that the mercenary group will become someone else when you disappear for the first time?)

Every time I think of Neil Jelena Ophelia, I will sigh unconsciously. Although the girl is still lacking in strength at present, the ability is not under her! This, combined with an obsession with Wright, made Ophelia suddenly hesitate a little. Was it too impulsive to follow him this time?

Just thinking about it, Zhang Yang had already found the hidden entrance to the underground hidden in the center of the small building. It was only somewhat surprising to Ophelia that with her vision and insight, the room where the entrance was located was not only equipped with a large number of organs such as crossbows, nail boards and even gate knives, but even had magic traps. Breath!

Therefore, it seems to Ophelia that if he wants to break through with brute force, he is afraid that he has to lift the pile of two or thirty traps one by one! As for the hard resistance ... Look at the few large spears that were found by Wright and embedded in the wall, and the broken demon crossbow with a light green flash on the tip, it is enough for any professional below level 6 to fight hard Shocked thoughts.

So in the next minute, as Zhang Yang successively found the traps hidden in the house one by one, Ophelia felt more heavy in her heart, after all, the * fat blue in her memory Sturt's strength is not enough, but now it seems that in addition to being very talented in alchemy, it seems to be very good at setting up traps!

So that in the end looking at the various traps that densely covered the whole house, Ophelia was a little doubtful that the real profession of the Lanster was not an advanced 'organist division' among the thieves? Otherwise, how can you come up with such a lot of terrible things that even the fifth-level gold-level powerhouses have a headache!

"What now? Wright? Do you want to continue?"

"Of course, it's always time to say hello to the fellow Lanster and see if I have grown in recently."

"But so many traps ..."

"These, if I guessed right, it should be the result of teamwork, and in my opinion, the real entrance is only afraid that there is something else besides here."

"Uh, that ’s what I think. It ’s a member of a mercenary corps. It ’s normal for everyone to help set traps. But ... I understand! If there is really only one entrance here, then the people inside think Would n’t it be extremely troublesome to come out? But the question is where is the real entrance? "

Actually, it ’s not a blame for Ophelia. Anyone who sees the various traps that cover almost every corner of the house will have a feeling of not knowing what to do. But this is not difficult for Zhang Yang. After all, for him who possesses the power of the soul and feels extremely sensitive, he only releases the soul perception and sweeps through the house, and he finds the hidden "cat greasy" in it!

"Simple, the most dangerous place is sometimes the safest. So I have to admire the person who came up with this idea. Set the secret door on the wall filled with spears. Ordinary people may only pay attention to the bright side. The spear, while ignoring its true and false, will miss the secret road and the organ on this wall. So it should be here ... "

I saw Zhang Yang talking to himself and came to the wall where several rows of bayonet guns were installed, and then he did not hesitate to reach out and hold the pointed cone of the lower right row of bayonet guns. Spearhead!

So at this moment, Ophelia was surprised!

As Wright's hand pressed slightly, the tip of the gun bent with a click, and the wall that had been tightly closed was separated to the left and right, so that a downstairs enough for the three people to show up was finally exposed.

"Gosh, Wright, how did you find this secret organization? It's incredible!"

"It's no big deal, although this wall has also been carefully disguised, but because of the use of multiple switches, the tip of the bayonet that exists as an organ seems to wear more seriously. As for the other gunpoints used for camouflage, is it obvious that this one has no dust? "

"Well, where is this for granted! Your observation is too meticulous and comprehensive!"

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