Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1636: Confessions of the weak

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Sometimes Zhang Yang has to admire the courage of Lanster and dare to dress like this and feel good about himself. This is not something anyone can do. Of course, this dressed Leinster was so desperate, that Ophelia was too hard to laugh, and now she even squatted on the back steps to make her laugh. Zhang Yang squeezed a lot of sweat for her, fearing that she might laugh about internal injuries.

However, this situation caused Lanster to misunderstand. In his opinion, his speech should be effective. No, the guy in the magic circle who is still "hard" does not say it for the time being, and the other one also covers his face. Those who can't see clearly, at this moment, they have been scared to stand unsteadily, and they are already shaking on the steps.

Therefore, it feels like "Lengster with a face" is "a hundred-foot rod head further" holding a huge fake chest and twisting the buttocks, so Shi Shiran walked before everyone, laughing akimboly:

"Oh ha ha ha ha! Do you know that you are afraid? Tell you that it ’s best to surrender yourself and tie up yourself while the uncle is in a good mood. Otherwise, if I get angry later, believe it or not. You are scumming! Say! Who sent you! "

"Yes! Hurry up and tell who sent you! Otherwise, Master Lanster will get angry!"

"That's it! Dare to come to our alchemist's professional intentions, see you are really bold!"

"Don't talk nonsense with them, just use your provocative skills" Thousands of Missiles "to kill them!"

"Vote, surrender! No, otherwise, you will be killed, you!"

"Do you want us to do it together? Quickly recruit from the real!"

"Don't be stubborn, otherwise the companions in the magic circle will die!"


Perhaps it was because Zhang Yang and the two of them had never returned to refute the relationship. At this moment, the members of the Alchemist who had just knelt down all around Lanster's voice just fell down. Leaning behind Lanster in a general help.

Seeing this, Zhang Yang felt that he couldn't bear it anymore, and at the same time he finally understood that although it was enough to recruit some apprentices in terms of Lanster's ability and knowledge, but he was willing to come to his alchemy profession. He has the same odor, of course, this does not rule out the existence of talented people, but in terms of character, it is almost all a raccoon dog, otherwise at this moment there are no bottom line, no rhythm, plus shameless three no farce, where is the average person Can he play with him so calmly?

To understand this point, Zhang Yang felt that the farce should be over, but some questions should be asked clearly, so it is difficult for Zhang Yang's voice to remain calm at this moment:

"Are you the Alchemist Lanster of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps?"

Seeing Zhang Yang finally speak under their "deterrence", Lanster's momentum suddenly rose again, and then his hands were stuck in the waist and a false chest was lifted. He wished to lift his nostrils up to the sky and answered generally:

"Bold! Uncle Ben's name is what you, the faceless rats, just call it casually? Besides, now Uncle Ben is an alchemist professional at Leiyun College! Now that you are in Uncle Ben's hands, you still don't give me a rule, yes Really looking for death? "

It ’s said that if Lanster did n’t wear this “mortal outfit” but instead he wore his mage robe in the past, then although the figure was too “round”, it should still have some momentum, but now it ’s okay, that arrogant look The combination of such a rustic scumbag and the huge pair of fake breasts, the combination of 'laughing' is so fatal that Ophelia, who has already sat down and laughed to the point that he can't, can't stand it. 'Twitch' on the ground.

(Uh ... Ophelia, is she okay? It's really impossible for her to go up slowly? So it seems that fortunately wearing a cloak that can hide the appearance of the breath, otherwise her noble image will be completely destroyed here ... )

If Zhang Yang was still angry at the beginning, then he felt a little numb at the moment, so after looking at Ophelia with some worry and turning around, he continued to ask:

"So you invented‘ hybrid granite ’?”

"Hum! That's right, it's Uncle Ben! Sure enough, as expected, I know that you are all here for my epoch-making major invention! But I tell you I ..."

If Zhang Yang's understanding of him now allows this guy to continue to blow, I'm afraid that Ophelia will really be 'unsustainable', so before Lanster finished speaking, Zhang Yang directly interrupted:

"But as far as I know, Lanster of the Lightning Mercenary Corps should be a man, but you look ..."

"Gah, this ... well ... Actually, you have no vision! Right! That's it! There are always some geniuses that are extraordinary, otherwise how can we make a major invention that ordinary people can't do? So just say You are all mere mortal wisdom, and you cannot understand the ideas and actions of geniuses at all! "

"... If this is the price to become a genius, it would be better to be an ordinary person."

"Huh? What are you whispering there ?! If you want to ask for love, speak louder! Hahaha!"

Maybe it was really stimulated by Lanster, Zhang Yang even unconsciously spoke out his heart. Fortunately, his voice is relatively low, so apart from Ophelia's ability to hear, everyone else in the basement can't hear clearly ...

After arranging the almost chaotic thoughts in his mind, he calmed down the mood of wanting to beat the other goods, Zhang Yang finally said:

"Your so-called new type of magical building material" hybrid granite "is nothing new. Although the practicality is not bad, it is more than Pompeii's purely relying on the technology of magical construction cities. So I am to you There is no interest in this invention. "

"Oh? I kept saying that I was not interested, but I tried hard to come to Uncle Ben and wanted to divert our attention to lie to us? No way! Since I have fallen into Uncle Ben's hands, I am honest and pleading, Otherwise, carefully, I will explode the 'Thousands of Missiles' too late to regret you! "

"Oh, I'm just curious to see who the young alchemist who invented the" hybrid granite "is. It's a pity that I'm really disappointed after seeing it now. So goodbye, if you focus on dressing up and playing These low-level tricks and getting a little achievement are complacent, so your future achievements will probably be like this. "

Zhang Yang's remarks were so polite that he not only broke the extremely funny atmosphere in an instant, but also made Lanster's face change suddenly after hearing it, and even blushed for a moment. However, the expected scolding did not appear, but Lanster squinted for a long while, then he breathed out and laughed.

"Hey, hey, it's really an accident. I didn't expect to meet someone who is not interested in the recipe but has been interested in me since I started the" hybrid granite ". That's right, I was originally such a high success There is no one who has no temperament, but Grandpa Ben has n’t stepped through you all the strong guys step by step, and finally fell into my hands? So it does n’t make sense to talk to Grandpa Ben, it ’s because you think you are pretending to be pretending. With a few words of truth, Uncle Ben would be grateful for the regret and then let you go out? Dreaming! Uncle Ben is not that stupid! "

Lance has always felt like a kind little fat man except for lack of discipline, no lower limit, no skin and no face, but it may be really stimulated by Zhang Yang now. A little cold light appeared in his eyes, so that the original funny appearance now looked a little bit terrible.

Zhang Yang was somewhat surprised by this, but when he saw Lanster who did not answer, he smiled and continued:

"I despise the strength of this uncle? It doesn't matter, although I know that I can't compare with the talented and talented person like the leader, even the beauty like the deputy leader. But only two years, it has been countless People who say that I have no hope in this life, have n’t I barely stepped into the threshold of professional training to the level of the third-level black iron now? So the strength can be gradually improved, but the mind and the life are the most important!"

Speaking of this, Lanster actually straightened his waist plate with great pride, and then pointed his own head with his chubby meat finger, proudly said:

"As long as you live, there is still opportunity and time. Let's just say nothing else. Since the establishment of this Thundercloud Academy, there are not one hundred and eighty strong men caught and killed by my mind! The strength of these people planted in my hand, which one is not stronger than me? But in the end? It is indeed me to stand here alive, even now even a strong man like you has fallen into the trap of Uncle Ben, you still Anything to say? "

Hearing this, even Ophelia, who had laughed a little straight up, stood up. As Lanster said, the rank of strength may not determine everything. Wisdom and strategy are also to defeat strong enemies and survive. Important reliance. But the problem is that many times when the strength is high to a certain extent, most strategies can be ignored, so after listening to this, Zhang Yang nodded first, then shook his head again:

"That's right, don't forget that the world has been respected by the strong from the beginning to the present, so when the strength exceeds the strategy, those strategies will be meaningless. So continue to be strong, now you are still too weak Now, in this increasingly chaotic era, if you are separated from the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps, it is difficult for you to survive with your little cleverness. "

After saying this, Zhang Yang did not use the ability to increase the strength of [Thunderbolt Enhancement], but slowly retreated to the center of the magic circle under his feet, and then waved the Jing Jing sword in his hand to portray directly on the ground. Seeing that there is a slight contempt in the eyes of Lanster and others, after all, it is not impossible to destroy the magic array that has been stimulated internally by physical means, but the conditions are so harsh that it is almost impossible to succeed. Instead, the error will completely and instantly stimulate the effect of the entire magic circle. At that time, once the magic power * is triggered in the protective cover, the chances of the people inside want to survive are minimal!

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