Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1646: Anna's choice

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Since the decision to establish Leiyun College and act as the principal himself, Anna has been prepared to meet various challenges. Whether it is the construction of the college, the management of personnel, the arrangement of courses, or the procurement and distribution of various resources, Anna almost has to worry about everything.

To be honest, none of these things is easy, but because of this, Anna, who is very busy all day, feels better. After all, she is too busy to be distracted and tired to sleep on the pillow, so that she can forget her heart. Miss.

So since hosting things at Leiyun Academy, Anna naturally feels much better in mental state, but the only constant is that the smile on her face has become less and less with the passage of time.

But even so Anna felt worth it, although it was inseparable from the help of her friends, but she was able to open up such a big scene from scratch, and she could build a college at Nuo University. This sense of accomplishment made her feel that she was not No use, she can help the man ...

However, today's situation makes Anna, who has faced many challenges in recent times, feel the helplessness for the first time. After all, the perfect layout is so pale and weak in front of absolute strength. The strong man is respected, this is the unchanging law on the Orlando continent. Therefore, after the mysterious man in the enchantment showed much more strength than all the people present, Anna, who had been quietly observing the other party before, tried to suppress the shock. Then speak as calmly as possible:

"I'm Anna, the principal of Leiyun College. I don't know what you call it. What is the matter with us at Leiyun College?"

In fact, as a leader, even if the heart is already terrified at the critical time, it can never be expressed on the surface, otherwise it will be difficult to convince the public, even the original hope of victory will be greatly reduced. After all, the so-called "general is the guts of soldiers" absolutely makes sense.

However, what puzzled Anna and the other magicians present was that the mysterious person in the enchantment did not answer after seeing Anna opening, but slowly turned around and looked at Anna quietly, but this was the Anna became more and more unable to guess the other party's intention. Of course, after all, many super-powerful people will more or less do some things that ordinary people can't understand. Besides, in case someone has been injured, or is there any indescribable inconvenience to speak?

If a misunderstanding occurs because of this type of reason, so as to provoke it, then no matter what the result will be, it will be somewhat outweighed. After all, once the other party really has the strength to break this magical enchantment, then I am afraid that the presence of these ‘top beams’ of the Thundercloud Academy ’s magic majors will not be enough for everyone to cut together.

So even if the other party didn't answer, she just turned around and looked through the hazy shadow under the hood, and Anna felt a little relieved. After all, the Lightning Mercenary Corps has never forged a strong hatred with any forces, so the possibility of this person coming to seek revenge can be almost directly ruled out.

In this way, there are only schemes or requests that may be more reliable, so in this case, as long as the other party is not irritated and can communicate in language normally, then Anna feels that there is nothing to talk about.

What ’s more, Leiyun College is not all the “soft persimmons” that everyone kneads. Although Anna is also curious why she has n’t seen Garfield ’s shadow since her warning signal has passed so long. As long as people stabilize in the future, she believes that the normally unreliable fat white cat will definitely come ...

So Anna who figured out this section first smiled slightly, and then said gently and politely:

"Although I don't know why this adult came to my Leiyun College, only from now on did the adult spare my student Corio and just stun him without killing him. The little woman dared to guess that you are here There should be no malice, but is there something I need to do the same? "

The so-called people who don't make faces smile, this is still the case between ordinary mercenaries and adventurers, not to mention those high-end strong men with heads and faces. Therefore, Anna's handling is quite beautiful, not only does it not mention the reason why the other party is infiltrating, but even trapping it with magic enchantment, and even the fire magician who first attacked it. And skipped.

Therefore, as long as the other party is not the unscrupulous desperate, then Anna's purpose of stabilizing it can be considered.

It ’s just that Anna did n’t guess. The reason why Zhang Yang did n’t answer was because he was hesitant to show his identity. Another reason was that after he saw Anna, she saw her desolation hidden under the able, so Instead of knowing what to say.

Fortunately, Zhang Yangben is a person who is good at adapting to changes, so since Anna has already ‘built a ladder’ for him, then he will ‘climb down the rod’. So as Anna's voice just fell, Zhang Yang, still wearing a hood, nodded in agreement.

Seeing all the magicians here including Anna subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. In terms of their most third- and fourth-order strengths, they usually feel stressed when they meet a fifth-level gold-level strongman. The last time the "Magic Tower Invasion Event" who knew but bumped into big luck met a superpower who was "suspected of a seventh-order legendary level"!

For the magicians present who realized that they might fight with them, the psychological pressure was not as good as killing them with a knife! So once they decided not to fight now, it was as if they had taken a life and were happy.

However, the men can relax Anna, but it is not possible. After all, her words and deeds are directly related to everyone's fate before Garfield arrives, not to mention that it is now difficult to create such a situation, in case what she said next Wrongly angered the other party, then it was abandoned.

So after careful thinking, Anna asked softly:

"Will this adult come here to find someone, or do I need something? Speaking of which our Leiyun Academy was built soon, but the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps is still somewhat energetic in northern France. The Pegasus Legion is good, so if there is a place that can help, we can discuss it. "

In fact, after saying this, Anna regretted it a bit. It was okay not to mention the Silver Pegasus Legion. Now, after mentioning it, she secretly spoiled herself. After all, the French Empire is now divided. If the opponent is not coming to Thundercloud Academy or even the Thunder and Lightning Mercenary Corps, but to the Thunder and Lightning Mercenary Corps and the Silver Pegasus Corps, or the Queen of the Moxim Kingdom, Ofel The relationship between Asia? If that's the case, she wouldn't be good even if she said the flowers.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang first thought of a way, so she only heard him deliberately suppress his voice and said:

"It's not impossible to know my identity, but you have to let these unrelated people leave first."

However, the young magicians around Zhang Yang just stopped talking. Although they were obviously very scared, they still tried to hold their chests anxiously.

"No, Master Principal! It's too dangerous for you to face him alone!"

"Don't believe his words, Master Principal, what should he do if he plots against you!"

"That's right, Master Principal. Anyway, he is trapped in a magical enchantment now. Isn't it good? Let's retreat first? Wait till ... the Honorary Vice Principal comes to clean up him!"

"Yes! Right! You see that he hasn't done anything until now. Maybe he won't be able to come out, let's consider it long!"

From here, Zhang Yang can see that these magicians love Anna very much, except that ‘Linzi grows any bird’, which naturally sings contradictions. And this guy is no one else, it is the fire magician who just attacked Yang Yang and then used [enhanced fireball] to attack.

"What do you know! How could the super powerhouse who can reflect back the" enhanced fireball "I released get trapped by this level of enchantment! So I think it is useless even if we stay here, it is better to listen to this If you are an adult, please step back first so that you can let the principal and the adult have a good chat? "

Most of the young magicians around this fire magician glared at him when they opened their mouths, but the "Great Enemy Current" scrupulously considered his strength, so he didn't refute it. In fact, after listening to what the fire magician said, Anna also did n’t feel like it. On weekdays, this person relied on the higher strength, and it did n’t matter to others, but at least she was respected by her headmaster, but Now it seems that this is not the case at all. In the face of danger, she can leave her and choose to run away, which means that his own safety is the first in his heart, and there is no sense of belonging to this Leiyun Academy.

The problem is that even if it is sad, Anna has to admit that this guy is also true. After all, Anna has a much higher vision than the third- and fourth-order magicians around, so how strong is the mysterious man in the enchantment. Instead, she is the one who knows best.

So after a little silence, Anna finally summoned the courage to order:

"I believe this adult shouldn't misbehave my little girl, so everyone is back on the sixth floor, and it is absolutely forbidden to come down without the order of the principal, you know?"

Anna's face suddenly changed at the moment when the magicians around her opened, sad, excited, and of course relieved. However, some of these smart people soon heard another meaning from this remark, that is, the term "principal" in "the order of the principal is not allowed to come down casually" is very problematic!

You should know that if you just ordered everyone not to come down, Anna could say, "No, I do n’t want to go down." But now she uses the term "principal", it is vaguely pointed out that if other "principal" comes, The meaning of down! As for the identities of other ‘principals’, it ’s easier to understand. After all, the turquoise magic lamp, which represents the magic of the wind system, as much as seven floors outside the magic tower, is definitely not a fool!

So no matter who heard the meaning of this layer, or someone with other thoughts, after Anna issued the order, they all left the fifth layer. So that after about a minute, with the door between the fifth and sixth floors being closed with a bang, the fifth floor of the magic tower illuminated by the purple glow of the magic enchantment was only left Zhang Yang and Anna!

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