Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1668: Tears of happiness

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For Neil Jielina, everything that happened today seems to be a dream, it is not like it is true. After all, if it is said that being stared at and then somewhat psychologically prepared before such a thing as the attack of the World of Warcraft forest ambush, Zhang Yang's appearance is a complete surprise to her.

And even more coincidentally, for Neil Jielina, Zhang Yang did not come back early or late, but she rushed back when she was in danger. Is this destiny arrangement?

So even now the body has reached its limit, Nier Jielina still tries to stand up, and then stretches out the left hand that originally held the young tiger, it seems to want to confirm whether Zhang Yang is the hallucination she produced.

So seeing the moment when Niel Jielin was covered with scars, she still came to him with tears and a smile on her face. Zhang Yang finally put her hanging heart back into her belly, and at the same time, her chest felt like she was being hurt. Blocked the general, so that he has always been tough, actually feel a little breathless.

So this moment is obviously very exciting, but Zhang Yang is still trying to control his emotions, learning the way Nier Jielina looks like, and extending her hand, she smiled and nodded and said softly:

"Yes, I'm back. I'm sorry, zero, it made you suffer."

Perhaps it is because of the complex mood and too excited relationship. At this moment, Zhang Yang said this sentence a little bit intermittently, but this sounds like the gospel of heaven in the ears of Neil Jielina, so that it was mixed with the original surprise. The joyful face was completely transformed into deep ecstasy, and the tears were rushing out like a river breaking through the dike!

In fact, whether this kind of voice and the way of talking buried in the bottom of Neil Jelina's heart forever, or the nickname for her in a special period, let Neil Jelina finally confirm that everything in front of her is not a dream or an enemy. The illusion, but her "adult" really came back!

So until this time Neil Jielina let go of her right hand, and then let the "fang" dagger that had been tightly pressed against her heart fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yang finally let go of his heart. After all, with his keen vision and observation ability, he naturally discovered the greasiness in Neil Jielina ’s right hand, which is why he had to restrain his emotions at first. the reason. After all, if she was approached in a hurry from the beginning, it would be troublesome if she was irritated by Neelina who was very nervous.

So until he saw the familiar dagger fall to the ground, Zhang Yang rushed forward and put Neil Jielina in his arms, and said softly:

"Okay, everything has passed, should I be happy when I come back? So don't cry, it's safe."

However, after saying this, Zhang Yang didn't wait for the other party's response. Until he carefully lifted Neil Jielina from his arms, Zhang Yang discovered that this little Nizi suddenly fell into a coma after throwing him in his arms. .

Seeing here, Zhang Yang's heart suddenly filled with endless pity. For a young girl, Neil Jielina was really hard enough, not only to support the Nuo Da thunder and lightning mercenary group, but also never fell down in cultivation. . And in terms of her current strength of Tier 4 silver intermediate, she was able to deal with the attacker who was more powerful than her, and when she was more than three leaks, even if it was the same strength, even if it was Zhang Yang, it might not be better than her. better.

Therefore, it is normal for Nier Jielina, who has been exhausted for a long time, to feel relieved after she suddenly felt relieved. So at this moment, she looked at Niel Jielina who was unaware of the personnel in her arms. Zhang Yang, who was deeply sorry in her heart, was I sighed, so I wasn't going to toss about changing places. I chose a clean place in this rather spacious tiger's cave, holding Neil Jielina in one hand and taking things out of the ring of space. Tent.

It has to be said that since Zhang Yang had the space ring, it was too convenient to bring some daily necessities with him. Therefore, in addition to tents, sleeping bags, cooking utensils and the like, various medical bandages for healing are also readily available. In addition, the large amount of clean water that has always been available is even more useful at this time. This suddenly let Zhang Yang Qingxing get such a space item.

Speaking of Neil Jielina, there was no particularly serious injury, but because of the relationship between the attacker and the number of demon wolves, even the fragmentary wounds on the left and right together cannot be underestimated. After all, if you are injured, you will bleed, and with the continuous loss of blood, a little bit of accumulation will be replaced by no one.

And Zhang Yang also found that at the moment, besides the outermost piece of hood cloak that had become dilapidated, Neil Jielina was wearing the dark red boar leather armor. Zhang Yang was very impressed with this thing, but he never imagined that he still wears it with his current strength.

You have to know that the red-eyed boar is almost the lowest level of Warcraft, so the leather armor made of the materials on its body can defend against ordinary swords, but it is not enough to attack the upper-level professionals and Warcraft. So it ’s not bad for junior professionals like Tier 1 and Tier 2, but it can be worn on Niall Jielina, who is now a Tier 4 silver intermediate strongman, and it ’s not much different from ordinary clothes. What worked.

Not only that, Zhang Yang also found that Nier Jielina's boar leather armor has obviously been repaired many times. Not only did it add many large and small armor pieces, but the dense stitches added a part for it. After years of vicissitudes.

When I saw Zhang Yang's heart, I felt a little puzzled. Even if Neil Jielina likes this set of leather armor any more, change some better materials to find someone to make a new one according to the style, why do you have to wear this one?

However, while Zhang Yang thought and gently wiped off the dust and blood stains on Niel Jielina's face with a wet towel, Niel Jielina, who was about a coma for about a dozen points, leaked a few times and then turned wake up.

"I ... am I dreaming? Adult ... you are really back."

Perhaps it was Neil Jielina ’s weak appearance that made her more affectionate. This moment reminded Zhang Yang of the morning when she rescued her a few years ago when she was a guest at the Silver Pegasus Corps in Moxie Wood City. The same kind of tenderness and love, but the only difference from that time is that the emotion in her eyes was so deep after Neil Jielina was awake at this moment that she was so deep and even so dull, such as Zhang Yang, Can clearly feel the unabashed affection of the other party clearly.

So after traveling a lot in many places and seeing too many joys and sorrows in the past few years, Zhang Yang was finally no longer confused and hesitant, so he reached out and gently touched Niel Jielina ’s cheek, and then Seriously nodded and said:

"You didn't dream, I really came back. You have worked hard all these years, Xiaona, it's really good that you are fine."

"grown ups……"

Many times happiness comes so suddenly that even though Niel Jielin always believes that her "adult" will surely get rid of all difficulties and return to this "home" he built with one hand, she never thought about this time. Reunite the other party will show her a completely different kind of intimacy!

After all, the other party used to call her name most of the time. Although occasionally when she was alone, she would habitually call her by the name "zero" that she used to call her, but like this, she was called "Xia Na" ... Is it the first time?

(Adult, he ... why did you suddenly call me Xiaona? And this kind of touch ... he, unexpectedly, adult ?!)

Feeling the faint body temperature from the cheeks and the reassuringly heavy feeling, Neil Jielina suddenly found that her vision was blurred? So it seemed that he was afraid that the scene in front of him would disappear. Niel Jielin endured the pain and tried to lift her left hand to wipe away the tears in his eyes, and finally murmured silently:

"Adult ... Adult ... Adult ... I, I miss you ... so good, really good! You finally come back safely, back to my side! Me, I really ... really I'm so happy oooo ... I miss you so much! Ooo ... "

Even if I had always expected that in my heart, I always felt that there was no hope in terms of my identity and strength. Nier Jielina felt that she only had to do her utmost to manage the Thunderbolt mercenary group and defend this foundation for him. It is enough to keep this 'home' well, after all, she is just a maid of an adult! At most, it can only be regarded as an unsuccessful student.

Therefore, Niel Jielina, who knows Ophelia's feelings for Zhang Yang, feels that she has no chance in this silent competition, or that she is destined to fail from the beginning. So if she had any hope for this, she was afraid that she would be even more lost in the end?

However, at the moment, looking at the dark and deep eyes in front of him, looking at the gentle light that had never been seen before, Neil Jielina suddenly felt like she was hit by a huge happiness falling from the sky, so that the whole The heart is filled at this moment, and it seems that even the pain on the body can't feel it.

(But why? Why do my tears continue to flow? Why am I still so happy and so contented but still crying? I want to let adults see their smiling faces! Really ... how is this? Now ... Is this the tears of happiness? I could n’t let go of my heart, and I was always looking forward to this day!)

Looking at Niel Jielina, who was smiling brightly and tears in front of her eyes, Zhang Yang also felt as if something had melted in her heart. It was a relaxed and transparent feeling, like it was taken off. The shackles of the old days pushed the windows open to let the sunlight shine into the house.

So at this moment Zhang Yang understood that only then did he completely cast off the heavy yoke of the memory of the previous life, whether it was soul or thought, since then truly integrated into this world!

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