Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1684: Terna problem

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Niel Jielina was obviously agitated at the moment, so that her face became pale. Zhang Yang had expected this for a long time, but although Niel Jielin's words seemed to dissuade, in fact, the worries in the sentence were beyond words, so after listening, Zhang Yang smiled slightly and then spoke :

"Do n’t worry, Xiao Na, how dangerous the problem is about the Terna people, and how serious the consequences will be once discovered, I know it in my heart. But just like I said before, the so-called Now that the chaos in the Orlando continent has arrived, whether it is a division within the human kingdom or a threat from the undead in the north, even the death desert known as the 'life restricted area' at the junction of the human kingdom and the orc kingdom of Campas There is also the evil Ahn'Qiraj invading from the outer plane, so if you count the Devil Devil who has been waiting for the opportunity to occupy the entire continent, now there are a few more undead in such a chaotic situation. Actually, it ’s no big deal. "

"Sir, you're right to say that, but even if no one is bothering you, how are you going to deal with them? Is it possible that you will take advantage of the chaotic timing of the mainland to occupy a place to build your own kingdom? But in this case, you Even if they are temporarily given a place to hold, but when the situation on the mainland returns to stability, I am afraid that people will turn the spear on you, and then trouble will be found. And ... I am worried about these differences. Once the race of the world has truly recovered and developed, if it gives you a second heart, wouldn't it ... "

To tell the truth, Zhang Yang did n’t think that Niel Jielin thought he wanted to build a country. For him, who had always been accustomed to it, he did n’t have much management to build a Thunderbolt mercenary regiment. "Hand-to-hand dispensers" are left to develop on their own, so if you let him build a country ... it's just a joke.

As for the second question raised by Neil Jelina, Zhang Yang actually understood what she meant, that is, they worried that these Terna people would be anti-guests, and if they wanted to get rid of his control and occupy the entire continent, then he could Become a sinner for the entire Orlando continent.

Moreover, most ordinary people can't live for decades, even if they reach the level 7 legendary level, they can extend their lifespan to hundreds of years, but they will eventually die. So even when the Zhang Yang was alive, even the Terna people would not have any objections, but what if he died? Can the original agreement and oath continue?

Besides, my family knows their own affairs, and it is unknown whether Zhang Yang can have offspring in terms of his current constitution. So once he is gone, who should he give this burden to?

So after Neil Jielina finished speaking, Zhang Yang thought for a long time, and then shook his head:

"I really haven't thought about such a thing as building a kingdom of half-dead spirits, and do you think that people like me will always encounter all kinds of accidents, will it be the king's material? In fact, how to place them I have n’t found any suitable solution to the problem, but I ca n’t do it if I leave it alone, so I ’ll let them act as guards in the dark in your arrangement first. It would be best to find a place that is sufficient to place them without any threat to the Orlando world. "

After hearing his words, Neil Jielina sighed first, and then replied a little helplessly:

"I knew that your temperament will never sit idly by. I do n’t care what path you choose, I will stand by you and support you! And although you ’re always out of office, look at the Thunderbolt. The development of the Corps can tell you what your ability is as a leader. Moreover, in my opinion, being a king does not necessarily have to go to anything *, as long as you can become a banner-like existence, gather the hearts of the subordinates, and then you can do it. It ’s okay to know how to make good use of it, so I think if it ’s an adult, it should be a good king! "

(You ... Xiaona, are you in favor of my founding or against it? And I really have n’t thought about letting the Terna soul guardian build a country. Besides, the Terna people want to be the soul guardian in the Orlando world. For activities, it is necessary to occupy a body as a carrier, so if you want to resurrect all the souls of the Terna in the world of Tandani, then do n’t you have to kill millions of people? Get enough body? I can't do this without thinking.)

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang couldn't help but sigh, and then he told Neil Jelina all about the Terna people and how to become a soul guard. So after listening, Neil Jielina suddenly closed her mouth in amazement, and at the same time had a little more sympathy for this race.

So after a brief silence, Neil Jielina hesitated and said:

"Adult, can you summon the leaders of the Terna people? To be honest, I'm really a bit curious about what they look like, and I have some questions to ask."

"Of course it's okay. I remember that they gave me a special amethyst ring, which can be used to communicate with the soul of the Terna people living in the world of Tandani, and can also summon it. It ’s just that I included it in the space ring for safety reasons, so ... that ’s it. ”

During the speech, Zhang Yang had already taken a crystal clear, extremely gorgeous amethyst ring from the space ring and put it on the index finger of his right hand, so a scene that surprised Neil Jielina appeared. It just looked very beautiful. The amethyst ring was completely invisible after being put on Zhang Yang's finger.

At the same time, as Zhang Yang reached out his right hand wearing the invisible amethyst ring and mobilized the power of the soul to send a message, after a faint purple light flashed, the three translucent figures all flicked from the ring together. After rushing out, they immediately appeared in front of Zhang Yang and Neil Jielina.

"My Lord!"

"My Lord!"

"the host!"

Although Neil Jielina had seen with several Terran soul guards such as Seladan, Fili, etc. before, but that is how they combined with the human body to become a soul guard, so at this moment when Neil Jie When Lina saw the original image of the three Terna people condensed purely by the power of her soul, the surprise in her heart was really beyond words.

Speaking of the appearance of the facial features, there is not much difference between the Terna and humans, but relatively speaking, the Terna men are taller and more sturdy, and there are no beards on the cheeks, but there are two jaws. Slender tentacles. However, compared to the male Terna, the Terna woman who appeared in front of Neil Jielina at this moment is a bit terrible. The figure is extremely exquisite and graceful, not to mention, the appearance is also delicate to the point of almost flawless, Even Niel Jielin, who is also a beautiful woman, will feel a sense of self-confidence after she looks at it.

However, what Niel Jielina did not know is that even though the women of the Terna are generally a little beautiful, they rarely reach the level of the present one. After all, as the three existing leaders of the Terna The only woman, Ojira, is outstanding in terms of appearance and strength, so it is not surprising at first that she is shocked.

In fact, in addition to the appearance, the movements of these three Terna people are also one of the reasons that surprised Neil Jelina. Although the culture between the races is different, how does this kind of kneel bow down to salute, how? Seeing is not ordinary meeting etiquette. Moreover, as the soul bodies of the Terna people who have lost their bodies, the communication methods they can use today are the most intuitive language of the soul, so it is completely understandable to them what they say.

Of course, this kind of scene is somewhat used to Zhang Yang, so when he simply raised his hand to signal the other person to get up, Zhang Yang also used the power of the soul to use the language of the soul and said:

"I called you out this time because I have a question and I want to ask you. In the previous words, because I encountered some danger and it was not safe to wear an amethyst ring, I did n’t call you for a long time. Oh, yes, let me introduce you , Her name is Neil Jielina, is the deputy head of the mercenary regiment I created, and is also my lover. "

In fact, just after Zhang Yang introduced it, Neil Jielina's complexion started to turn red. Fortunately, she has been in charge of the Thunder and Light Mercenary Corps for more than two years, so she has some experience on how to deal with nature in such important occasions. So in front of him, when the soul was all on her knees to salute her, Neil Jielina Quickly holding back the shyness and joy that lingered in his heart, he replied with the mercenary's etiquette and said:

"Hello, although a little presumptuous, I still want to meet several people and ask a few questions at the same time, don't you know that? That ... adult, can I understand them by saying this?"

In terms of the strength of Nier Jielina ’s current Tier 4 silver intermediate, it is naturally impossible to advance the spiritual power to the power of the soul, so although she can understand the meaning expressed by the other party, she still cannot use this power based on the power of the soul. 3. Ability to communicate directly without regard to race.

Fortunately, Neil Jelina does n’t have to worry at all. As the existing leaders of the Terna people, whether it is Magcha, Andurei or the only female Ojira, they are all truly superpowers, even Nowadays, because of the loss of the body, the relationship strength of the remaining soul is suddenly reduced, but the use of the power of the soul is much higher than that of Zhang Yang, so although a little more troublesome, but understand what Neil Jielina means completely fine.

So after Zhang Yang nodded, Ogila, the only woman among the three leaders of Terna, got up and immediately reverently replied in the language of the soul:

"It's an honor to meet you, ma'am. As a remnant of the world of Tandani, the Terna vowed to remain loyal to their masters only to obtain the possibility of continuation of ethnicity. For this reason, I am willing to go to the chase, so ma'am what do you have? The direct command is that I must answer all questions! "

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