Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1691: Suspicious team

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If a person's feelings are suppressed for too long, then when they are really released, most of them will be out of control. The same holds true for what I hold in my heart. If I can't speak for a long time, then after a long time, it is likely to evolve into a "heart disease" and then become a heavy burden, which may even affect a person's spirit and personality.

So when Neil Jielina said all her words in her heart, not only did she feel instantly relaxed, but also the hearts of the two people seemed to be closer because of this exchange, so that they were hugging each other After speaking for a long time, when they walked to Balxus again, they could naturally hold hands and walk side by side instead of feeling shy and hesitant as before.

But for this kind of quiet change, Zhang Yang felt that warm, faint but sincere joy gradually permeated his chest, making people extremely comfortable and relaxed.

But when Zhang Yang and Neil Jielina had just arrived outside the city of Balxus, they could barely see the city wall through the shadows of trees, but a few red and white tents built on the forest floor It was the first step in the eyes of the two. At the same time, a smoky cooking smoke indicates that it is time for lunch unconsciously, but the problem is that it is clearly outside the city of Balxus. Judging from the number and scale of tents in this camp, the number of people should be Not many, then is it better to choose to go to the city to find a hotel or tavern to rest, why do you suffer from this crime in the woods outside the city?

As I thought about it, from the forest not far from Zhang Yang's side, two warriors suddenly flashed in chain mail armor, covered with a thick gray-white blouse and holding a long sword. More importantly, the blouse they wore was printed with a bright red eye-catching cross-shaped pattern, which is very similar to those worn by Zhang Yang's memory of the combatants belonging to the Light Temple, except for the pattern on the chest. The original golden sun did not match the mark.

(Who are they? Are they also members of the Light Temple? But the pattern on the blouse and the color of the tent, do n’t ...)

Because he has left the dangerous Warcraft Forest at this moment and is about to return to the relationship of Balxus City, Zhang Yang and Neil Jielina did not deliberately hide their tracks, but it seemed that ordinary couples generally walked hand in hand. Moreover, although Zhang Yang had already detected these people's presence through the perception of divergence, he did not think much about it, thinking it was just an ordinary mercenary team.

So Mo said that the two warriors wearing chain mail all have strengths above Tier 3 black iron level, even ordinary people who are a little serious are enough to notice the proximity of the two. It was only at this time that they jumped out and apparently were bad, and then they saw one of the young soldiers wearing shiny helmets stepping forward and asked with vigilance loudly in the first two steps:

"Stop! What are you doing? Why close to our camp !?"

Hearing this, Zhang Yang frowned slightly, because he and Neil Jielina came out from the forest of Warcraft far away from the road. In order to facilitate the near and undisturbed, they chose to advance through the forest, so they now encounter this camp. It was pure coincidence, and there was nothing intentionally close to it at all.

Moreover, it is normal for travellers going out or camping and resting mercenaries to meet each other to greet each other, and even two groups of strangers join together around the fire to have a drink and lively. Even if occasionally encountering a lonely guy or a group performing special tasks, they will nod and say hello. Where can such a grass and tree be like a soldier, as if the nobleman's indifferent guard at the door of the nobility generally catches people and asks?

Therefore, Zhang Yang will not be too polite in the face of this kind of person, but also will not shout and kill because of the words, so Zhang Yang just replied in his usual plain tone:

"It's just mercenaries passing by, bye."

Yubi led Neil Jielina to move forward to move forward, obviously did not mean to stay too much. But the problem was that the other party didn't seem to think so, so they saw that they were not far away in front of Zhang Yang and raised their long swords and hummed at them:

"Obviously there is a big road, but you have to run here to drill the woods, and how can such a big place break into our camp? Is it all a coincidence !? Huh! The goddess of light is on, I look at your It doesn't look like a good person. Besides, the short man standing next to him has been hidden behind his cloak, and his appearance of hiding his head and tail is not intentional so he dare not meet people? Take off the hood for me! "

Originally, in terms of Zhang Yang's temperament, it was the kind of person who didn't offend me and I didn't offend, and if it was only for his poor export, it was just because Zhang Yang was in a good mood at the moment, so basically he was too lazy to care about them. However, I didn't expect this guy to die. He turned his spear to Niel Jielina who hadn't made a sound beside Zhang Yang, and even made the extremely unreasonable request of 'open the hood to check', which made Zhang Yang His face sank suddenly, and his eyes became cold.

What's more, Zhang Yang only heard it clearly. This person habitually shouted the words "Goddess of Light is on", which ordinary people would never say. Isn't it that they are called people who are called "God of Light"? What? The problem is that the location of Balxus City is remote. Even if it is the mercenary who rushed to the Adventure of Warcraft Forest, it usually only goes to the large city of Moxim, which is tens of miles away, as a transit, and does not come here.

Therefore, for many years, Balxus has not found any traces of the activity of the 'Temple of Light', so now these people suddenly come, for what purpose?

(Did it come to Angela? Or is it just a coincidence?)

Thinking of here, Zhang Yang was not ready to leave easily. Their appearance not only concerns Angela ’s safety, but also an opportunity to increase their understanding of the ‘Temple of Light’. After all, if the gossip is true, a thousand years after the disappearance of the ancient gods, it suddenly seems suspicious that a ‘goddess of light’ suddenly appeared.

In fact, because Neil Jielina has always been wearing the lurker's cloak, it is not only that most of the Warcraft along the way can hardly perceive her presence before seeing her with her own eyes, even the two weird in front of her The warrior also could n’t understand the depth of the man under the cloak because she could n’t perceive her breath, but also because of her petite figure, the two long swords hanging around the waist of Neil Jielina were still across the cloak. The outline is clearly visible, which is one of the reasons why they have to let them take off their hoods.

As for Zhang Yang, the situation is almost the same. He could have relied on the control of his body to completely conquer his power and breath, so even if there is no bonus of the "lurker" cloak, it is now given to him under his intentional control. I feel that it is slightly stronger than the average person, which is equivalent to about first-order combatants.

And if they breathe their breath with all their strength, even if Zhang Yang stands behind the two of them, they will not feel any strangeness. So in this case, the two soldiers wearing cross hoodies naturally miscalculated the strengths of Zhang Yang and Neil Jielina. In addition, they had strong confidence in the strength of their own team, so they acted boldly.

However, as Zhang Yang's eyes changed, the two third-tier fighters wearing cross hoodies suddenly realized that this tall man, who did not carry any weapons and was insignificant in their opinion, although there was no change or behavior on the surface , But suddenly it made them feel extremely dangerous out of thin air!

So the two vigilant ‘blood cross’ fighters who were already vigilant not only thoroughly prepared to fight, but even one of them yelled, apparently calling on their companions or asking for help. From these reactions, Zhang Yang can see that although these two young "Blood Cross" fighters may not necessarily have much experience, the training on weekdays is in place.

At the moment, Niel Jielina, who has been standing quietly beside Zhang Yang, suddenly turned her head slightly to look at Zhang Yang's side, although Zhang Yang still stared at the two 'Blood Crosses' Warrior, but he is extremely keenly aware as if he has opened his eyes on his side, knowing Niel Jielina's movements well.

It ’s just that because Neil Jielina has been wearing a lurker ’s cloak and wearing a hood, Zhang Yang ca n’t see her expression at the moment, but to the extent of their familiarity and understanding, Neil Zhang Yang understood the meaning that Jie Lina wanted to express.

Therefore, Zhang Yang shook her head and rejected the proposal she wanted to shoot, and at the same time said lightly:

"I can do it without you, after all. After all ... I'm curious what they are."

Although Zhang Yang's tone of speech was flat at the moment, his voice was not too low, so not only could Neil Jielina beside him hear it, but even the two 'Blood Cross' fighters on the opposite side also heard clearly! Because of this, these two "Blood Cross" fighters suddenly became irresistible, so that even the dangerous hunch that the faint sense felt was suddenly thrown behind the head. At this moment, I just wanted to put this big suspicious character in front of me. It would be light to kill him after being knocked to the ground. It would be better to hand them over to the brothers of the "Reference Office" for interrogation!

Thinking of the two Blood Cross warriors here, they immediately stimulated their internal arrogance to the extreme, so that their hands were originally polished on the bright and sharp sword, and they immediately lit up the white and dazzling radiance of arrogance. It is both sacred and powerful, and even if you face the unwilling, you will also make the other person unconsciously feel ashamed. This is the magic of the grudge of the light system!

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