Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1722: Cautious question and answer

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Normally, even the timid and cowardly person will resist a little after being captured, and will only be weakened by fear when they are forced to confess, so at this moment the soul of this temple knight is so cooperative at the beginning , This is obviously a bit unreasonable!

After all, people who can become combatants are generally tough-hearted people. It is not a commonplace to bleed and hurt, but there are definitely a lot of them. Therefore, the tolerance and psychological tolerance are relatively stronger than the caster. Moreover, as a temple knight who has a firm belief, he should not be afraid of death, but he should be a tough guy among the tough guys. In theory, even if the torture of the tortured soul is used all over, this kind of person may not choose to succumb. Questions must be answered, is there any fraud?

However, the problem is that the language of the soul is not the same as the language of various ethnic groups. The words can have different meanings, or the language can be used for fraud. As a means of communication that can be understood by intelligent races in a world of known planes, although the threshold for communication using the language of soul is higher, there is never any misunderstanding. As long as the words are spoken in the language of the soul, then the other party will surely understand the meaning you want to express without any deviation.

So in most cases, as long as you are deceived, the other party will feel it when you use the language of the soul to communicate. After all, it is essentially abandoning all complex things such as tone, expression, grammar, etc., which is equivalent to the heart. The most authentic way to communicate directly with the heart.

So in this case, Zhang Yang even had doubts but still had to believe that the other party was really cooperating, so after a little hesitation, he continued to ask in the language of the soul:

"Number four? Is this your code name? So what was your original name? Where is your home?"

If the soul of the temple knight wants to resist, he will never answer Zhang Yang ’s question as simply as he can today, so that Zhang Yang just asked the question, and the soul of the temple knight answered:

"I am the most loyal guardian of the Temple of Light. I was born to be the warrior of the great Goddess of Light. The fourth is my name, and the Temple of Light is my home."

Zhang Yang, who got this answer, immediately frowned. The content of the exchange of Soul Words will definitely not be misunderstood or misunderstood, and there will be no lies. Therefore, the other party's remarks are quite interesting. You know that Zhang Yang knew that the other party was human before, not like the dark knight Gaddafi was born like this.

Well, since it is a person, it is impossible to jump out of the stone. There must be a family of parents and a name of their own, instead of the cold number ‘four’, which is a random number at a glance. Therefore, the only thing Zhang Yang can think of is that these temple knights should have been stomped on the soul by the so-called 'Goddess of Light' before they were completely transformed. The memory has also been greatly revised, in addition to leaving the memory of the professional, and even instilled the consciousness and memory of absolute loyalty to the "Goddess of Light" and the "Temple of Light"!

If this is the case, the strength of the "Goddess of Light" who can do this will have to be reassessed. After all, for the vast majority of powerful people, the field related to the soul is still full of various mysteries, and because of its nature and its special nature, ordinary means cannot interfere with it.

Therefore, as long as the existence of the soul can be manipulated, the minimum strength must be above the seventh-level legendary level, otherwise, at most, it is the same as what Miley did, extracting the soul from the body with magical power, and then Torture and torture are the end.

Thinking of these already-minded Zhang Yang, he continued to ask in the language of the soul:

"So do you remember where the specific location of the Temple of Light is? What kind of existence does that Highness Lady of Light have?"

Now that it has been discovered that these temple knights were fooled when their souls and memories were modified, Zhang Yang simply avoided the process of slow rhetoric, and directly asked the core questions that had plagued him. But the soul of the temple knight fluctuated violently, and then reluctantly replied:

"The holy place where the goddess of light lives resides in the temple, which is the place with the most abundant light elements in the whole temple. As for the temple of light ... the temple of light ... the temple of the goddess ... under ... she ... uh ... "

However, just as the soul of the temple knight was about to describe who the light goddess was and what he looked like, his soul, which was still quite stable, was only a little weakened by the forced use of the language of the soul. It was suddenly violently twisted and twisted, and it looked like it was suffering some severe pain!

Millai obviously felt extremely surprised about this situation that suddenly occurred in the magic circle. After all, even if his strength could not sense the communication between Zhang Yang and the temple knight in the language of the soul, but years of experience in selling goods made He could easily guess one or two from the subtle changes in the expression on Zhang Yang's face.

But the problem is that I just "talked" well, why at this moment this "Temple Knight Spirit" suddenly went crazy, not only looking at it, it was clear that he was extremely painful, even the originally stable soul appeared to be about to collapse sign!

To tell the truth, Millai suddenly became a little bit at a loss, because it was the first time to arrange the relationship of the [soul extraction] magic circle. In the face of this situation, he thought he had something wrong. So anxious and afraid of messing up, Miley suddenly looked like a drowning man who wanted to grab the life-saving straw. He turned to the dark knight Gaddafi and shouted anxiously:

"Master Gaddafi, what should I do now! I don't know why the soul in the magic circle turned out to be ..."

However, as soon as he opened his mouth, the dark knight Gaddafi directly interrupted:

"You don't need to say anything. This is not your problem. Now you just have to keep the magic circle running. You just have to watch the rest, and no matter what happens in the magic circle, it has nothing to do with you!"

"Ming, understand Lord Gaddafi! I know what to do."

For the loyalty of the Dark Knight, even the intelligent life on the Orlando continent is quite admirable, and even somewhat jealous. After all, as long as you sign a contract with it, you can get the other party's absolute loyalty. Anyone who wants this kind of good thing will want it.

So for Millais, since Gaddafi said to let him maintain the magic circle, don't worry about the rest, then he just needs to listen. After all, in his view, the dark knight Gaddafi would never do anything harmful to Zhang Yang.

So soon after Miley refocused his attention on the magic circle in his hand, the soul of the temple knight who had released a slight white light unexpectedly stopped after a moment of twisting and struggling. Then, under the gaze of Millais and others, it completely burst into a flare, and disappeared in a blink of an eye, so that even a piece of soul did not remain in the enchantment!

This situation clearly exceeded Millai's perception. On the contrary, the dark knight Gaddafi saw the scene and the helmet twisted slightly, as if guessing something.

But at this moment, Zhang Yang, who has not spoken from the beginning to the present, exhaled suddenly, and then whispered with exclamation:

"It's really cruel enough to set up such a self-destructive contract in the souls of the subordinates in order to keep secrets. Isn't her identity so afraid of others knowing?"

"Master, did you find any important clues?"

As the soul of the Temple Knight suddenly collapsed, [Soul Extraction] The light element that had been circulating on the wreckage of the Temple Knight ’s armor in the magic circle suddenly resembled a candle in the wind, and after a few flashes, it was completely extinguished. So that the color of the metal of the armor itself was completely restored, not to mention, even the original smooth texture on the fragments of the armor disappeared, and the image is to completely lose the sense of life.

Zhang Yangcai replied after seeing the scene:

"It should be considered. Unfortunately, the most important information so far has not been obtained. It can only be said that I have some understanding of the characteristics of this" Temple Knight Trial "."

"Master, what do you mean?"

"Yes, this" Knight of the Temple "should be the newly researched semi-finished product of the so-called" Goddess of Light "hidden in the Sanctuary of Light. Although the combat power is considerable, in my opinion, on the one hand, the production cost is higher and the time is short. It is difficult to popularize inside, on the other hand, the interference and processing of the soul are not perfect. Although the memory about the combat of the professional is effectively preserved, it is not enough to eliminate the feelings and memories belonging to human beings, so that Make these 'Temple Knights' fools without any self-consciousness. "

At this point, Zhang Yang paused a little, but then said to Millai:

"You should remember what happened today, so after all things are done, you sort out what I said and write it down to Neil Jelena and Anna and Charlotte. Do you know?"

"Yes, Lord Lord!"

"According to Fang Cai that the souls of the knights of the various temples confessed, this 'shrine of light' was indeed hidden in the shrine of light in the capital of Franks, but the specific location of its headquarters and the true face of the goddess of the light were strictly kept secret, not only There is a prohibition on the souls under his hands. Once he wants to say something, it will lead to the self-destruction of his soul as before! So according to a little information I just got, I guess that the so-called 'Goddess of Light' will definitely stay in Franks. Somewhere in the Temple of Light, and her identity is absolutely special, so that as long as you are accidentally known by outsiders, you may suffer the destruction! "

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