Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1743: Make a fuss

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In fact, do n’t look at this underwater underpass. It ’s dark and unremarkable, but when Zhang Yangyou went in, he found that, except for a dozen meters at the entrance, he deliberately disguised it looked very rough, as if it were a real natural karst cave. But it is getting smoother and smoother, and it looks artificially carved at first glance.

So here, Zhang Yang can be sure that he can guess his own right, and what surprised him again is that this underwater underpass is not straight, not only the entrance is opened obliquely from bottom to top, to swim inwards After a few tens of meters, it turned down again, and even more than a dozen turning points appeared.

Zhang Yang has estimated that he has swam about 200 meters since he entered the underwater underpass, but even then he still did not see the entrance of the underground fortress, but came to a spherical space with a diameter of more than ten meters. What surprised Zhang Yang more was that in this spherical space, in addition to the entrance when Zhang Yang came, there were eight other identical holes evenly distributed!

This is clearly a maze for foreign invaders!

You should know that this spherical space is still immersed in water, so for most professionals, although it should not be a problem to hold the breath three or five minutes under the water, if you get lost in this kind of channel, then you want it. It is also difficult to find an exit after quitting, so the only result that might await them is drowning.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang can breathe underwater, so he does n’t have to worry about drowning. However, according to his knowledge of Assam, this handsome and vaguely vampire is not as simple as it looks on the surface. Although his character is not particularly bad, but he is disgusting. Absolutely.

And from the perspective of this underwater underpass full of roads, Zhang Yang really doesn't believe that Assam's guy has no pitfalls. Therefore, after carefully observing a circle and still not finding anyone left and right, Zhang Yang, who faced the nine deep waterways, could only choose one and swam past.

Of course, Zhang Yang does not think that his luck is so good that he can accidentally meet the correct one by picking an entrance. After all, he knows better than anyone in his own heart. In terms of his "magic" luck, he wants to choose it once. The odds are definitely less than the chance of the demon suddenly giving up invading Orlando.

So he was so careful when swimming inside that Zhang Yang knew that he had indeed chosen a dead end when he found those inconspicuous wires hidden in the dark water on the way.

In fact, although Zhang Yang was a bit curious about what would happen once he touched these wires, he didn't have any intention of "trying to practice the method". Moreover, Zhang Yang was not the type with strong curiosity, so when he realized that this waterway was a dead end, he retreated decisively, and then re-selected another waterway to swim in ...

However, in the face of this 'nine choose one' situation, Zhang Yang's luck was suddenly fully interpreted. Not only were the five waterways selected later all fake and dead, he even encountered a fake door on the seventh time. !

At first, he thought he had finally found it right, but Zhang Yang's insight far beyond ordinary people found that the door in front of him was too new no matter where he looked, and he never seemed to have opened it. This is obviously not right for the situation where soul guards come and go every day.

So after a few observations, Zhang Yang concluded that this should be a 'fake door'. Even if any intruder had chosen this waterway once with luck, then they thought they had found the real entrance with good luck. Once they rushed up Touching the door directly and waiting for them may be some kind of trap carefully prepared by Assam's guy.

So after remembering the location of this waterway, Zhang Yang retreated. In fact, if it weren't for his sense of space, orientation, and distance, he would be fainted by the ball-shaped "labyrinth entrance". , So that after a few times, not only will it confuse which water channel has been in, but even the entrance of the channel when it comes will be unclear.

And this is also one of the reasons why all ten passage openings in the spherical space are evenly distributed. The purpose of coming to Assam is to let the invaders get lost and eventually drown here after wasting a lot of precious underwater time.

But for Zhang Yang and most of the super powerhouses with soul power, it is almost normal to remember when you are focused, so this arrangement is mainly for professionals below the sixth-level Zijin level. As for the power of those traps in the fake passages after triggering, what kind of threats can they pose to the professional level, Zhang Yang feels that it is better to wait for him to enter the underground fortress and find Assam in person. It is better to try it in person. no.

Fortunately, when choosing the seventh waterway, Zhang Yang finally found the real entrance.

It is also amazing to say that, unlike the trap door at the end of the fake waterway, this real entrance is actually decorated like an obscure dead road. Not only are there no traps along the way, even the gate to the underground fortress Not at the end of the waterway, but near the end, a stone door disguised almost indistinguishable from the passage!

Not to mention those careless intruders, even Zhang Yang failed to find at a glance that if he had been spreading the power of his soul outside his body to increase his perception and use it as a probe, he would probably miss it.

However, unlike the elaborately arranged traps, this real underground fortress gate not only does not have any trap mechanism, it does not even need a key or the like when it is opened. Just pushing **** the side, the stone door with the shaft in the middle was turned over, and after Zhang Yang entered, it returned to its original state.

So far, Zhang Yang has estimated that, with his level of luck, from the bottom of the Doason River into the water channel to the present, it has actually spent more than ten minutes! And this is still because he is more careful and well versed in water, and does not trigger any traps carelessly, otherwise it is impossible to say a dozen or twenty leaks, and it is impossible to find this real entrance when delaying half a leak!

In this way, unless it is those guys who have specially prepared underwater breathing equipment, as long as they enter the spherical space in the rear of the waterway, the mortality rate will be as high as 80%! Therefore, even the well-informed Zhang Yang has to admire Assam, this guy has so many ideas and is quite practical. It is really a talent ...

In fact, after finding the real underground fortress entrance, Zhang Yang surfaced about 20 meters upstream and surfaced, and then came to a real fortress gate.

This is a long space with a height of more than seven meters and a surrounding area of ​​more than two hundred square meters. Except that the water channel when Zhang Yang came to occupy a small area, the rest of the ground is repaired very flat, together with not far away The gate at the location adds up to the illusion that an underground tomb was found.

After all, to Zhang Yang ’s surprise, the gate of the fortress was very beautiful from the outside. Although the height was only about five meters, the material was completely made of some alloy. Not only that, but also a lot of magic patterns were carved on this gate. Even the cave walls connected to the gate are engraved with magical runes of all sizes, so that at a glance they are not only gorgeous, but even the apparently artificially polished stone walls around them are all shiny like metal.

If Zhang Yang expected it to be good, it should have been the result of magical strengthening. After all, if there is only a solid gate but the surrounding stone walls are not strong enough, then for the intruder, it is entirely impossible to match this alloy that looks difficult to handle. The door is tough, is it easier to dig a hole directly in the rock next to it?

So as a defensive side, Assam ’s design has no problem at all, and Zhang Yang ’s knowledge of magic today also found that among the magical runes engraved on the alloy gate in front of it, there seems to be other than for reinforcement. Partially similar to the setting of the messaging magic array?

Therefore, holding a try, Zhang Yang stepped forward and raised his hand and knocked **** this gate three times, so in terms of Zhang Yang ’s power, although it was impossible to do nothing to cause this heavy alloy gate to be empty, but The loud knocking sound was still passed to the inside, so that a few moments later, a few transparent crystals inlaid above the door flashed slightly, followed by an alloy magic door that seemed to be integrated with the surrounding rock wall. Open quietly from it!

"Ah! Great master! Welcome back! If you say your master is really strong, I know that a small space teleportation magic will not trap you! And you can still arrive here without alarming any traps along the way. My master, Assam! How is it? Is this underground fortress designed and built by me a great one? Know me but ... "

As the alloy magic door opened, the two figures hurried out of the fortress, and all knelt before Zhang Yang. However, the people here haven't arrived yet, and Assam's excited and exaggerated voice first came out, so that the sixth-order soul guard Masac who came out with him unexpectedly pulled a little distance away from him. , Obviously want to draw a line with him.

Seeing this, Zhang Yang guessed what Assam had troubled Masac on weekdays. On the strength of Masac, who is currently the strongest in the soul guard, it is the sixth-order purple gold level of Zhenger's eight classics. Theory It should have been justified by Assam. However, the problem is that the soul of the Terna, who is now fused with Masac, is strong, but he is an outright warrior!

Therefore, no matter whether it is to build an underground fortress, or to do anything else, it is absolutely no match for Assam, who has a stomach. Moreover, even Zhang Yang had to admit that this guy's nonsense is too much. Mozac, the taciturn soul guard, must be annoyed by him even if he is replaced by someone else.

So before Assam finished speaking, Zhang Yang directly interrupted:

"Okay, you ’ve done a good job this time, and I ’m very satisfied with what I ’ve seen so far. But now the situation has become more tense, so I want to first look at the 'materials' I ordered you to prepare and wait for the treatment After finishing this matter, carefully visit this underground fortress! "

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