Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1766: Post-war reflection and Kraft's reasoning

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"Do you think that the undead creatures who fought you before have self-awareness?"

"Self-awareness? Are you asking if they have wisdom?"

The sentence that Kraft suddenly asked suddenly confuses Essien. After all, the other party will not only ambush, but even know how to use tactics such as 'sounding east and westing' and 'surrounding aid'. These are not enough to prove them. Do you have wisdom?

However, seeing that Essien didn't seem to understand what he meant, Head Kraft shook his head slightly and explained:

"I mean" self-awareness "is not the kind of" wisdom "that can understand the command in the usual sense, but it can think and make the judgment that belongs to the individual, um ... or use independent and able to think by yourself. It ’s more appropriate. So have you discovered anything in this regard after fighting them personally? "

(Does this differ from the wisdom statement? Does that seem to be similar? So ...)

Although I still don't quite understand the meaning of the head of the legion, Aixin replied somewhat uncertainly after recalling the passage of the previous battle:

"From the point of view of the commander, the undead spirits attacked this time are far smarter than the low-level undead creatures they have encountered before. Not only will they use a certain degree of tactics, but their combat skills and strength should not be underestimated. In my opinion, even if they don't have the kind of 'self-awareness' that adults say, but at least no one is in charge of fighting them. "

Speaking of this, Essien paused and walked a few steps in the hall, and then organized the language to continue:

"Actually, I was a little surprised and puzzled before. For example, the first five sickle skulls that were" photographed "by the fireballs thrown on the fortress, let's call it first. Although their appearance looks almost It ’s all the same. There is not much difference in speed and strength between individuals, but there is a huge difference in combat effectiveness. "

Hearing that Essien said that the captain of the army, Kraft, could not help but raise an eyebrow, and then urged:

"Yes! That's the aspect, you can say as much detail as possible."

"Yes! As you can see, when we first launched the charge, the five sickle-clawed skeletons didn't seem to know our depth. We might think that our strength was the same as the wolf cavalry scouts attacked by them, so they didn't shy away at all. The ground kicked back towards us. And for us who have already used the speed of the magic wolf to exert the power in the normal state to the extreme, even if they have the strength equivalent to the fourth-order silver elementary level, they are still axed. Good things. However, I and my men clearly found our goals in pairs, but there are still two sickle claw skeletons evading the past at a critical time, so that this time the charge only hit three sickle claw skeletons so that it lost its big Part of the combat effectiveness. From this point of view, because it is unclear where the weaknesses and key points of these undead spirits are, it is difficult to achieve a one-hit kill. "

After hearing this, Captain Kraft looked thoughtful, unconsciously twisting his beard and saying:

"Do you mean that even the same kind of undead will have different strengths and different responses to attacks?"

"Yes, my lord! I can be sure in this respect, not to mention that the strength between them is almost the same, but there is a huge gap between the reaction speed and combat skills. How can it be described? It seems that it is a trained recruit and the same The gap between the veterans of the ranks is probably like this. Otherwise, it is also the fourth-level primary sickle-claw skeleton, and the time to kill the latter two will not cost more than the previous three. "

"Is it a gap in experience? If it is as I expected, there should be some more obvious differences."

It seems that the answer given by Essien is somewhat different from the conjecture in his heart. At the moment, Commander Kraft is not as simple as twisting his beard. It is more appropriate to say that it is to pluck the beard? Aisin, who saw this scene, was somewhat anxious about the beard of the head leader. After all, according to his current "stroke" method, I am afraid that the beards will say goodbye to him soon?

As soon as this thought sprang up in his mind, Essien suddenly remembered an important thing, so he didn't care about interrupting the commander of the army commander Kraft, and directly said:

"I think there is actually a very obvious difference, that is, although the undead spirits attacked are skeletons without skin, it is impossible for us to see if they have any expressions. But I mentioned just now The two 'special' sickle-claw skulls are obviously different. Even though these guys' eyes are lit with a flame-like green light, but I see the green in the eyes of the two special sickle-claw skulls. In time, I clearly felt a clear evil, like hatred, jealousy, etc., which gave me a very evil feeling anyway! "

"Yes! That's it! Sure enough, as I expected!"


Essien is a brave man, but he is not much stronger than the ordinary snowfield madman in thinking about problems. After all, the living conditions of the Slavic *** are too bad, so that most villages have no place to teach children. The knowledge of is not stingy to anyone, as long as you want to learn and have sufficient physical fitness, you can practice at will. This is much stronger than the major forces of the **** that treat high-level fighting spirit as lifelike.

Therefore, compared to the strong "Shangwu" atmosphere of the Slavic Snow Country, the pragmatic Xueyuan people honestly lack interest in learning cultural knowledge. Over time, replacing thinking with practical actions and being able to use hands without quarreling became the motto of the Slavic Snowmen.

So looking at the head of the regiment Kraft and the surrounding shaman priests, Aixin was really confused. Fortunately, he was not alone in the hall at the moment. Most of the thousands of riders are also full of doubts. Fortunately, Kraft always likes to teach his juniors, so he finally let go of his white beard under his jaw and turned to explain seriously:

"Perhaps it seems to you that the undead spirits have" self-awareness "or" wisdom ", but I want to tell you that the difference between the two is very different! At most, you can complete some simple things according to the order, such as the war puppets you have seen, let it attack the city wall, and it will directly rush over and smash the city wall, even if it is attacked, it does not matter. Be wise. "

Speaking of where everyone's eyes are focused on themselves, Kraft paused a little before continuing:

"And the existence of self-awareness is much more flexible. Also taking war puppets as an example, after they have self-awareness, they will think about how they can achieve their goals without dying. In this way, it is also a command to attack the wall, They are likely to throw boulders, use hammers or even release magic, etc., so that they have achieved their goals and saved themselves from being destroyed. Is the difference between the two bigger? "

After listening to the explanation of the Kraft Army Commander, the "one-stripe" mad soldiers, including Essien, generally understood, so they heard someone whisper:

"Isn't that fear of death? It seems that the war puppets with self-awareness will have a lot of uncertainty in command and control, right?"

Although this person only whispered in private, for everyone in the hall who has the lowest strength of Tier 4 silver and above, this is almost the same as normal, not to mention the 6th Tier Purple Gold Intermediate of Captain Kraft himself. Super strong.

"Oh? I heard it! But what you said is true. The more profound the self-consciousness seems to mean it has a soul and an independent life. Of course, these words are all written in the book, But in my opinion, being able to have emotions and desires is the characteristic of life and the driving force for progress! Whether it is love for family, kingdom or snowfield, or greed or hatred, these are all wanted Do you want to have a stronger motivation to survive? So even if a life with self-awareness is more difficult to control than a dead thing with only wisdom, it is still more advantageous in terms of strength and growth potential. Ah. Of course, these words are what I read from the book. "



The soldiers of the Snow Wolf Corps have long been blamed for telling the truth about the fact that the head of the legion is obviously old and occasionally playing a cold humor. But even if the knowledge he read from the book makes sense, what does it have to do with the situation in front of him and these undead spirits?

However, when someone asked out the common question in the hearts of the people, the captain of the army, Kraft, said seriously:

"If these incoming undead creatures have only a certain degree of wisdom, then I will wonder if there is a powerful undead caster nearby, otherwise how to control these undead puppet battles? Not only that, if this Behind the scenes is only a powerful necromancer, then even if it has a strength close to the ninth-order holy level, it is not a fear, as long as it gathers a group of super powers, it will naturally be destroyed. Undead? After losing the control of the owner, there is no great threat except for a larger number. However, if the situation is reversed, even if there are individuals with 'self-consciousness' in the mid- and low-level undead Words ... Not only our Slavic kingdom, but also the entire nation of mankind and even the continent of Orlando will face an unprecedented catastrophe! After all, if this is the case, we are not fighting someone, but fighting a new race! "

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